recap = why do you carry a gun? please remind me

why do you carry?

  • Because you fear for your own safety?

    Votes: 8 4.0%
  • Because you have no fear of criminals, but rather fear killer zombie ninja bears?

    Votes: 9 4.5%
  • Because you have been a victim of crime in the past and are resolved to never let it happen again?

    Votes: 12 6.0%
  • Because you have seen firsthand the effects of crime in your area?

    Votes: 10 5.0%
  • Because its the sensible thing to do?

    Votes: 161 80.5%

  • Total voters
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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2002
do you carry because you are 'afraid'?
is the only reason you obtained a CCW because you fear for your safety?
have none of you chosen to carry because you felt threatened by criminals?

call me 'fearful', call me 'fraidycat', and you're absolutely right. i am afraid, afraid that some scumbag may try to bring harm to me or my loved ones and i'll be in no position to stop it from happening.

yep, i am afraid. with the healthy type of fear that i feel helps ensure longevity. it feeds my situational awareness. it sharpens my senses. it opens my ears to the inner voice that sometimes says 'this doesnt feel right'.

what about you?
For the children, spiff. For the children.

MY children. They are rather fond of Daddy, and I don't want someone else raising them. OR hurting them.

So I do what I can to keep me around. For my wife and my children.
Just plain sensible. Allthough I could answer yes to pretty much all of the above. Especially the zombies and bears:D
Because I can.
Personal Responsibility, the way I was raised.
Taught to be aware of my surroundings, and to be prepared.
Everyone carried growing up, this is before one had to have pc of paper giving permisson to do so, I did. Later I got multiple pcs of permisson paper.
Yep seen bad stuff happen to good people, Had it happen to me...I was carrying tho'.
Might happen again,I'll continue to carry.
Because I can't afford to hire an armed bodyguard to follow me and mine around 24/7, and it's my responsibility to protect and defend us all from zombie ninja bears.

Because I want to.

Because I can.
My reasoning is not up there. I am in Missouri so I do not carry yet but will once all the legal matters are ironed out. I have been married for a little over a year. I love my wife with all that is in me. I will do every thing in my power to keep her safe and out of harms way. She works at the local hardware(not guns) store and alot of construction working idiots like to be wierd around her. We even had a poblem with a guy calling our house several times. This is why I will carry.

I believe Clint Smith once said, "If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That is ridiculous. If you carry a gun, you have nothing to be paranoid about."

I carry a gun for two reasons:
1. For my job.
2. The zombie ninja bears (and criminals too) are carrying them, and I like an even playing field :).

Just my .02,
The reason I carry a gun is the same reason I wear a seat belt and have a fire extinguisher in my house. I've never needed any of them, and hope I never will.
Zombie Ninja Bears!!!!!!???????

Oh, no...some other critter to ponder stopping power for!
I was interested in the results of this poll, and I was laughing when I saw that nearly every on felt the same. It IS the sensible thing to do! Because we want to and because we can!!
Life is full of uncertainties, interesting folk and Mr Murphy loves to show up and through his wrench in the smooth running machine. A concealed sidearm just gives us options during the really challenging times and shows that we take responsibility...for our security, for our well being and that of our loved ones and, on some level, for our country and being an American that has the freedom and the Right to Keep and Bare Arms(just not arm bears...especially the zombie ninja ones!). For We Are The Militia regardless of the vast amounts of hot air spewing between the rapidly flapping lips of political liberals and hollyweird wusses.
And we have to avoid the little conflicts because we are armed. And that, as Heinlein said, makes us more polite (and aware!)(and dangerous!!).
Soooo, tell me. The Zombie Nina Bears were not covered in Zoology class...and I have never seen one(ninja for sure)...are they black bear size or brown or Kodiak? Makes all the diff for my next firearms purchase, for as a former Boy Scout/Alaskan/Marine Grunt/Disaster Worker/ Security guy(with the subsequent mental warping that came with each experience, a rather interesting cumulative effect) I like to Be Prepared.
I was just starting to warm up to a AR with the .458 Socom upper...think that'll take care of a ZNB?
Now I gotta go buy some more Plus P ammo...every week it gets worse listening to you guys!! Zombies, now ZNB's.....a most dangerous world we live in!!
Oh yea, and I forgot that I have too, as I just used up my last grenade on a lizard; hey .....He was a big sucker:confused:

I carry because, "It's better to be tried by twelve, than
carried by six". Lots of folk's in my area have been the
victim of violent crime here lately. It will only increase as
Christmas gets closer. I don't plan on being a victim!:uhoh:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Closest to my reason was "sensible".

I carry because it's the responsible thing to do.

Fear doesn't really enter into it. I'm not afraid of fire but I have fire extinguishers. I'm not afraid of flats, but I carry a spare tire.

Being prepared is being responsible.
.....because as a retired Fed, I've seen what happened to too many people who didn't.

.....for the same reason I pay for life insurance.

.....because I believe I can still make the world a better place for everyone.
In my area:

Home invasions.
Car Jackings.

Ministers and preachers pack around here.

Kenneth Lew
I chose sensibility on the poll, but I really carry for a combo of all those reasons and none. It really boils down to not wanting to place the safety of my family and myself in a random persons hands, and I prefer to have a hand in my own safety and control of my destiny.
Because when the Second Ammendment gives me that right I like to make use of it so I don't lose it someday - because I live in the US (not CA) and can - and because it's the sensible thing to do.
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