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Range forces members to join the NRA

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Its only because of "political activism" by groups like the NRA you can still buy guns, ammo, and have thoughts about "just plinking".

Are we pulling these facts out of the air? The NRA is NOT the sole reason we're allowed to own "guns, ammo" or "just plinking"

For all the freeloaders out there who do nothing to help secure our RIGHTS except possibly yakking their gums, I think we SHOULD separate the cream from the crop.

So let me see if I get this, I must be a member of the NRA to not be a "freeloader?" I'm pretty sure my letters to my sen, state gov, and local gov, is just freeloading? Be real please.
What has happened to THR?:confused:

OP stated his range required NRA membership. The insurance issue was explained. But then we had to degrade into a freeforall on the NRA's policies and members vs. non-members. In 6 years we've fallen along way from the original spirit of this board. Seems like there are alot of folks who just go from thread to thread looking for a reason to be offended or a chance to beat their chest. I guess it's the nature of the beast, was just hoping this beast would behave differently.:(
I will not join the nra simply because so many people DEMAND that I do such a thing. You are calling me a freeloader because I want to exercise a couple God Given Rights. One of those being the ablility to pick and chose who I associate with. Any orginization that fosters the kind of HATE that the nra does in folks who are not members can kiss my ass for all I care.
Are we pulling these facts out of the air? The NRA is NOT the sole reason we're allowed to own "guns, ammo" or "just plinking"

Oh? What are the other reasons, do tell?

Would it be elected officials' love and deep residing respect and reverence for the Bill of Rights and especially the Second Amendment?

Or is it the media's fierce protectiveness and defense of gun-owners, hunters and those who shoot in self-defense?

Perhaps the International Association of Chiefs of Police (anyone remember Joe McNamara?) and their steadfast belief in citizens' right to keep and bear arms, as well as carry them concealed just like the police do?

Who or what else, pray tell, helps us fight and protect and advance our Second Amendment rights if it's not the NRA?

For all the freeloaders out there who do nothing to help secure our RIGHTS except possibly yakking their gums, I think we SHOULD separate the cream from the crop.
So let me see if I get this, I must be a member of the NRA to not be a "freeloader?" I'm pretty sure my letters to my sen, state gov, and local gov, is just freeloading? Be real please.

Letters are good--I write a ton of them myself. The letters I write to my pro-gun elected officials also contain a check to properly show my appreciation for their views and to help ensure that they stay elected so they can continue to have and promote the views I like.

I also send out faxes--about once a week the wife and I generate our "Don't mess with our guns" message and fax it to the White House, AG, our two Senators, our representative, governor, etc.

Communication is good--for damned sure officials need to know we're out here.

But letting officials know you're part of a multi-million member organization that is the oldest civil rights organization in America carries even MORE clout.

Letting officials know you're part of a large organization that actively promotes safety and education to children, ala Eddie Eagle, carries even more clout.

Letting officials know you're part of a large organization that promotes hunter safety and education carries more clout.

Letting officals know you're part of a huge organization that holds seminars all over the country to help teach women how "not to become a (crime) victim" carries a LOT of clout since chances are good that if you're wife is not already a member of that organization, she will at least vote like you.

Besides, most NRA members I know write letters, send faxes and e-mails and call their elected bozos anyhow.

But they also lend their name and money to an organization that does so much more in the name of the Second Amendment and the advancement of firearms in general.

I stand by my freeloader label. If it pisses some people off, I'm not losing any sleep. If the shoe fits, wear it.

Their business, their choice, but not fair to people who just like to shoot and have no political interest or are politically neutral.
I'm fairly certain the NRA proper does little-to-nothing politically. As a 501(c)3, they're forbidden to engage in lobbying and such.

The NRA-ILA is the political arm, but it's a separate entity. The NRA is an educational and sporting institution.

Such is my understanding, anyway--feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.
the NRA is not a nonprofit, they are a not for profit. there is a very big diffrence between the too.
As with anything, its ALL about money. If they can keep you scared enough, they will continue to get yours.

