Ruger LCP 380 Finger Extension Floor Plate

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Dec 1, 2008
Eastern Kansas
Just an FYI. I received back my LCP recently after participating in the recall. As part of the recall compensation plan they threw in a free magazine. The brochure they included indicated the extra magazine would have the new finger extension floor plate. It didn't. I called their customer service people (not to complain, heck they still gave me a free magazine) to ask if I could buy the finger extension plate separately because it was listed as out of stock on their website. No go. Seems it has been temporarily discontinued. They are looking for a new vendor. Didn't get the story as to why. Guess I will look around some of the sites and see if anyone has any. Not holding out a lot of hope as the recall has probably chewed them all up. :banghead:
This has always baffled me. Why would you want to make the gun bigger by adding the bigger floor plate?

Wasnt the reason you bought the LCP because it was "small"?
From my experience, the finger plate puts unnecessary additional pressure on the magazine, and it caused the zine to drop after every shot. Not good. Currently at Ruger for repairs. Been there a month. Dunno if I'll ever see it again...
well, as an OWNER of one, the finger extensoin adds a CONSIDERABLE amount of extra control to shooting the pistol, with ABSOLOUTLY no difference in "print". the finger extension is a very worthwile investment for this ot the kel tec p3at. there is no downside, and a definite plus for it. as for adding pressure on the magazine, well, maybe. but it has made no difference on the functionality of the pistol(s). by the way, the kel-tec finger extension will work on the lcp. but there is about a 1/8th inch gap between the extension, and the magazine well. functionally, it works fine, but if the gap bothers you, maybe you should wait for the ruger one.
with ABSOLOUTLY no difference in "print"
I've had guns that had both, it does make a difference.

My PPK's came with one mag that had an extension and one without. I always got rid of the one with it, and replaced it with another flat bottomed mag, as the extension made the gun bigger when I was looking for smaller.

I keep seeing pics of all these "little" compact, and sub compact guns, and the owners put these big mag extensions and finger rests on them. I just never understood it. What was the purpose of going small if your just going to make it bigger? Just seems self defeating to me. Might as well get a bigger gun that carries more ammo and is easier to shoot with.
I buy pierce grip extensions for my Glock 26. I shoot so much better with them, and they add very little extra print. As for putting pressure on the magazine, I find that I put reward pressure on the magazine with my pinky finger even without the extension.

They make LCP extensions also:
I've had guns that had both, it does make a difference.

well, i guess i did not think about anyone else when i made that post. i didnt think that some people wear their pants a lot tighter than i do. so, if you wear tight pants, then i suppose it would make a difference. sorry.
I've tried a couple of magazine extensions, and I hated the way the did gap, and they didn't add that much controllability- c'mon... its a 380. I have 2 sitting around somewhere if someone wants to pay postage.
The new magazine design was likely discontinued due to a serious design flaw. If you have one of the new magazines, do this:

1. take your floor plate, spring and follower out of your new magazine body
2. disassemble your pistol
3. insert the disassembled magazine body into the pistol grip and lock it into place
4. from the bottom of the grip, insert your follower while the pistol is upside down

You will notice the magazine follower hits the (new) steel magazine catch and stops there. If you take a ball point pin or some other instrument you can push the follower through, note it will take considerable force to move the follower past the magazine catch.

Pushing the follower back out will cause a small indentation on the follower. To avoid damaging the follower, depress the magazine catch and let it fall out without touching the magazine catch.

The follower is of a different design than the original. Here is a couple of pics showing them. The new one is on the left and the old one (original) is on the right.




Here's a shot showing where the follower hangs up:


You'll notice there is no relief cut on the new follower to allow it to pass the magazine catch without snagging on it. As I noted, pushing the magazine follower back down while in the magazine body will cause this damage:


I only pushed it down once and this ridge appeared. The top of the follower is rounded, but given time and enough firings the magazine catch will begin to deform the follower. This will increase friction and ultimately will result in the follower becoming stuck in the magazine body while inserted into the pistol.

There have already been numerous reports of this happening. About the time I started reading about it on the 'net, Ruger mysteriously ran out of parts for the magazines.

Buuzzzt. They realized there was a problem after sending thousands of these magazines out and now they're once again redesigning the magazine and/or looking for a new vendor.

