Ruger Bearcat in .32 H&R Magnum

Nice looking piece.
Really not a bad price given what a Ruger Single-7 goes for these days.
My S-7 is a pleasure to shoot.
.32acp all the way to fire belching .327magnums. Mine has the 5.5”bbl.
It needed a lot of tweaking, though.
I would prefer one factory made with a warranty, but I doubt Ruger has any plans to offer the Bearcat in .32 anything.

Alternatively, I would really like Ruger to make a Wrangler Bearcat. If Rossi could make a clone of the Ladysmith with pot metal 50 years ago, I'm sure Ruger can find a way to make a cast Aluminum .22 frame the same size and better today and sell it for about $200.
I love that Hellcat!

For me, it missed the mark with the 6 inch barrel.

4 and 5/8 inches would much better on that little revolver.
I have bought several custom revolvers from Reeder over the years. Never had a problem with any of them. Gary Reeder will build your custom to the specific design you want within the limits of the frame it is built on. He built me a revolver in 25 caliber with 3 different cylinders for 3 different cartridges. A 25/20, 256 and 250 GNR, all fit and function perfectly. His wildcats are first class. I would not hesitate to buy the Bearcat if I wanted it. Reeder can build extremely good customs.