RECIPES for an awful lot of game types...

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Glenn I need to put you on my christmas list!

That is perfect!!!
Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much! :D

this will come in handy
I guess that is a fair question about table fare but, I will admit I am not sure how to answer it. You see, chickens and egg products are known to carry salmonella, most if not all land dwelling mammals can carry and transmit rabies (including deer), Elk are known to carry a wasting disease similar to mad cow disease, rabbits are known to transmit a liver disease (the name escapes me right now), many animals can carry and transmit parasites to man such as trichinosis from swine (pigs, hogs, i.e.: PORK). Some birds are know to carry avian flu which is a killer. Is the chance that an armadillo may carry leprosy any more of a potential threat than is any of the above. My guess would be that one of the best places to start checking would be Fish & Game departments in states where Armadillos are legal game animals.

All the best,
Glenn B
You mean like: Save a tree, eat a beaver. Or from another perspective: save a tree, eat a woodpecker.
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