I HIGHLY recommend you do not carry one of these new magazines for personal defense. Use the original magazine until Ruger comes up with the new design. Once they do, call and bitch and make them send you a redesigned magazine. That's what I intend to do.
moooose102: well, as an OWNER of one, the finger extensoin adds a CONSIDERABLE amount of extra control to shooting the pistol, with ABSOLOUTLY no difference in "print". the finger extension is a very worthwile investment for this ot the kel tec p3at.


With all due respect, your statement can't be accurate. It's always the grip that is the "hardest" thing to conceal. Lengthening it can ONLY make it print more.

I have a Kahr P-40 Covert which only allows two fingers on the frame unless one uses the extended magazine it comes with or adds a finger extension. I have no problem controlling this little pistol in a big caliber with my middle & ring fingers only. I have also shot the Kel-Tec P3AT and I don't understand the need to have more control over it.

well, i guess i did not think about anyone else when i made that post. i didnt think that some people wear their pants a lot tighter than i do. so, if you wear tight pants, then i suppose it would make a difference. sorry.

Personally, I wear Regular fit jeans; they are not tight by any means, they just fit, well, Regular. If you are wearing Relaxed Fit or baggy, cargo-style pants, then I can see your point about the extension not affecting the print.

The extension doesn't print any more for me because I use a pocket holster. However, with the extension in place it's more difficult to slip my fingers around the grip while it's in my pocket. So I have the standard mag in the gun and the extension mag (which does make a difference in firing comfort/security for me) in my offhand pocket. YMMV

Sturmgewehr, interesting post... why did they switch from the metal follower to begin with? I belive all of my mags have plastic followers... none seem to be damaged and they go in with gentle thumb pressure and drop free. At least for now...
All of the followers are polymer. They only changed the shape/design of the follower with the new "free" recall magazines.

If your pistol has the old style polymer magazine catch, this doesn't appear to be an issue. The problem arises with the new magazines and the new steel magazine catch.
Was the polymer mag catch a problem to begin with? Why did they change it? Were people seeing them wear prematurely or something? Mine is a 371 series but has the polymer catch. At least I think it does... feels like plastic to me
I have no idea why they changed the magazine catch, I can only imagine there were problems with the original breaking or wearing prematurely.

A simple test would be to put a magnet to it and see if it sticks. :)
After I got mine back, I noticed that I could not insert the "new" mag without pressing the release. Is this symptom what is going on here? I could just push up the mag before. If this is the case, do I need to train myself to press the release when inserting the mag?
A simple test would be to put a magnet to it and see if it sticks.
That's why you make the big bucks. LOL

I'm pretty sure it's polymer... took another good look at it last night and checked out the mags... both the one that came with the 371 series gun and the one I bought since have the non-grooved plastic followers.

Neither shows any wear yet... but I've only put a couple hundred rounds through the gun and I don't really slam the mags in there (can't determine from this thread whether that would exacerbate the problem or not).
I cant beleive that people are still buying these things. I mean, I understand all of the people that got in at the beginning, now they have to deal with it. Even the people that bought in after ruger started fixing them. But wow, with all of the problems out there, and people still having issues with fixed guns, I dont understand why people are still flocking to buy this gun.
I cant beleive that people are still buying these things. I mean, I understand all of the people that got in at the beginning, now they have to deal with it. Even the people that bought in after ruger started fixing them. But wow, with all of the problems out there, and people still having issues with fixed guns, I dont understand why people are still flocking to buy this gun.
What issues are you talking about? I have yet to see an issue where the gun is having problems running.

If you're talking about the crumby freebie magazine, who cares? Mine sits in the drawer and when Ruger pulls their head out, they'll be sending me a new one. Meanwhile our pistols run fine.

So, why wouldn't people flock to them? Certainly their problems are no worse than the P3AT's, both past and present.
Who cares if you bought a gun you can't use right now? I would care! I dont' want to have to wait for a company to "pull their head out" before a tool I would rely on with my life would work.
I haven't heard of too many problems, but if my gun didn't work out of the box, I wouldn't defend it in any way.
Who cares if you bought a gun you can't use right now?
Who ever said they can't use it right now?
If the freebie extra mag has a problem, it stays in the safe. The pistol still works with the other two (original) mags.

Reading comprehension.....:rolleyes:
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