Recent weather and turkey?

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Jul 6, 2006
Anyone else wondering if the late cold weather is going to affect turkey season at all? It's snowing here in Cleveland right now... Highs are supposed to be pushing 60 by opening day in a little over a week, but I'm still just curious what people think. Last two seasons were rainy and chilly at times, but this is a different ballgame.
The weather got us last weekend. It was my youngest son's very last special permit youth hunt. Now he is 16 and not a 'youth' in NC any more.

It snowed! In North Carolina! In April!

This weekend the weather is much more like normal spring weather - we have a nasty NorthEaster putting down rain at about 3/4" an hour and 45mph winds.

Oh well, there's always next weekend!
Dont know bout where youre at but here in morrow county,ohio, the turkeys could care less. I almost wrecked my car because not 1 but 6 turkeys flew out from a wooded area.1 was a large tom and he had a nice long beard,absolutly huge.I turned around down the road and there I counted 10 in the field just feet off the berm of the road.This was yesterday evening,saturday.They were out and moving even with the weather being windy and cold.
Yeah, unfortunately I can't see much from Cleveland. Public land I'm hunting is about 40 miles out, so I've not had much observation time - just enough to commit to memory where sign's at. I know they're about still, I was just curious if it had any impact on their interest in calls or breeding. F&S says no, but I wasn't sure. I know foul weather can make them even more skittish than they already are too.
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