Reply from my Senator

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May 22, 2007
Dayton, OH
I received a reply from Senator Sherrod Brown (OH) about signing Senator Crapo's letter. Had an interesting point, whether it is valid or not I haven't decided:

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Thank you for contacting my office regarding Senator Crapo's letter to the Department of the Interior requesting that the agency allow state law to determine whether firearms can be carried in federal parklands.

I support the Second Amendment right to bear arms and believe it is certainly appropriate for lawmakers to question federal agencies about their policies and practices. However, when Congress overrides the separate jurisdictions of state and federal government, it sets a precedent that can be counterproductive for those who are concerned about potential infringement of Second Amendment rights.

As I’m sure you know, most gun laws are currently under the jurisdiction of the states. Condoning a congressional action that allows states to override federal jurisdiction over carrying firearms in federal parks sets a precedent that implies it may be appropriate for the federal government to override state jurisdiction over other gun carrying laws. As I consider the implications of promoting state jurisdiction over gun carrying laws in federal parks, I will keep the views expressed in your letter in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me.

Sherrod Brown
It sounds like a reply from a politician who likes to say that he supports the second amendment, while he doesn't really support it (Note - I do not know the record of this Senator, this comment is based on the OP's letter and nothing else).

Condoning a congressional action that allows states to override federal jurisdiction over carrying firearms in federal parks sets a precedent that implies it may be appropriate for the federal government to override state jurisdiction over other gun carrying laws

I disagree that the states are "overriding" federal jurisdiction. says override means "to prevail or have dominance over; have final authority or say over; overrule: to override one's advisers."

In no way will any state have final authority on what goes on in federal parks. Sure, the feds might let each state decide what they want to do in federal parks, but the feds can change their minds at any time. If Congress wanted to exert control over the parks, they can.

If the park's policy is changed then states can set the firearms policy for our national parks. If Congress doesn't like it, they can change the law and dictate firearms policy in federal parks at any time.

As for whether the federal government can override state jurisdiction on other gun carrying laws - they already have! Active-duty LEOs can conceal carry in any state under federal law - state law notwithstanding. Also, Congress already tried to limit the carrying of firearms on school grounds. The bill passed into law, but was declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS. A change in national park policy is not going to affect constitutional law.

Sounds like a "pro second amendment" politician looking for any excuse not to support the second amendment without having to come out and say he doesn't like the second amendment.
In thinking about this, isn't the letter just asking the Secretary of the Department of Interior to change this? They don't have the authority to order it do they?
I think it says a lot about the rightness of our cause when anti-gunners have to feign support for the second amendment in the eyes of their constituents. If he truly felt he held the moral high ground he'd just come out and say it. It would be interesting to see if you could point out his hypocrisy when he jumps (as I’m sure he will) to support any new federal gun control legislation.

If he was my senator I'd be tempted to write him back and ask if his objections for intruding on a state's jurisdiction applies to his support of the Assault Weapons Ban (sic) as well.
Yea, Sherrod Brown is my Senator as well. Don't be fooled by his false sense of pride in the 2nd Amendment. He has always been anti-gun and I'm sure he hasn't seen the light overnight.

In thinking about this, isn't the letter just asking the Secretary of the Department of Interior to change this?

You are right, the letter is not an order. The Senators are asking for a change.

They don't have the authority to order it do they

No individual Senator has the authority to order it. Congress as a whole does possess the authority to order it. They can vote to pass a bill and have the POTUS sign it, and if he won't sign it then they can override his veto.

My guess is that they don't have enough votes right now to force a change, so they are asking for a change while there is a friendly executive in office.
It's good doubletalk in that response. He or his staff obviously have had practice.

Just a wild thought ....

What do you think of a reply on the order of this to him:

Dear Senator Brown:

I understand your objection to signing Sen. Crapo's letter. I don't think it says what you think it says, but I can see that the issue you raise does have major implications.

Your impeccable logic suggests that you're planning to introduce a bill requiring the federal government to restore all federal parklands to the states in which they are located.

I think you're right and I support you in that initiative. It is the only way citizens can count on a consistent body of laws within the boundaries of each state.

The reason why they can't do so now is that the federal government maintains these outposts under its control within each state. They are islands of federally controlled terroritory inside the state. It is high time that the federal government withdraws from its extension of control into our state and others.

Your implied resolution of the larger problem would certainly resolve the smaller but very significant issue that Sen. Crapo and other Senators attempt to address with their suggestion.

It will give me great pleasure to explain your idea to the many people and organizations that had stimulated me to write you. Thank you.

Be gentle with me. I said it was a wild thought.
<-----Hunts in the Shawnee National Forest

Funny, but the USFS allows hunting in "their" National Forests. And the states Laws/Rules/Regs for Hunting are what's used to govern Hunting in those areas, but I don't hear anyone screaming about the states overriding the Feds jurisdiction. (in fact the USFS Rangers help enforce the state hunting least here in Illinois.)

His letter is bovine excrement.

when Congress overrides the separate jurisdictions of state and federal government

Oh PLEASE :rolleyes: ,Like that has ever slowed them down. (e.g. Dept of Education, Dept of Transportation, TSA, and on and on and on......)
That response was great, you should also send a similar letter to your local papers and news media praising his new stance on non-interference of the Federal Government in State affairs. It's wonderful when you see a senator finally come to his senses and stop supporting the Dept. of Education, the EPA, and so on.

rjohnson4405: Sir; strange as it may seem. 3 of our NC senators are in favor of states taken over the state park carrying. This morning I forwarded to the fourth my displeasure with his indecisiveness.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if these 'fine folks' would listen to reason.
Thanks; for the post.
Follow up with any further responses.
Is there a logical disjunct here?

We want Federal jurisdiction when it suits us, i.e, "A2 is the supreme law of the land (if it is ever incorporated)" versus "let the State Law rule" in this case.

I'm confused.

Time for a nap.
Total garbage. By allowing states to regulate the use of firearms on federal land the feds don't give up their right to do so. The key word there is ALLOWING states to regulate. Just because I let you borrow my car doesn't mean I'm giving it to you as a present.
neophyte1 said:
3 of our NC senators are in favor of states taken over the state park carrying. This morning I forwarded to the fourth my displeasure with his indecisiveness.

Hey, how many Senators does North Carlina get ??? I know that Mass. is allowed to have three from time to time. :rolleyes:

Actually we have 2; I miss stated the obvious. Sorry. Richard Burr and Elizabeth Dole. House; Robin Hayes, Sue Myrick
cleared up my mess

May I clean up my misstatement.
Senator Elizabeth Dole, NC, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Lindsey Graham, SC

Senator Richard Burr from NC has been 'wishy washy' he makes the fourth Carolina senator that needs prodding.

thank you
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