As if the threat to RKBA is manufactured, exaggerated, and hyped by the NRA? No one is demanding you join anything. My tag line is a plea for an action that I believe will help the cause of RKBA. The whole reason for advocacy organizations is to pool resources to do things that would be difficult or too costly to do as individuals. Sure, you can go it alone and write letters, make phone calls, donate to pro-gun candidates, etc. That's fine, and important. But, you're discounting the advantages of a powerful advocacy organization like the NRA. They have the resources and contacts to influence legislation in the formative stages. They have the resources to alert members to threats to our rights we might not even be aware of until it's too late. They have the resources to mount media campaigns when and where needed. They have the proven track record of making or breaking political careers. Yeah, all that takes money, and lots of it. That's life.

Your rant against the NRA sounds more like whining than a rational case.

I applaud any private range who expects NRA membership as a prerequisite (there's one around here I'm considering joining, if they'll have me).

Don't like the conditions, tough - bugger off elsewhere and whine.
The NRA-ILA is the political arm, but it's a separate entity. The NRA is an educational and sporting institution.

I can't believe it took the thread that long before somebody got to that. It's sorta important.

Membership in the NRA doesn't mean you're involved in the political arm of the org. That's what the NRA-ILA does and your dues don't go there. Folks have to make separate donations for them to get any funding.

Take a step back, slow your roll, and learn a little about how the org. has to manage its money. They're not shoving ever single dollar they get into Congressmen's campaign coffers. Hell, they're not sending ANY of your membership dues there.
"I will not join the nra simply because so many people DEMAND that I do such a thing."

Let me get this straight. You're living your life by reacting to stuff on an internet forum. That's sad. I suggest you think for yourself and look at the facts.

The NRA-ILA is the political arm, but it's a separate entity. The NRA is an educational and sporting institution.

Thanks for that...I learn something new everyday.

So um, what would be better for our RKBA: Pumping money into an educational and sporting institution or educating even just one fence sitter and getting them to purchase a firearm?

(BTW, I am far from anti-NRA by a long shot and will eventually get a life membership...I just don't understand how someone could call me a "freeloader" if I don't/didn't)
Don't like the conditions, tough - bugger off elsewhere and whine.

You mean like public land where I've been shooting for free for years, without any political stipulations?

I wonder, how badly do these ranges/clubs want customers?
You mean like public land where I've been shooting for free for years, without any political stipulations?

I wonder, how badly do these ranges/clubs want customers?

In some cases, not bad enough...But c'mon buddy, with the free public land that you have, it ain't like stipulations are keeping you from joining.:)
Just a on topic thread reminder that there are many places that you can't go without joining as a member.

Fitness clubs , VFW , and on and on. Going back to the OP's concern ,it has been addressed fairly well but then a lot of NRA bashing and defending took over. My last need to post in this thread is just a reminder that when an organization sponsers a project ( in this case the NRA sponsering the range by paying for part of the expenses) it is reasonable to expect that you may need to buy membership. That is not making a politcal statement as much as a reasonable support for those that support you.

As far as the NRA bashing - some might want to look at the history of the organization and remind themselves why the NRA was started in the first place, and what its roll was prior to having to defend our legal rights under the 2nd amendment. They became politicaly involved because they had to , not because they started out that way. That's all for me folks - have a civil day ! :D
So um, what would be better for our RKBA: Pumping money into an educational and sporting institution or educating even just one fence sitter and getting them to purchase a firearm?

I don't see that as a mutually exclusive choice. It's fairly simple to do both.

Check out the Brady Group's blog (http://www.bradycampaign.org/blog/ ... copy and paste, it's not a live link on purpose) and their latest efforts. They went from pushing an article out every two weeks to about 5 stories a day during the work week. The new theme is pumping up gun related deaths, heavy emphasis on kids getting their parents guns and shooting somebody on accident.

Accidental child deaths from firearms are extremely rare in this country, and I'm willing to believe that the Eddie the Eagle program might be partially responsible for this. They've been declining for years, if I recall correctly, but we still need to do everything we can to minimize them. One, to protect the children, and two to take that ammunition away from the Brady Bunch.

Don't like the NRA-ILA branch? Fine. Don't send them any money and return their surveys with "****" written on them. Whatever floats your boat.
You mean like public land where I've been shooting for free for years, without any political stipulations?

until the tree huggers shut that down over lead concerns and you're left BEGGING to join a range. Don't think it can happen? Ask the ATV crowd about recreational access to public lands.

