Rationing Gas announcement tonight?

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Jun 23, 2004
Under tyranny in MD
Just got a call from my mother to go fill up my tank ASAP, apparently she heard somewhere that there will be an announcement made tonight? Anything to back this up?
I was smart and stocked up on gas when I saw crude prices and before the jacked prices ($3.24 here $2.59 before). Have enough for a month if I get my butt on a bike when I need to. Got to have the shottie ready in case someone tries to siphon me. They probably won't have any luck since I tried to siphon that car when it belonged to my dad and couldn't. (I was broke at the time, OK.)
I haven't heard anything about rationing but you know how rumors can get started. I think everyone is filling their tanks at the same time causing a false shortage. Now once everyone has a full tank gas sales will slow for a week or so. Granted the hurricane will squeeze supplies and maybe in a few weeks or a month there will be rationing but I really don't think so. We need to start using less gas. Some poeple don't realize the difference between need and want. Example I am planning to go to southern Illinois deer hunting this fall. I could say "I have to go I go every year". But guess what I'm skipping this year. I will go hunting locally and with the money I save I'll but some beef if need be. Do all your shopping in one day instead of going to the store everyday. Bring a lunch to work instead of going out and use the money you save for $3 a gallon gas.
At least in this part of the country, the same rumors flew after 9/11. On 9/12 there was a run on gas that emptied most of the local stations. I filled up on Sunday, before Katrina hit, and that gives me about 450 miles of running around before I need to fill up again - next week sometime at the earliest.
Meantime, wholesale gasoline suppliers have begun limiting the amount of fuel they sell to retailers in certain markets in order to make sure they do not take delivery of more fuel than they actually need.
Translation: Highest bidder gets it.

Yesterday I had to make a run to an area in the next state where I've never been before. I gassed up at a Shell station for the return trip and paid $2.99-9/10 for 87 octane. Three miles up the road, the independent station (small regional chain that's usually several cents cheaper than the name brands, at least in my town) was posted at $3.19-9/10
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