Recurring dream about guns...

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Nov 28, 2008
Does anyone have recurring dreams about guns?

I have one, that involves the following scenario. A person or persons knocks on my door under some innocent guise, and then lets me know they intend to come back shortly and do me harm. They leave, I lock the door, and go to check and make sure my gun is ready, only to find that either I can't find my gun, or magazines, or ammo. Or maybe I can find the ammo that goes into some other gun, or the right ammo but the wrong magazines. Or some combination of above. The causes frustration and worry, but fortunately the person never comes back.

Hey I know its stupid, but I sure would like to know what it means.
It means that you should keep your gun - cocked, locked and ready to rock - on your person.

It means that you should keep your gun - cocked, locked and ready to rock - on your person.

Thing is, I do keep my gun loaded and ready to go, though admittedly I don't keep it on my person at home. But its easily available on a shelf in the closet. I checked on it this morning when I got up, and it is good to go.
Interesting dream, shows anxiety about 'being ready'
Next time dream you have a cell phone and call 911 while you're digging around in your gunsafe. I sleep in my gunroom, with a Rottweiler asleep in the closet. What life?
This happens often in dreams when people are anxious. Might not even be related to guns, but the theme often involves frustration and inability to do something, often outside one's control. For example, you'd dream that you have to shoot, but are not strong enough to pull the trigger. Or you're pulling it but nothing is happening. Or you're driving your car and are hitting the brakes but the car won't stop. Or stuff like this.
It's because deep down you realize that he doesn't have to give you warning that he is coming back. Most likely he will come right through the door while you're un-armed. Biker is right, carry at home.
It means you have unresolved issues with your father:D.

Keep your gun closer. Mine is right next to me on the bedside table ready to go. In less than a second, I'm ready to rock.
Wouldn't be surprised if this dream is related to issues that cause dreams where you just can't run/ move fast enough to get away. The gun isn't the issue, just a familiar prop.
I keep having a dream of finding worthless foreign coins buried in a river bank.
It's your mother's fault.:D My gun dreams tend to be either I am unable to pull the trigger or no matter how much I elevate the barrel the bullet won't reach the target.
This whole dream-analysis stuff is just a lot of hocus-pocus, for which the gullible will sometimes seek someone who claims to have "vision" that will unlock the "meaning" of the dream.

Usually for a recurring fee.

It is the realm of fake "scientists" and charlatans.

Take no stock in the dreams themselves, and especially take none in those who would charge you a fee to analyze your dreams.

Last night, I dreamt I was sleeping in the bedroom of a former house.
I awoke annoyed - mostly because I perceived the dream as being the reason for my unwanted waking.
I went back to sleep and the dream resumed in the same mode.
I awoke again - once again annoyed.
Then I went back to sleep, and probably dreamed some more nonsense I cannot remember.


Reason for the dream?

Reason for waking?

It couldn't POSSIBLY be the Thai food I ate for dinner.
The morning BM was definitely interesting.
By my analysis, there is more meaning in that BM than in the dream.

I'll be sending you my bill.
I think dreams usually point to something thats on your mind or something thats troubling you. If I had a dream like yours I'd take it to mean that I was probable worried about being prepared. Which is something I knew already, so the dream might serve as a reminder of that. Thats usually how my dreams work. They remind me of stuff that Ive thought out before, but had kinda forgoten. So I wake up and I'm like oh yeah thats why I carry everyday.
This whole dream-analysis stuff is just a lot of hocus-pocus

Then how do you explain similar themed dreams by thousands of different people?

I have a recurring dream that I am in my old house (Why is it always the one I lived in three years ago and not the one I have been in for three years?) and a group of really, really....really bad guys are trying to kick in the door and kill me. I go to the safe and remove a shotgun, but I don't have any shells!

So I rip apart the house for the next hour (what happened to those bad guys?) and all I can find are hot dogs, water balloons, and chewing gum. All the while I'm trying to decide WHICH OF THESE IS BEST TO USE?

Huh? Logically, NONE. In my dream, however, I usually go with the hot dogs since they are the right shape. I have dreamt about using water balloons several times, though. I usually discard the chewing gum after consideration.

Why is it always my old house?
Why do I NEVER have any ammo?
Why do I even consider using something other that actual shells?
Why is it usually hot dogs? (and sometimes water balloons?)
Why do the bad guys never make it in? (I always start dreaming about bad guys, but the focus of the entire dream always shifts into a panicked "hunt for shells" and the inevitable devolution into the "hunt for a substitute".)

And W.E.G,

If it is all just "hocus-pokus", why am I not the only one who has dreams about disfunctioning firearms, or lack of ammo?
Actually the dreams Ive had about guns, usually involve me being on the recieving end. Like when I was younger I had a juvenille delinquint phase, I guess you could call it. Anyway I was breaking into someones house the homeowner would see me. Then they would say something like,"I'm going to get my gun". And start marching upstairs, I fugure toward their bedroom. So I run to the closest window to get out, but I cant. No matter what I do I cant open the window, Im pulling with all my might and I can hear footsteps slowly marching back down the stairs. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. lol. Then I figure, why didnt i try the front door. doesnt make sense why Id keep trying that same window. Had that dream a couple of times when I was a teen.

My sleep was shot
So I hit the pot.

Now, a 9 all the time,
A 38 on the grate,
357 by the oven,
a shotty by the potty.

There! Problem solved! ...unless you’re a sleep walker.
I had a dream just last night.

I was in a hobby store (Hobby Lobby, for those of you that know what it is), and it was announced that all items in the store were on clearance for 99% off.

I bought every single box of ammo in the place! Weird, because Hobby Lobby doesn't carry ammo, lol.
I have a variation on this one everyweek at least.
A guy breaks in (or holds me up, or something similar) and attacks me. He is always wearing a thick winter coat. I pull my .38 snuby (or .45 sometimes) and no matter what I cant get the rounds to penetrate his clothes. I dont know what it means but sometimes it gets to me. I mean I have it all the time like I said.
Only time I've had one was interpreted by me as a reason to go to the range more often, as I'm out of practice. Fortunately the new job should give me the funds to make range time a weekly affair.
I'm not Sigmund Freud, but it's pretty apparent that the dream means you feel inadequate and unsafe in your home. Chill out, you'll be fine.
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