If I were left to the whims of the government fro my shooting hobby I would be tripping over myself to join a range. I did the public land thing for awhile, there's no comparison to a real shooting range with real facilities.

OH and shortly after joining the OFGC the public land where I shot was pretty much put OFF LIMITS
"I will not join the nra simply because so many people DEMAND that I do such a thing."

Let me get this straight. You're living your life by reacting to stuff on an internet forum. That's sad. I suggest you think for yourself and look at the facts.


Keep reading, and don't put words in my mouth. I never said it was because this thread,forum or anything else on the internet. It is because anywhere I turn that has something to do with guns, folks are demanding I join an orginization that fosters HATE in anyone that doesn't belong to it.

Comments such as "if you aint with us, you're against us", " if you aint part of the solution, you're part of the problem", and my personal fav "Freeloader" only contribute to the image of unwashed redneck who doesn't want to include anyone "not from around here" in their activities.

Folks around here bitch and moan about regulations, lists, requirments from .gov, but joyfully submit to an organization that routinely elects people who throw certain legal guns under the bus. When the light is shined on said people, how often are they immediately tossed on their arses?
For all the whining some do about the NRA, I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate and accomplishing nearly as much as the NRA has, especially in recent years. I realize there are other organizations out there, but none of them have been remotely as effective as the NRA. I wish all gun owners would realize, if we stopped the in-fighting, stopped trying to figure out which group is better, and if ALL of us joined the NRA it would likely be the single largest organization in the US and we......gun owners.......might finally gain some godd@mn respect in this country from politicians. Then they might no longer try half @ssed attempts at pretending to be pro-gun, and would instead realize it would be career suicide to be anything to the contrary. Unless there are other ranges around, suck it up, join the NRA, and have fun. Join the NRA anyways. ;) I don't always agree with everything the NRA does, but the fact remains they have been the single most effective group out there fighting on our behalf.
I don't see that as a mutually exclusive choice. It's fairly simple to do both.

You are absolutely right...BUT this is THR, so I'll make an argument.:p

What if I only had $30.00 a month extra to spend, do I spend it on taking a fence sitter to the range and converting him/her or do I give it to the NRA?

Comments such as "if you aint with us, you're against us", " if you aint part of the solution, you're part of the problem", and my personal fav "Freeloader" only contribute to the image of unwashed redneck who doesn't want to include anyone "not from around here" in their activities.

Like I said before, I will eventually get a life membership to the NRA, but uh, *ahem* +1.
You may not be interested in being part of the process but the process is most certainly interested in you.
Folks around here bitch and moan about regulations, lists, requirments from .gov, but joyfully submit to an organization that routinely elects people who throw certain legal guns under the bus. When the light is shined on said people, how often are they immediately tossed on their arses?

Once again, the NRA cannot legislate. They only do what they can to change elected officials minds. In 1986, rather than everyone losing much of their 2ndA rights, the NRA pushed a compromise that only limited the manufacture of Class III weapons for civilian purchase. They didn't throw any guns "under the bus", they saved ALL our guns from registration, and probable confiscation. Full auto people can still buy full autos, and the rest of us can still go to public lands or private clubs and shoot our guns.

Here in California, we cannot buy new guns chambered for .50BMG. Not because the NRA tossed them under the bus, but because NOT ENOUGH GUN OWNERS VOICED OR SENT THEIR ANGUISH TO SACRAMENTO. Most gun owners simply said..."Where's the NRA?".

We said....where the hell are you?

The NRA has never berated anyone for not joining, but has lost many legal fights because they didn't have the membership horsepower to bear against the anti's.

Look at the AARP, millions of their members back legislature that improves SSI, insurance for the elderly, retirement needs, ADA regulations, and Sansa Belt golfing pants (ok, made that last one up). Rarely does any Congressman or Senator want to butt heads with the AARP....because they have the member horsepower to back their lobbyists. Yet, there is no Constitutional clause that says you have a right to anything after you stop receiving a paycheck.

It's not enough to know we have a 2ndA that avows a God given right to self preservation and personal liberty. It's not enough to simply go to a range to exercise that right. It's not enough to be a lone voice in the wilderness, contacting your legislatures...what Sen/Con will listen to a "gun nut"? You would cry a blue streak if your cable TV was deemed a national shame, with unnamed scholars and "scientists" declaring the programming causes crime and murder, and outlawed private transmission of shows and movies while only allowing the government to produce TV for licensed viewers.

