Rapid Rotation Baton

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We've got a local security agency that issued them for a while. The carrier is kinda weird, as it held the baton handle down across the guard's back. I watched for a few minutes while their 'trainer' trained some guys on it. It's a nifty gadget that I'd never want to use. When the adrenaline hits, all the fancy leverage and control maneuvers would go by the wayside and it turns into a club. It looks like a Sai, with the guard in an S shape and some weird curves, as I remember.

They need to stamp tactical on it to make it really effective (pet peeve).
Wiggum: All right, boys, set your nightsticks on "whomp".
Eddie: Uh, mine's ... stuck on twirl.
Wiggum: Oh, for the love of ... [sets baton] there. Now let's crack
some skulls.
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