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Question? (Regarding Importing Foreign Ammo)

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Dec 25, 2002
Where the west begins
I was in a gun shop today and the owner said the US Goverment stopped all arms and ammunition imports from foreign countries. He said this happened 4 days ago. They stopped 4 railroad cars full of ammo ect. in North Carolina. I don't know where to go to verify so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks
Have not heard anything to that effect. I would think that would be sent out in an NRA alert or somthing.
North Carolina is a foreign country now?

Ahh gun shop big talkers. Gotta love em. They never let facts get in the way of their drama.
gun shop guy was probably trying to scare you into buying his entire inventory
What is the purpose of stopping "4 railroad cars full of ammo ect. in North Carolina" once it has passed through the seaport customs check?
Not trying to generalize, but I find many gun shop employees to be fear mongering liars, who are no better than car sales men.

I don't even bother to argue with them when I hear a flagrently false statement. If I do, their eyes get as wide as a dear in headlights as their pea-brains start concocting another lie to validate the original one.:fire:

That's why I shop online.

What is the purpose of stopping "4 railroad cars full of ammo ect. in North Carolina" once it has passed through the seaport customs check?

Yeah. Once it clears US Customs, its here...
SsevenN said:
Not trying to generalize, but I find many gun shop employees to be fear mongering liars, who are no better than car sales men.

I don't even bother to argue with them when I hear a flagrently false statement. If I do, their eyes get as wide as a dear in headlights as their pea-brains start concocting another lie to validate the original one.

That's why I shop online.

You're 100% correct but you left out how most of them get ANGRY if you challenge them. They'll even frequently escalate it until they can find an excuse to throw you out of the store, even if you stop talking to them and try to walk away (true story from the midvale Ut Sportsmans dumbhouse).
Buy quick! I have 50 20-round boxes of 5.56 for sell. Only $68 a box if you buy all fifty. That's a deal you'll wish you took when there's no ammo to be found next week. :neener:
This one guy has an ad in my local trader and is asking $700 for a 1000 m193 bullets. Rediculous.
I was in a gun shop today and the owner said the US Goverment stopped all arms and ammunition imports from foreign countries. He said this happened 4 days ago. They stopped 4 railroad cars full of ammo ect. in North Carolina. I don't know where to go to verify so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks
Why would a sales person at gun shop put out BS like that. I have stopped buying anything at the local gun shops, there sales people are idiots and every thing of late is over priced. I recently cancelled a gun order because of a dumb clerk at a cost of 10% of the order price. I will never use the gun shop or their range again.
once it has passed through the seaport customs check?

It could have been a bonded shipment where entry would be filed at its destination.

I do think the story is bull though. Four boxcars is nothing with the volume of ammunition sold in this country.
shopping in the wrong place perhaps...?

The shops that I frequent are typically a wealth of knowledge. I tend to stay away from those who use conspiracy theory as a sales tactic. I buy from reputable dealers who sell firearms and magazines, not "guns and clips". I would look for dealers that support local law enforcement; that may be a step in the right direction.
I was in a gun shop today and the owner said the US Goverment stopped all arms and ammunition imports from foreign countries.

No, but, like a game of "rumor" at a kid's party, it is possible they took the temporary lack of imports of Wolf and other "former comm bloc" ammo due to the Russian/Ukrain/Georgia "jousting" matches recently as some sort of action on the part of the US gov.
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