Yes, that is a bit of fantasy....but not for gun owners. 'If I could, I would outlaw all guns; "Mr and Mrs America, turn them all in!"' Dianne Feinstein has no illusions about the 2ndA, she wants to crap on it, and you. Constitution be damned. She is far from the only one that has the ability and forum to push their anti-freedom agendas, an agenda that gives not one damn about you or yours. Do you think Charles Schumer knows or cares who you are? He DOES know the NRA, he DOES know the horsepower they bring to the halls of Congress at every anti-2ndA vote brought up....he also knows that the NRA can be divided on gun issues---real hunters don't use assault weapons, duck hunters don't need 30 round "clips", the Police are outgunned by machine gun wielding crooks that bought them from gun shows, etc....hey, it worked on a certain famous writer for Field And Stream....and it works on the less informed.

But what are they afraid of? Lobbyist horsepower, like the kind that the NRA has brought to bear on occasion (1994 elections ring any bells?). GOA is a fine organization to join, but it is without the membership batting average of the NRA. But, and it is indeed a BIG but...

...the NRA does not pass laws. The "people" we elect to bring OUR voices to Washington DC do. Because of that, the NRA must be big enough to have the loudest voice of all. Sen/Cons live and exist solely for votes for them and their ideas, so it's up to you to bring your vote to bear on the protection of your personal liberties, and the 2nd Amendment.

The NRA can be, and should be, the most feared lobby on the hill. Feared because WE will not ignore any attempt against our freedoms by those who feel they know better than us how we should live.

I'm the NRA.
What if I only had $30.00 a month extra to spend, do I spend it on taking a fence sitter to the range and converting him/her or do I give it to the NRA?

If you have $30 a month extra to spend, that's $360 a year. NRA membership for that year costs $35. So you could pay for the NRA membership and have $325 left to take your fence sitter to the range and convert him/her.

Of course I don't know the current cost of converting the kind of fence sitters you know. I'm surprised to hear that it costs $30 a month for a year to convert one. Maybe it's because I've only converted the low-cost, introductory model, bottom-of-the-line fence sitters. Not one of the fence sitters I ever tried to convert took 12 months to convert, and certainly not month after month, year after year, until the end of time. If you're talking about the cost of converting 12 fence sitters a year, that's way beyond my scope. I know lots of pro-Second Amendment people and lots of anti-Second Amendment people, but I don't know so many fence sitters who would go to the range even at my expense. Maybe I don't get around as much as I should.

There was one guy who told me he was a fence sitter and might be persuaded to become a shooter if I paid his way every month. After I thought about it for a few seconds, though, it dawned on me that he might be just another freeloader with a story that didn't even sound right.

Because NRA membership costs only $35 a year, your $360-a-year budget would pay for 10 memberships each year: one for you yourself and the rest as gift memberships for nine fence sitters. Have the NRA send all of you America's First Freedom magazine each month as part of that members and then all the fence sitters you're talking about would recognize why they need to support the NRA. And you could donate the remaining $10 to the NRA/ILA.
What if I only had $30.00 a month extra to spend, do I spend it on taking a fence sitter to the range and converting him/her or do I give it to the NRA?

Dang it Robert, why did you have to exploit my lack of knowledge for the cost of an NRA membership!!!!!!!:fire:



What if I only had $35.00 a year extra to spend, do I spend it on taking a fence sitter to the range and converting him/her or do I give it to the NRA?

What about now?:)
My apologies, BazookaJoe. It is much easier to argue when you don't know what you're talking about.

Let's go with your amended hypothetical: now you have only $35 a year to convert a fence sitter. Your way is kind of hit-or-miss. My way is a sure thing.

Yes, I can show you a guaranteed way to convert a fence sitter for only $35 a year. Click on this link and join the NRA now: https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=default.

When you have done that you will have spent your $35 this year to convert one genuine fence sitter. Guaranteed.

You will then be able to return to this thread and help convert other fence sitters at no additional cost. As a bonus--call it the Robert Hairless Special for online conversions--you get to talk about freeloaders who think they get points for doing what normal people do in addition to supporting the NRA: like write letters and make phone calls to legislators, and breathe.
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