Quick 1911 Questions

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Feb 9, 2010
Anyone have any experience with the Ruger SR1911, and/or the STI Spartan V? They are comparable in price, and as far as I can tell, maybe similar in quality? I've heard nothing but the best regarding STI, and Ruger's known for their sixguns, but I hear really good things about the SR1911. If I were to compare the two, what would be the salient points for or against, for you gentleman?

Also, regarding drop-in ambidextrous thumb safeties, how does one install those? Considering I'm a lefty, and both of those pistols have all the important controls on the wrong side for me. Or, hell, maybe I oughta just learn to shoot righty?
I am entirely happy with my Kimber Custom II. However, if I had to replace it tomorrow, I would give the Ruger and the Spartan a look.

No thumb safety is drop-in, it will require some fitting for correct engagement. The good ones are a bit pricey.
I have the Ruger SR1911. It's a great gun. I did however find a problem with mine. I had a portion of the Breach face that didn't get machined correctly. All and all I never would have noticed it had it not been for reloading the brass. The gun still shot great and accuracy was impressive. I used it in a weekly shoot at the local range and actually scored better with it than I did with my MarkIII 22.
For the Price It has a remarkable quality that one would expect to come with a 4 digit MSRP. If you get one just double check the breach face for a raised edge opposite the extractor.
I don't have any experience with the Spartan. Looks like you lose capacity and finish for about the same price. The two are within $100 of each other.
Huh. Somebody told me I could just pop an ambi safety on there. Do little holes need to be drilled in the slide to install the ambi safety; how does one go about putting one in?
A 1911 Thumb Safety has to be fitted to contact and prevent sear movement when engaged. If not done properly it can create a dangerous firearm. This is NOT a job that should be done unless you know what you are doing. Arrange to have it done by a competent pistolsmith.
Thanks, AZ Rebel. I assure you, I was not gonna do it by myself. Don't wanna start tinkering on my own, and turn a beautiful weapon into a frag grenade.
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