Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

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Nov 28, 2006
somewhere between utah and canada
Please don't turn this into a "let argue about if RP can be elected" thread. I think most of us here can talk about candidates without fighting...


Anyway, I watched the Daily Show with Ron Paul yesterday. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the show (too much bashing), but this episode was worth it. Ron answered all the questions directly and with enthusiasm. John Stewart basically said that Ron is the only candidate who sticks by his views, and that if Ron gets elected there wont be much government left. Ron's answer was "yeah, if I had my way, most of the inflated over-paid government would be out of a job" ! Keep in mind, this isn't the exact wording as I didn't have a pen and paper, but it is damn close.

Now here's the kicker. My wife who is a staunch Democrat (not for gun control, she just wants the war to be over) watched the show. 10 minutes later she was on Ron's website reading about his views. Another ten minutes and she was explaining to me why she wants to vote for Ron Paul! I would never have believed it, but my wife of all people will switch to GOP if Ron's on the ballot :evil:

This wont be his last appearance on TV, with the acceptance he received, I am sure he will get on SNL, the Daily Show and a host of other talk shows throughout the year.

For those of us who support him, keep up the good work. I'm personally printing up about 200 campaign posters and passing them out at work for lawn ornaments, just to get the word out. There's a good chance that he might not get on the ballet, but if he does, this will be the first time in my life that I have voted for someone I want to win, and not just the lesser of two evils.

Republicans on the Daily show always seem to be set up for a hit piece. Stewart is funny, but the bias is usually pretty thick.
It was there, but Ron diffused it.
Not much of a TV fan, but it was good exposure.
Like I said, Paul is more of an old school Republican. Sadly, most people can't tell the difference these days.
I still shake my head in disgust at the "History Lite" that I was taught back in school. What a joke.
To me, a Republican believes in America being a great sovereign country, empowering the individual to succeed by their own talents and hard work, and keeping government strong (national defense), disciplined, and fiscally responsible, but out of the way of the citizen. Also, that being a good citizen means giving back in some way.
That's my basic definition.
JonL2 - my centiments exactly.

The thing I like most about Ron Paul is his refusal for the govt pension and his giving back to the treasury every year. If we all did this, and we eliminated foreign trade agreements as RP has suggested, we would be a wealthier more powerful country within just a few years.

The main thing I want in a presidential candidate is someone who believes in America and wants to work for America, not for personal gain. (Haliburton? :barf:)
I watched it last night. I wasn't that surprised Stewart gave him his props and not a hard time. Stewart does not like hypocrites (but he loves making fun of them). He tends to respect those who are consistent even when he disagrees with them.

I was surprised that Paul displayed some charisma for the first time. Normally he is saying ''quit it'' so much he comes off sounding like a judge. Now all he needs is 10,000 more interviews, the ability to raise the intellect of the country to at least High School level, raise $150,000,000, create a sense of individualism in the people and he has a shot. (oh wait this is not a he can't win thread, never mind)

Be sure to watch the debates tonight. All the important candidates are in it.
I've been singing Paul's praises for years. He's my congressional representative here in Texas and I think he is wonderful. He is the essence of Libertarianism; he is fighting for the America that the Federalists fought for. If only we could somehow get Ron Paul, Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell, and Walter Williams elected to offices at the federal level.....America the Beautiful IMO
That was a very good interview and I do watch the Daily Show regularily but I also watch most talking heads to see whats the buzz, but I think Jon may have realised that this is a person with integrity and not to take him to the cleaners like he does other republicans.
I like the daily show, its just too funny not to like IMO. bias yea, but the basis is a comedy, not a political standoff show. its just got politics and news in it.

I'm glad he did well, and i really hope i can see it sometime soon, the internet is so slow over here i think i'm SOL tho.. :(

"Ron Paul already serves in Federal Office"

Bad choice of words on my part, Titan.
I don't think you should underestimate the impact of TDS, Jon Stewart or Comedy Central. They made Howard Dean get canned when he was running for pres which was a good thing IMO. More people in the 18-24 demographic watch TDS than every other news source combined.

It is comedy but in a true police state there is no mockery of the state; it is too dangerous to the state.

But he is def on the wrong side of the gun issue.
I think he is wonderful. He is the essence of Libertarianism; he is fighting for the America that the Federalists fought for.

Noble- Don't be led astray by a sanitized version of history! The Constitution was hotly contested, and States' rights, the Bill of Rights, and the concept of a strictly limited government all came from the Federalists' opposition. The Federalists were the ones who taxed whiskey, then put down the Whiskey Rebellion.

Were Ron Paul alive, writing articles and giving speeches in the 1780s, he would have been considered a pretty strong Anti-Federalist (aka Jeffersonian). Libertarians have decidedly Anti-Federalist roots.

This is a great rundown of the differences between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Click Show All:

This is further confused by the Federalist Society, which is pro states' rights, and libertarian on many issues. Generally, its legal and political ideology is not what was called Federalist in 1787.
Now i want to see him on The Colbert Report, too.

i would like to see what crazy questions Steve asks him :p lol:D
Good site, but it seems a bit simplistic and subjective.

True enough.

I just think it's quite clear that libertarianism's ideological and spiritual roots can be found in Jefferson and the Anti-Federalists -- and the participants in the Whiskey Rebellion.

In fact, Boston T. Party's comedic pseudo-pseudonym is Whisk E. Rebellion.
Makes Sense

I really liked RP.

He cannot be a REPUBLICAN since he is making sense and telling the truth.

The GOP will put out a hit on him!

Folks are just sick of ALL the politics. :banghead:
not to jinx the thread, but 23 replies without anyone fighting... THR members, I am proud of you :p

I too think it would be funny to see him on Colbert Report... hopefully sometime soon?

What time\network are the debates on tonight?
I was pleasently surprised. Good interview. Hope he does alot more. If only the other candidates were as candid and honest.
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