Range Trip- To go or not?

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Ex-MA Hole

Apr 12, 2004
Concord, New Hampsha'
This is an opinion question-

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I took a husband and wife (he is a co-worker) to the range. He kept being a pain in the butt, but I kept putting him in check and he eventully shut his mouth and listened.

He wants me to take him again.

He has been busting my chops since the trip about my demeanor. I am a jokester/ prankster 99% of the time. I'm the idiot that tries to make everyone laugh. EXCEPT at the range. The range to me is a time to relax. We are handling guns. It's time to stop the joking, time to focus on what we are doing. I have explained this to him many times.

He took the Sig course last week and is now an expert (in his eyes). He has shot his Sig twice (my range trip and at the training). He is now a self proclaimed "SIG GUY". He know knows how to handle guns better than anyone, etc.

I forwarded the article about the attny who shot herself in the leg (same range that I belong to). I indicated that while she was not playing, and it was truely an accident, this is why you can't screw around, and you MUST STAY FOCUSED.

His new rhetoric is that they will have fun despite me. I'm being overly sensitive about this woman that shot herself. I need to relax, etc..

Now for the question:

At what point am I being too sensitive about MY range preferences. Where do I draw the line at him busting my chops as a guy to guy play thing, vs him not taking the whole thing seriously and putting us all in danger? I don't want to scare new shooters, but I want them to understand that it's not play time.
This guy sounds like an idiot. It will take a terrible accident to set this guy straight.

I have met and dealt with precisely the same kind of person. (Kept lowering the hammer on a loaded 1911 in my house against my wishes)

Guns can be fun but unsafe handling and horseplay invite disaster.

If this person will not take you seriously, will not heed your safety rules and continues to act like a moron while handling firearms I suggest you
stop dealing with him and proactively inform the range of his behavior.

Good luck!
There is absolutely no room for horseplay or carelessness with guns, as you know. Better to appear overly sensitive and perhaps piss off an acquaintance than to allow someone to get killed through negligence.
Doesn't sound like YOU would enjoy YOUR range time with him around. Leave Lenny & Siggy home and enjoy the range by yourself
I'm with Gump
Go to the range and enjoy yourself, let Dirty Harry get his own membership and go himself (hopefully with an empty range)
At what point am I being too sensitive about MY range preferences.

Easy question. What do YOU feel comfortable with? Its your range training and its YOUR safety. You do what YOU feel comfortable with. My comfort range, her comfort range, and his comfort range are three totally different opinions. However, if your the one hosting the range training, go with your comfort level.
Ex-MA-Hole, it sounds like you are getting your answer.

If there was someone I didn' feel comfortable at the range with, I sure wouldn't want to repeat that experience unless I was absolutely forced to......I.E. my paycheck depended on it, or he was my drill instructor.

This guy sounds like he could be a major liability. I enjoy my firearms but I also take safety deadly serious, because it IS deadly serious. If he can't be serious about firearms, I wouldn't even be at the range with him if I could help. I, personally, would be upfront and tell him that until he can take this seriously, I won't be visiting the range with him. You can't be too "sensitive" with your own safety.
If you do go shooting with him again, take yourself even more seriously. Only this time around, wear clown shoes.

I dunno what that will accomplish, but I cracked myself up thinking about it.
How was/is he a pain at the range? Making jokes or being unsafe?

If he's unsafe I certainly wouldn't go with him.

As for being "into guns" now, and a "self-proclaimed SIG guy" (and self-proclaimed expert), I think that's normal, and a good thing. Most guys who didn't get into guns until later in life want to be accepted as a peer, and want to be seen as someone who is worth talking with about guns. He went to the trouble to take a class, and he picked a fine pistol - with the right friends he could grow to be an asset to the sport.
Let him go by himself. I wouldn't put up with his idiot crap. He knows where the range is now and besides..He's a Master Class shooter now, you know.

Range Senior Officer?

He doesn't belong to the range. He'd be going with me as a guest. It's up to me if he goes or not.

How was/is he a pain at the range? Making jokes or being unsafe?

Pain? Yes.
Making Jokes? Not really.

It's more that he's a pain in the lower end of the upper torso then anything.

I'm more worried that the carefree attitude will continue to increase, in order to be macho. He's already figured out that he has gotten my goat (one of those prize people). I'm more worried that this will extend to the range.

I'm not sure where to draw the "busting my chops as a guy to guy play thing, vs him not taking the whole thing seriously" line.

I don't think he'd do anything malicious, but the male ego is funny. I guess that since I've been shooting my whole life, I have nothing to prove. He hasn't, so he does. I'm not sure if I'm being overly critical, or smart.

Y'all seem to state what I already know- why take a chance?
Seems to me that you have all of the power here. You are under no obligation to hold this guys' hand. Tell him you are not going to take him unless he is absolutely serious. If he cracks one joke in the process of you explaining this, tell him he is not welcome on your range. period.
Well honestly you took him as a guest so he could see if he liked it. Since he wants to go again then it time for you to bring him a membership application. Why should you endure the bulk of the finances for him to continually shoot as your guest. If he can invest in a high quality pistol and takes a manufactor's sponsored class he then need to pay his membership dues for a family plan.
I'd just be honest with the guy. Let him know that you are not comfortable on the range with an overnight pseudo expert.
I'd just be honest with the guy. Let him know that you are not comfortable on the range with an overnight pseudo expert.

Funny you should mention that...today he asked if we were going to the range or not. I told him no. He replied, rather condescendly, "Why, is my making fun or you hurting your little feelings?". I told him no, that I wasn't comfortable with his whole attitude about the whole situation. The look of shock and awe, to steal a cliche, was priceless:

1st, Baretta: $300 on Debit Mastercard
2nd, Baretta: $800 on Debit Mastercard
3rd, Sig: $500 on Debit Mastercard
Being told that you are a pompus ass with no REAL experience: Priceless.

I just walked away and let him stew. Funny thing. His attitude changed really quick.

Funny you should mention that...today he asked if we were going to the range or not. I told him no. He replied, rather condescendly, "Why, is my making fun or you hurting your little feelings?". I told him no, that I wasn't comfortable with his whole attitude about the whole situation. The look of shock and awe, to steal a cliche, was priceless:

1st, Baretta: $300 on Debit Mastercard
2nd, Baretta: $800 on Debit Mastercard
3rd, Sig: $500 on Debit Mastercard
Being told that you are a pompus ass with no REAL experience: Priceless.

I just walked away and let him stew. Funny thing. His attitude changed really quick.


Now you can get on with enjoying your range time!
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