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Range forces members to join the NRA

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Nov 3, 2007
I'm considering membership at a particular range. I noticed on the application form that you have to be a member of the NRA, and must submit your NRA membership number, in order to be a member at this range. It says they must do this for insurance purposes.

Does anyone know what these "insurance purposes" are?

I'm not a member of the NRA, but I'm cool with their purpose. However, it seems a little weird to be forced into political activism. Additionally, I'm not sure I'd want to submit my NRA membership number if I was a member.

I just want to go plinking, ya know.
The range I belong to charges $40 a year which goes toward paying off their insurance policy. The also ask if you are a member of the NRA or if you want to join but it is not a requirement.
One of the two indoor ranges in town is like that. Its a small private club.

In order to join, you need to be an NRA member, and you have to pay dues to the range as well.

this is often the difference between a range and a gun club.
The NRA provides subsidized liability insurance to member ranges. One of the stipulations of the coverage is that all members of the insured range must be NRA members. The dues money from the members helps defray the cost of the insurance.

This subsidized insurance enables many ranges to stay open that could not afford liability insurance otherwise. Just consider how much a gun range must pay in liability insurance premiums.

Agree or disagree with the political efforts of the NRA, but consider that they do much more to keep the tradition of shooting alive than just lobby congress and send junk mail.
Our club has both an indoor and outdoor range. We require NRA membership. Not only is it for insurance purposes, we feel if a person is serious about shooting, they should be part of the solution.
I just want to go plinking, ya know

Its only because of "political activism" by groups like the NRA you can still buy guns, ammo, and have thoughts about "just plinking".

Their range, their rules, most ranges near cities know they can only remain open because of "political activism" from the NRA and others.

If you like to shoot, you should be an NRA member, period.

Thanks guys, I'm feeling better about it. Maybe I'll let it go. Although I should add that I can easily shoot for free out on public land where I have easy access (in the summer).
So next time I want to go to the race track I have to be a member of AAA to race? Or subscribe to motor trend, or be a lifetime member of NOPI?

Their business, their choice, but not fair to people who just like to shoot and have no political interest or are politically neutral.

Why don't we start making a database of all the gun owners and start separating them by who has a NRA membership and who doesn't?
My club has NRA membership as a prerequisite. If you're not gonna be part of the solution, go shoot in your backyard until they come take your guns away.

ETA: Dookie, It IS fair to people who just like to shoot. They can "just like to shoot" at a different club or on their own property.
Yeah right, I'm an endowment lifer with the nra and frankly they haven't been all that when it comes to fighting for our rights.

at least the GOA answers a member's letter when they have a concern about the way the "club" is doing things.
I guess Ole Wayne is too busy with his pals that really spend the dough, like the Brady Bunch, to answer someone like me...
Their business, their choice, but not fair to people who just like to shoot and have no political interest or are politically neutral.

Why don't we start making a database of all the gun owners and start separating them by who has a NRA membership and who doesn't?

I'm all for that--and have been for years.

NRA members would get substantial discounts on all gun-related purchases, no waiting in line at ranges, half-price admission to gun shows, first shot at hunting leases, etc.

Hell, yeah I'm for creating a database.

For all the freeloaders out there who do nothing to help secure our RIGHTS except possibly yakking their gums, I think we SHOULD separate the cream from the crop.

I do a lot more than Yakking...

but then it seems that it is all "yakking" when you really get down to it anyway.
Unless you are talking Insurrection, which I am not.
Join the NRA

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I cannot believe or understand why gun owners are not members of the NRA, GOA, etc.
For the sake of us all, become a member of at least one pro gun org. that can make a difference. Use it or lose it.
One club I belong to requires NRA membership to join. If you have a problem with that requirement then you can go join a shooting range that doesn't require membership in the NRA.

"...forced into political activism..."? If you own a gun you are already involved in politics whether or not you recognize it.

It is unfortunate that so few gun owners are members of the NRA (or GOA or other Second Amendment organizations), if a larger percentage joined one of the Second Amendment lobbying organizations and got involved in just watching the political landscape and voting their conscience on the Second Amendment, a lot of our ridiculous gun control laws that punish law abiding gun owners would rapidly disappear.
So next time I want to go to the race track I have to be a member of AAA to race? Or subscribe to motor trend, or be a lifetime member of NOPI?

NO but if it's a NHRA or SCCA track..................

Their business, their choice, but not fair to people who just like to shoot and have no political interest or are politically neutral.

Again it's about the INSURANCE not politics. You odiously have no notion whatsoever of just how astronomically high liability insurance for a shooting range is.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I cannot believe or understand why gun owners are not members of the NRA, GOA, etc.

wait so becuase you own an object you need to be a member of a political org?

I was a life time member of the NRA, I no longer am. I could fill several threads with the reasons why I am no longer a life member.
The club I applied to last week requires NRA membership. I had held off joining NRA until recently, but I figured I'll join as many gun-rights groups I can: GOA, JPFO, VCDL, et c.
For all the freeloaders out there who do nothing to help secure our RIGHTS except possibly yakking their gums, I think we SHOULD separate the cream from the crop.

Freeloader? Excuse me? I'm not a member of the NRA, but I'm not a damn freeloader either. I'm active (like many others here are) on a local level, writing letters, calling our representatives, and showing up at hearings to fight gun control on a LOCAL level. Believe it or not, the NRA hasn't really done a whole heck of a lot for us fighting the little local fights, so we're doing it ourselves.

I'm glad that some of you think that being an NRA member gives you some sort of bragging rights, or entitles you to discounts on guns, no waiting for range time, etc - but the fact is, no matter how you fight, or who you fight with, WE ALL DESERVE THE SAME RIGHTS. Period, end of story.

We talk about the anti's being the type of elitist, stuck-up idiots who are ruining things for this country, but yet it's alright for our own community to do the same?

Hypocrites. :barf:
TAB stated: "wait so becuase you own an object you need to be a member of a political org?

I was a life time member of the NRA, I no longer am. I could fill several threads with the reasons why I am no longer a life member."

If you want to maintain owership of said objects..... then yes!
The NRA may not be perfect as I'm sure you are not either, but it's better than sitting on your behind and letting them take those "objects" away.
So your range is forcing you to join the NRA so you can be a member huh?

All I can say is "join the club"!

Yes there is a pun in there...
If you don't like the NRA, but the range is one of the few gigs in town that allows you to shoot. Get an Associate NRA Membership. It's 10 bucks a year and you get no magazine: https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp

You can also opt out of mail from them: www.nrahq.org/contact.asp

Seriously though, I can't fathom why people who hunt, shoot, or train don't belong to the NRA. Without them, we'd have given up our 2nd Amendment rights long ago.
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