Rangemaster 750 Question

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Jan 6, 2007
I have a RCBS Rangemaster 750 Scale. I just plugged it in after 3 months of "rest". It's too hot in my garage in the summer to reload here in Vegas. Anyway, when I powered it up it looked fine. I let it sit for 30 mins or so, then tried to calibrate it for the first time. When I pressed the CAL button it turned the machine off. I tried again with the same result. Upon further investigation I found that the CAL button acts just like the power button. That is, it turns the unit on and off. I don't have a battery in the unit and I can't get one until tomorrow. My question is; does a battery need to be in the scale, EVEN if it is plugged in, to be able to calibrate it? The directions don't address this. I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or if this is normal. The scale is under warranty and I am going to call customer service I just wanted to know if this is normal.

Thanks in advance
I have a new 750, couple months old. I have it running on AC power, no battery in it. It will calibrate without a battery in it.
Thanks for the replies.

I called RCBS. They said that a bunch of early 750s have bad touch pads. Mine is Tango Uniform..... Still under warranty though.
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