Ruger .22 Pistol: Can I get it dated?

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Deer Hunter

Dec 26, 2005
I've got some serial numbers on my Ruger .22 (Mark II or something, I don't really know the names of rugers). Story behind this one is that my Grandfather, way back in the day, went to Mexico. While there, he purchased a .22 pistol for mexican prices. After my grandfather passed away of cancer, my father took the pistol and gave it to me. I shot it a few times, and was pleased with it (I was 15 and I wanted a .45, but this was my paw paw's and I was happy to have it, along with his Marlin 30-30). The magazine might hold ten, but I can only fit nine in it. I tried cleaning it a bit on the inside with a q-tip and some bore solvent, but I'd like to strip it down and clean everything about it.

Anyone know if there's a site where I can find out how old this is? Like I said, I've got the serial numbers, but not a clue what to do with them.
Thanks for the information, and I just got some information on it. It wasn't purchased in Mexico, the holster was. I was under a false understanding.

Thanks again for the sites. Looks like it was made in 1950. And indeed, it's a mark 1. Looks like I should stop trying to force in that tenth round :p
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