Rebuttal to Kerry's "I hunt but I don't need an AK-47 for it"

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Dec 26, 2002
I am not sure if this argument has ever been used before to rebut statements from some politicians that they are for hunters but that "those evil military-style assault weapons have no place in a civilized society"...

Now, I personally have nothing against hunting but what you're in fact saying is that it is more civilized for you to shoot at a living creature than for me to shoot at a paper target...

Just a thought.
I have never heard that argument, but I like it.

I usually use the AWs are too weak to hunt with argument. That really gets them to think.
Ive used it to good effect with people who DON'T hunt. A lot of your soccermom types use the "you don't need an ak47 to hunt" argument. They also are invariable ANTI-hunter as well. They just dont appear to have the ability to be 'passionatly enraged' about more than one issue at a time. Making this argument seems to put them into some kind of "logic malfunction" (think 'robbie the robot' from "forbidden planet").

However the argument doesnt really work against "sportsmen for gun-control" types. They feel that hunting is a 'god given right' and that only hooligans and criminals want a rifle that you can't hunt with.

I used to be a vegetarian,my veghead friends could never understand my pro gun stance.
As a side note my step mom (an anti hunter) was giving me grief about my food choice and I told her I love to kill carrots and tomatoes,I love hacking watermelon to death and pointed out she was eating veal and does she enjoy killing baby cows?
You know she never asked me about it again:D
Nobody needs 6 houses, think of the homeless children for god's sake:eek: but that doesn't stop some people.:neener:
So sorry, Sheslinger, but it won't fly. You see, liberals DO NOT UNDERSTAND nor are even able to recognize LOGIC!!!

Don't argue with an idiot. They will beat you every time with experience! They have been card carrying idiots forever and will not be confused with facts!
Kerry is under the misconception that the Second Amendment has anything at all to do with hunting or sport shooting.

I also like the come-back, "Assault rifles are way too weak for big game hunting. You need something much more powerful and effective for that." That usually confound those who think that so called assault rifles use some magical bullets that are much more powerful than what a civilian needs.
Of course Kerry didn't need an AK-47. He had an M2HB to commit his atrocities with. Nobody with a .50 machinegun needs a piddly AK-47.
hunting, nyet!

That's an alley that if you go down you'll find your 2A rights mugged.

The Second Amendment is not now, nor ever has been, about hunting. That needs to be confronted head-on at the outset.

Why should we b shy about discussing the need for self-defense and defense against tyranny? That is exactly why the antis, with their agenda to brand all gun owners as guilty of a "social disease" treatable by public health and safety programs, want.
What longeyes said.

The more effective the antis are at turning the debate away from self-defense the more likely they are to be sucessful. One of our biggest problems is making the case for defense against tyranny as the main reason for the RKBA.

Most people are so ignorant of history that they think nothing like a dictatorship will ever happen here. This allows the antis to lable anyone who tries to make this point as a paranoid nutcase. Of course, having the media doing their dirty work for them doesn't hurt.

One question I've had about the media involvement is something maybe folks here can help me with. I would think that most journalists would have more historical training and interest than the general public and an ingrained scepticisim of authority so why do they toe the statist line, and not just on this issue?

I think answering that question will go a long ways towards developing a stragedy for the "hunting" question.

If that question needs it's own thread let me know.
If we were honest, we'd acknowledge that the Second Amendment is more about hunting treasonous politicians than anything else.

Disclaimer: I am in no way advocating the hunting of any politicians. I merely state the reasons the Founders gave for including the Second Amendment.
Most people are so ignorant of history that they think nothing like a dictatorship will ever happen here. This allows the antis to label anyone who tries to make this point as a paranoid nutcase.

I like to point out that my thinking might be a little "fringe" and "radical". After all a 1st world industrialized modern nation with a democratic system of government is pretty darned stable. It's been a whole 60 years since one of them went nuts.
My Point exactly!

How many people who went to govt. schools and haven't studied any more history know anything about the real Lincoln. Most people today reqard him as a secular saint when the truth is soo different. Most people won't even listen if you try to tell them any different and as for discussing the War of Northern Agresson, any questioning of the motives of the North gets you labeled a racist and all discussion ends right there. That bit of PC bull hockey reminds me of the RKBA debate.
Kerry is pandering to both sides with statements like that. It is diappointing he lacks the courage to stand up and say " an AK-47 is JUST a rifle...nothing more...nothing less.....our Constitution protects the rights of our citizens to own an AK-47....period !"
It wil never happen........his base are naive and often uninformed Americans who are so out of touch with human nature and the historical and traditional importance of individual firearm ownership that they threaten the very freedoms our nation is established upon !
Kerry is pandering to both sides with statements like that. It is diappointing he lacks the courage to stand up and say " an AK-47 is JUST a rifle...nothing more...nothing less.....our Constitution protects the rights of our citizens to own an AK-47....period !"
It wil never happen........his base are naive and often uninformed Americans who are so out of touch with human nature and the historical and traditional importance of individual firearm ownership that they threaten the very freedoms our nation is established upon!
Well said.
not to restate the obvious but...

Even if The Undertaker can't admit that the 2nd Ammendment is about shooting crooked politicians, not hunting; for him to say that it is indeed about hunting simply proves he can't read. Recall this phrase: "...being necessary to the security of a free state".

End of arguement.
I like to use an AR-10 to eliminate feral hogs since they run in groups of a dozen or more around here.

edit: Plus, one time there were 7 murderous escapees roaming around the state and I live in the country.

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