Rice and Bush 'knew' about 9/11 - Oh come ON...

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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2002
Los Gatos, CA
One of the many ultra-liberal 'haters' on my left-coast Ivy-league college mailing list just posted that Bush/Rice "knew" about 9/11 ahead of time, apparently referring to this article:


Usually I don't stoop to their level, but was interested if anyone here had any ideas for a scathing reply... always fun to rile these folks up. ;)
9-11 was a Dennis Kucinich/Ariel Sharon conspiracy.

If this is my last post you know why........... :uhoh:

Go on over to DU,Rense.com,info wars,and it would seem to almost convince some. There are unansurd questions but,Not this one for me. :what:
I've had a lot of fun with this group - not sure there are any fence-sitters, but I like to reply to these guys with facts and citations, that tactic REALLY drives them wild, to the point of foaming at the mouth.
I like to reply to these guys with facts and citations,

Well, clearly these "facts" and "citations" are the product of Karl Rove's iron grasp on the Right Wing Media, which is only Pretending to be biased towards the left.

This is Karl Rove's genious evil.

:neener: :neener: :neener:
Condi Rice isnt African American, shes Henry Kissinger in disguise....


I thought she was a robot created by Dick Cheney, who in turn is being mind controlled by none other than Lenin himself!
Should have known, anyway. No excuse not to, shoulda been briefed.

Clinton should have known too, the plot was uncovered on his watch in 1995, and the evidence just kept on mounting. If any of the big brains in DC with the astronomical security clearances and salaries to match had been putting the puzzle pieces together properly it never would have happened. No, too busy with wackos in Waco and domestic terrorists in OKC (no, no Philippine connection THERE either, don't even ask, it was DOMESTIC I tell you, move along nothing to see here), suicides in DC parks and blue dresses and ceegars and Seretaries of Commerce and copresidents and stuff to attend to that.

But oh no, no one could EVER have CONCEIVED that someone would fly hijacked airliners into tall buildings on purpose, OH NO. Heck, she SAID SO on teevee.

How disingenuous.


lpl/nc (retired dotmil little brain with low security clearance who knew about the big noise in 1997 but figured the best and brightest had it covered)
Lee: THANK YOU! Exactly what I was hoping for. Any more ammo before I send this one back over to their side?

Just point out how many terror attacks happened on Clinton's watch, and what his response was, and then point out what Bush did after just one day of terror attacks.

That should put the argument to rest.

Too many unanswered questions

There are still unanswered, ignored questions. Maybe they knew and maybe they didn't, but I'll keep my gun handy anyway...
This is old news with a new spin, put out by foaming-at-the-mouth mentally disordered babbling leftists. You cannot reason with them. Allow them to continue to marginalize themselves into obscurity.

Go over to our friends at the DU if your breakfast has settled.

There are lengthy threads, on a regular basis, complete with irrefutable "proof" about 9/11 that Bush/Cheney/Rove/Rice/Illuminati et. al. either Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP) or actually Made It Happen On Purpose (MIHOP) to save his presidency.

There is no questioning allowed and anyone that even suggests that tinfoil all around is in order, is deleted as an obvious Freeper disruptor.

How people can believe that a government that can't get out of thier own way (or find their butt in a bathroom, using both hands, with the lights on and a map) can somehow conceal a wide spread conspiracy at the hgihest levels is amazing.
I always have to laugh when I hear things like this, because even if we did know about it beforehand, these same people would have been :cuss: and moaning because we violated those poor middle eastern boys' rights if the president did do something about it because clearly there was no threat, it hadn't happened yet.
Tell them to unclench their butt cheeks, because they are cutting off the ciculation to their pea sized brains. All us jews know it was Al Sharpton and the Hassidim from crown heights flyin the planes, thats why we stayed home from work at the elders of zion HQ, eerrrrummmk the trade center that day. :rolleyes:
Another link in the chain,

connecting FDR's prior knowledge of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor; Woodrow Wilson being in on the sinking of Lusitania; and McKinley's plot to blow up the Maine as justification for war with Spain.

All orchestrated by the Tri-Lateral Commission, in league with the International Zionist Conspiracy and the Military-Industrial Complex, of course... :rolleyes:
Firmly fastening his custom made, dull blue side out, tin foil cap, concerned and always ready, the Russian UN major stepped firmly into the matte black Cobra. As he swiftly overflew the city in the exhaust muffled stealth chopper, which was made in the secret facility buried deep beneath Iraqi sand with clandestine French and German funds, he slowly pondered his latest quandry which was produced when the usually well controlled left wing media unwittingly exposed the actual plot on 9-11. The Major scowled as he mulled the ramifications of this ironic blunder. Bush and Rice conspiracy indeed. The fools, the silent evangelical majority will run with this exposure and the whole plot may now come tumbling down on their heads....
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