Range Ammo

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USMC Tanker

Nov 19, 2005
Okay, so the other day I'm in my range's shop, and I see that they're selling huge bulk bags of pistol ammo. I was wondering, are they probably reloads from the brass they police up at the range? My concern, is that if they're reloads, I don't know who loaded them, and who's to know if they're safe to shoot? What do y'all think, think it's safe the shoot em? REALLY CHEAP TOO!
My concern, is that if they're reloads, I don't know who loaded them, and who's to know if they're safe to shoot?

It's like a box of chocolate, you don't really know, until you blow up your gun, or lost a hand. :D
I only use new factory ammo on my HK. Using reloads only saves a few bucks, replacing a gun that almost cost a grand is expensive, not to mention possible loss of hand :)
Range ammo is "okay", but only for blasting away, not serious accuracy. It is down-loaded, may have a lot of "filler" in the gunpowder that will shoot dirty, and you may have a few misfires.

All of the factory ammo makers have liability insurance, and most reloaders do, too. If their reloaded rounds go "KA-BOOM", you can sue! If they don't have liability insurance, you might end up owning their business!
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