Returned from Border watch with Minutemen...

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We went into Mexico back in the 1840's if I recall correctly. And again later towards the 1900's- Black Jack Pershing chased Pancho Villa into Mexico after he had raided several US towns along the frontier. Course- there was no stinkin' ACLU around, either.

Maybe ya'll should try decoys with the ACLU- have a few minitmen geared up, and send them randomly around, giving the ACLU a wild goose chase. Might work once, or twice, and would be hilarious. They can't have endless camera crews and reporters, can they?
Oh, jeez...

The ACLU "representatives" there drove a blue honda civic hatchback. HEAVILY tinted windows, low-ridden (and driving on AZ ranch roads!!) I could give you the license plate just to be mean about it (It was a Texas plate, BTW), but I won't.

It was a pair of hispanic-looking, 20-ish year old punks with t-shirts that said "observador legal" (legal observer) on them. They had gilligan hats, saggy pants and looked like complete dumb@sses.

Nosey college kids or hispanic activist agitators is all they are. They can't muster any real grown-ups to come down to the border and watch the minutemen, because they know that what we are doing is legal, and they are advocating that people break the law.
We fought a full-out war with Mexico, ostensibly over a border dispute, from 1846-1848. It ended with Gen. Winfield Scott's troops capturing Mexico City, and Mexico selling us what is now California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado for $18.25 million.

Both sides wanted the war for their own reasons. Mexico had never recognized Texas as an independant nation, and wanted the territory back. The US wanted the southwest, which we had tried to buy previously. Disputes over which river formed the Texas-Mexico border (we said the Rio Grande, they said the Nueces) gave both sides an excuse.

Gen Pershing later led a force into Mexico in 1917 in an attempt to capture Panco Villa, after Villa raided a town in New Mexico and killed a bunch of civilians. The force included the Army combat debuts of motorvehicles, airplanes, and George Patton, but failed in the objective of capturing Villa.
I have to wonder, how does anyone get a good nights even remotly close to the border.
It's easy to get a good night's sleep when your loads get through. A good number of ranchers on both sides of the border make a lot of money smuggling or just looking the other way.
I have to disagree that this isn't an invasion. When my child can't go to his/her local PUBLIC school b/c they don't teach in English - AT ALL?! When the will of the group of illegals supersedes that of the American citizens that Congress alleges to represent thereby changing our way of life. Sorry, I see it as an invasion. Slow maybe - like a parasite in the body, but an invasion nonetheless. </non PC hat on> Illegal immigration is like HIV/AIDS. It will continue to contribute to the death of the what was once the American way of life if it is not controlled (preferably stopped but that's not totally possible). </non PC hat off>

It's not an invasion, it is a reconquest. ;)

Why be so surprised that they've found a loophole in your defenses:
that gray area between whatever justifies military, police or even
individual citizens' armed response?

So yes, Art et al are right: it isn't an invasion as defined by your laws and traditions.
That does not change the fact that a gigantic loophole is being exploited,
apparently to your clear disadvantage, and until you close that loophole, your hands are tied.
You really want to know the outsome if we let the illegals in I can tell you there are even pictures so you can multiculturalism in all its glory. So you can see what happens to a country when the addiction to cheap foreign labor winds its full course.

If you want to see our future if we continue to play this game that hurts our citizens while helping outside groups that have no interest in assimilation.

Look to France. France who's army and navy helped us get the freedom that every second slips through our fingers like sand.

Look at what has happened and is happening in France and that is what will happen here.

Soon the illegals will become legal and then they will no longer be given jobs. Just like the arabs in France. Then they will riot, next our gutless government will throw them some bone. When this bone puts a hardship to the people. They they will riot.

The future is France.
I have to wonder, how does anyone get a good nights even remotly close to the border.
Me too since I slept in my Bronco not 3/4 mile from the border while out deer hunting. Needless to say I had a 10MM and an 870 with buckshot sleeping with me.

Good thing my Bronco is white/blue cause at night it looks like white/green like the border patrol dudes. Maybe that's why no on bothered me.;)
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