Raging Against Self Defense: A Psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality

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This is an important psychological profile of Anti-Gun mentality.

Personally, I'm pure, and have never wanted to kill anybody, not ever. However, I once experienced a ripple of human emotion, because I was defending myself in a fist-fight from a fellow who said he was going to give me a punch in the nose. Being a Saint though, enabled me to control my emotions, repress the urge to kill, and I proceeded to pound my adversary into the ground, where he really belonged. :neener::neener::neener::neener:

At least I'm not some primitive cave man or something. I watch TV. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Projection is the attitude I run into a lot. I've heard a number of people go on about how people shouldn't have or shouldn't carry guns. This is usually followed by something along the order of, "If I had a gun I'd probably shoot someone over..."
Projection is the attitude I run into a lot. I've heard a number of people go on about how people shouldn't have or shouldn't carry guns. This is usually followed by something along the order of, "If I had a gun I'd probably shoot someone over..."

Amen to that; it's the sentiment I have experienced too many times. It seems that most people that say "people shouldn't have guns, they might just shoot someone" are the same that say, "if I had a gun, nothing is stopping me from killing anyone that makes me mad."

It prompts the question, who is the last person you didn't kill, because you didn't have a gun?
ctdemolay0405, thank you for posting the link to that article!
On the other hand --

You can pretty much apply this paradigm to anyone who holds a belief -- whether it's rational or not.

Two terms of Geo. W. Bush and McCain is neck and neck with Obama . . .

See what I'm saying? -- and if you don't, read the article again.
"If I had a gun I'd probably shoot someone over..."
If I had a dime for every time I've heard that line. Usually I look at them with an incredulous expression and say "Man, you need to go in for some anger management counseling 'cause I'd NEVER do that!"
some are more veiled then others

but the anger eventually rears it's ugly head when you keep beating them with facts and logic. then the usual angry well I hope you die or you shoot yourself or something along those lines... then, I casually tell them they are right some people shouldn't have guns and that they are the examples of such people. the heads spinning and popping off of them is priceless. Usually results in a stream of expletives and taking their ball and going home. :evil:
"if I had a gun, nothing is stopping me from killing anyone that makes me mad."
That's really similar to the "if you don't believe in a god what's keeping you from killing people" line that gets thrown at atheists at times. I always tell them if that's the only thing keeping them from killing people I hope they hang on to it.

The few real antis I've run into just seem to have run into Brady "stats" and actually believe them. That combined with a lack of exposure and perhaps a lack of mechanical ability seems to be a recipe for thinking guns are magical killing machines. More often than the "guns make people violent" angle, I've run into the "you're more likely to shoot yourself or someone you know or have it taken away from you" stuff that seems to reflect a lack of self confidence.

Although, one of the weirdest reactions I've gotten about shooting was when a male acquaintance found out that my friend and I were going to the range on ladies' night and said he wouldn't want to meet women at the range because they'd all be angry women. :confused:
Loved the whole thing.

I've always felt (and have experienced) that the only way to win over some of the gun-contol crowd--and some is all you're ever going to get--is to invite them to the gun range, or to take a gun safety course that doesn't require shooting, just handling unloaded guns.

And that many anti-gun leaders KNOW they're costing lives, but they see gun-contol as increasing their power.

Dang if she didn't make both points!
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