Ronnie Barrett on Gun Talk

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No list of stations posted on the web site. We discovered that other talk shows use that list to poach stations.

Drop Skip a note at [email protected], tell him where you are, and ask him if there is a station nearby were you can hear Gun Talk.
I'll buy a t-shirt from Barrett's, if they will donate one to THR to give-away to one of our members in a drawing to be held on New Year's Day...:D I won't need to participate as i'll have my own t-shirt by then..Muuuhaa!!:neener:
The CA gig was a year or more ago, and I bought a hat at that time, but only because I couldn't afford the semiauto rifle.

'course, between wood work, cutting and splitting the usual number of cords for the winter, doggie walks and so forth, it's probably time for a new one, and I do think that I should support, in one fashion or another, one of the better people in the business.

Two out takes.

Rubber band guns followed a .50 BMG interview????
You, sir, have a sick mind, and I enjoyed every minute of the interview you ran.
And, for what it's worth, he was right about the cat's memory. For "non impact" fun, you can amuse yourself, if not the cat, with laser sights. They don't catch on that it's your fault, but they go nuts at not killing on their pounce.

In second place, what gives with the costs for reloading the .50?
Yes, I know about the economy of scale, but the 4-10x prices for everything involved with the .50 BMG are truely excessive. Perhaps a new law is in order: the first owned weapon MUST be a .50 BMG. Probably a subsection on required firing will also be in order, but if NYC can catalog diabetics...

As a final aside, on the 2nd ammendment side, the current light armored vehicles, which I'm currently working on turret electronics for, will defeat a .308 at any range. And these are the wheeled vehicles most likely to be deployed in any civilian encounter short of mass insurrection.
So, I guess I do have the need for the '82, or at least a real good reason for blowing the bucks, should I ever hit the lot!

Best wishes, and I'll net you on Sunday.

>>Rubber band guns followed a .50 BMG interview????<<

Yeah, and then it was the president of Armalite.

That lineup appealed to my quirky side.
Flatfender said:
Sounds like a awesome show coming up. Too bad I'll probably have to wait for your mp3 download to hear it.

This time of year, Sirius has football games on when you're supposed to be on. I'll try to be near my computer in a couple of hours for the streaming but I need to finish my Christmas shopping today.

Sirius needs to get the NFL their own channels instead of using 144 & 145. Maybe after Howard Stern starts up they'll have money for more channels.

Merry Christmas

I only heard Gun Talk once while traveling through Flint Michigan, and have always wanted to hear it again, but never knew of anywhere to hear it where I live. (Unfortunatly my slow connection dosen't do so well with streaming audio.) I also like Howard, and since they play gun talk on sirius maybe I'll have to get one. Somebody please tell me, how is the music selection on Sirius?
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