Relax! No one's going to take away your hunting rifle!

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I support Dan Simpsons views

I am all in favor of going forward with Mr.Simpsons plan. I think it is a great idea as I am tired of all this gradual erosion of the B.O.R, we need to speed things up. Thats what it would take to see if the "from my cold dead hands" or "molon labe" crowd really means business. Otherwise we will go out with a whimper registration, grandfathering, ATF tax stamps on EBRs, ect :barf: . I say lay it all out on the table now!

I hope I am wrong about my fellow citizens.
Who's going to get the criminals to turn in their guns?

Oh, didn't you read it? They will be caught when the special police when they cordon off the city blocks and suburbs! Easy as pie!
I can see this happening in my lifetime (Im under 35). Maybe its necessary for something like this to come to pass in order to wake Americans up.?

I am all in favor of going forward with Mr.Simpsons plan. I think it is a great idea as I am tired of all this gradual erosion of the B.O.R, we need to speed things up. Thats what it would take to see if the "from my cold dead hands" or "molon labe" crowd really means business. Otherwise we will go out with a whimper registration, grandfathering, ATF tax stamps on EBRs, ect . I say lay it all out on the table now!

I hope I am wrong about my fellow citizens.

I also agree with this. A big reason that nothing has been done to take back what is rightfully our RIGHTS is because it is always small changes. In order to finally wake the people up something big needs to happen. Perhaps we shouldn't even try to stop any new anti Second Amendment Rights, let them come all at once. That way when they do actually come to our doors to take what is ours we can show them what the Bill Of Rights is really for.
"Do you eat meat? If so, then having someone else do your killing could argued to be less moral than doing the deed one's self."

Ya use water and electricity dont ya? Ya get that for yourself too? And lets not act like ANY of us here with computers and internet access are hurtin enough so that hunting (durring the short seasons ya can) is saving your family from starvation... Some folks think that since the killin's been done, there aint no reason to add to it.
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Write to him yourselves...I did. [email protected]

Dear Mr. Simpson:

I read your 25 April 2007 article in the Blade, entitled "The Disarming of America." I thought about what you had written, and considered how I might address you in response. I considered many options and lines of approach, including the logic surrounding gun bans and confiscation, and the historical consequences of those actions elsewhere, and at different times, in humanity's past.

But after all that thought, I concluded that my response needed only two words:

Molon Labe.

Great idea, Megistopoda. So, here is the email I sent:

Dear Mr. Simpson:

This letter is in regards to your April 25th article in the Blade, entitled "The Disarming of America.". I thought it was a great idea and a well thought out plan. However, there are just a couple of "pesky" parts of the US Constitution that will have to be overcome, such as the people's right to keep and bear arms and the people's right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, before your plan can be implemented. I look forward to the day when your gun police can perform warrant less searches of all the homes and businesses in my area, to make me feel safe. Keep up the good work.


Don Kakretz
Amazing. I hate to give the guy the pleasure of letting him know his "article" almost made me physically ill, but it's the truth.

What chills me to my core is, for every 'anti' like him with the guts to say EXACTLY what he REALLY thinks - how many others out there are as "hardcore" but just keep it quiet? :what:

"Throwing down the gauntlet" indeed....
2. Aside from wanting to take away my second amendment, i love the blatant 4th amendment violation
There's not thing there to prevent them from doing so once the 2nd is gone, now is there?

I can't even begin to imagine the attrition rates in their 'search and destroy' squads. They'd probably have to import thugs for that, or just recruit them from the ghettos.

Has someone been reading banned books again?

Turner Diaries anyone................?
:barf: I feel so nauseated when people even accept an iota of the dung this guy is shoveling,,,,the thought of even saying that they won't get my guns because it can always be hunting season or someother concession to his arguement is defeatist. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or sport shooting, it is all about being armed. When political types go, "oh, I like hunting..." I just realize it is vote shopping at its worst. Now if we had a presidential candidate that unilaterally supported CHL, target shooting, the overturning of NFA, etc then we would really have an ally.

This Simpson character is a domestic enemy, he is a menace to all of our rights...

A good read that has a good take on these issues is, "Unintended Consequences", I would love to get all Henry Bowman on folks that ascribe to gun grabbing
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