Rapper shot at party.

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Mar 7, 2005
A 'rap mogul' named Marion 'Suge' Knight was shot in the upper right thigh at some MTV party last night... No suspects and no-one knows quite what happened...

Anyone care to guess?
Does anyone care? :neener:

Moron glorifies the 'gangsta/thug life' in the 'music' he promotes, it's fitting he should experience some of it up close & personal. Too bad the idiots can't shoot straight :evil:
Probably self-inflicted to increase his street cred amonst his peeps.


i dont think any1 does care haha

serves the fat moron right

if it was toby keith or Charlie Daniels then we would have a serious problem
but of course they r never invited to miami
Rapper shot??????????????? Now what are the odds. Think we could take up a collection so next time the punk could shoot better.

Wasn't Suge Knight involved in a shooting last year? Actually, I thought he was already dead.

Oh, well. Better luck next time.
Suge Knight is a convicted felon out on parole. So, we know it couldn't have been self-inflicted. After all, he is not eligible to have a gun under the too-many-to-count federal, state and local laws.

o yeah and he also couldnt have guns in LA were he and his "hommies" (i think thats wat they call each other) give thier contributions to society
I care. I care that he's still alive. He sounds like he needs suicide lessons so he can get it right next time.
A shame he didnt get blasted in a vital area. Working in the la county jail system Ive worked with and heard shug talk. He is not a stupid man, far from it in fact, too smart to be left alive to cause more havoc in this world.
wasnt suge the guy who started death row records and the whole deal with tupuc shukur?....he was on trial for murder i thought?...confused.

Well done.

Real High Road, guys.

No, really, I'm proud, this is pure, undiluted industrial-strength awesome. I would happily link to this thread as an example of true civility on the internet.

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