Rolling Stone to the rescue!!!

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Oh wow! I'm so glad I took the time to read the comments, there are some gems!

I really hope Kristen Gwynne took the time to read through those comments as well.
Oh wow! I'm so glad I took the time to read the comments, there are some gems!

I really hope Kristen Gwynne took the time to read through those comments as well.

I doubt it. Search for her other articles and you will find that virtually every word that she has ever written has been in regards to why marijuana should be legalized. Don't get me wrong: I have no problem with anybody smoking weed. I'm just scratching my head at how being an expert on marijuana laws qualifies one to write an article about firearms.
There's gold in those there comments!

Seriously, I'm glad that a lot if not most of the readers of this article are calling out RS on their "editorial prowess".
seriously thinkin about signin up for one of those shirts, be hell of an inside joke.
What can we expect from a rock and roll magazine that spent 10 years ignoring the existence of Led Zeppelin...a rock and roll band...something we should expect them to understand. I think it therefore not the least bit surprising that they don't understand something entirely outside of their "expertise".

I wonder what Vogue or Elle think? Uhhhh...NO...I don't.
What can we expect from a rock and roll magazine that spent 10 years ignoring the existence of Led Zeppelin...a rock and roll band...something we should expect them to understand.

Yeah, but not as bad as what they did with Rush. (The Canadian power trio, not that new fangled pop group..)

I realized they had no taste whatsoever back then and quit paying any attention to them. (continual smacks in the face like Neil Peart never making the "top 100" list of best drummers, etc) ;)

Back on topic I can't believe that the liberal media has caught on and is crucifying the Rolling Stones over this. I wouldn't expect such a backlash on bad journalism from other liberal outlets. Bunch of sharks, I tell ya....

(Might be something TO that strategy, BTW... they seem very quick to turn on each other...)
I guess Rolling Stone can no longer be considered a "High Capacity Magazine"

LOL I think there's plenty of capacity for "high" there, just not the sort of high you'd associate with high quality journalism, or high standards. :)
At one time, in the now distant past, I was a reader of Rolling Stone. I mostly liked the music reviews and stories about bands I enjoyed. Hey, I was young! LOL

Now it seems like it's only suitable for the bottom of a bird cage. Hard to believe I ever found any value in it.
Im in the exact same boat!
(continual smacks in the face like Neil Peart never making the "top 100" list of best drummers, etc)

That's enough right there to show you they dont do their homework.
Kind of fitting.....

I swear, you cant watch a History Channel show without seeing that guy, or the Nostradamus expert guy. How do you become a Nostradamus expert anyway ?
In my defense of once having a subscription to and reading Rolling Stones, low, these many moons ago, I think it has changed in the more recent decades.

It used to contain articles by P. J O'Rourke! :)

But then again, I used to read Playboy for the stories.:evil:

But the comment section did make up for their firing P. J.:neener:
I can't believe there's actually an anti-gun person out there that could write an "article" like this.

"This is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world."

"So, what's it for?"

"Dude, you put your weed in it!"
You wonder how a bunch of potheads can put out an article like that?

" It's Dave! let me in!
"Daves not here."
"No Man, I'M Dave!"
"Daves not here!"
"Aw come on. The police are after me!"
"DAves not here."

"You didn't stop for the light, man"
"I'll stop twice for the next one"

And on it goes.
Oh, my sweet merciful heavens...:D :D :D

Kos said:
These guns can be purchased anywhere in Georgia and carried into a church, bar, school or library.

A, half that list never made it out of a test lab or COD game
B, the vast majority would get you ten plus in a federal P in Georgia or anywhere else
C, half of those aren't even gun models, but types, chamberings, or expressions of ignorance ('the gun with no name' :D)
D, grenade launcher and pulse rifle? really? no troll would be that obvious
E, more than half of that list is like a month's salary per gun
F, wth is that P90 stock doing? Airsoft gun (along with all the others?)

If the joke is that all the Umarex airsoft catalogue can be "purchased anywhere, blah, blah, blah..." that's neither clever, funny, nor even satirical.

The saddest part is the comments, which appear to take the article at face value (or to be precise, ignore its content and commence to bemoaning the plight of the poor, sick, infirm, and offensive)

For the love of all that is good, somebody else join and post "Dude, you know all those guns are fake, right?"

Plus the one labeled pulse rifle is above what looks like an actual pulse rifle.
Check out this comment by the Kos author defending his inclusion of the "pulse rifle":

The M41 Pulse Rifle is an air cooled, electronic pulse action, selective-fire automatic rifle. The M41 is designed as a modular weapon that can fire the caseless M3xx family of 10mm x 24 high explosive light armor piercing rounds and high-velocity 30mm grenades.

He's serious. :D
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