Rush on the DC court ruling

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I don't know about 'brilliant' as it is expressed in the traditional sense, but he is indeed a brilliant opportunist.

This is a profound ruling. The individual rights to keep and bear arms is what the Second Amendment is all about.
That was Rush speaking. You may hate him, but you must agree that he's a big voice. And he's on our side.
While I agree the man is blowhard, arrogant, pontificating, etc.
He was, for the most part, a lone voice in a Liberal maelstrom back in the '80s (ahh Reagan, damn I miss that man), and he is often very observant. Scientifically, his reasoning is embarrassing (if I happen to be listening, I just turn him off when he tries to speak about science) even though he is often correct in his final conclusions.
He has done a lot to beat back liberalism in this country, he spoke out when most would not, and he paved the way for whomever you might currently be listening to on AM (as AM radio was about dead before Rush revived it--like it or not) for that I give him a pass on a lot. He doesn't do much for "our" personal piece of the Constitution, but at least he supports it because it is there.
Better stop listening to Rush before your IQ drops and U are brainwashed...

As for the Wash DC thing - I am glad to see this happen, but it could spell bad news for ALL of us if the Supreme Court gets ahold of this and rules against us.
Liberals hate Limbaugh with a passion....if you want to know who the libs are in an audience (or on this forum), mention his name and watch them come out of the closet to make personal attacks.

His political analysis and insight are brilliant.
I'm not the biggest Rush fan. I might listen to him once a month.

Yes he is brilliant. How many of you are self made millionaires by doing nothing but talking?

And he is and has been for many years the biggest voice we have in the fight against the left in this country.

He admits to not liking or owning guns but is still a vocal supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

Even though I personally am not all that crazy about his style, the fact is it works and we Conservatives don't have a more powerful man on our side.
How does this impact the recent conviction of the Arkansas "militia" guy with the FA Sten and other machine guns? Didn't they say completely the opposite?

In its 2-to-1 decision, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia held that the amendment's guarantee belongs to individuals and was not a collective right limited to members of militias

I want my FA P90. I want a FA M-16 for what the LE and Military pay for it (minus the "group" discount). They need to quit "interpreting" the constitutiont and just read it.
Rush fathered conservative talk radio but fathers aren't always the best models. We are all aware of his historic role and his energy. He's way too much of a Bushbot for me.

"As for the Wash DC thing - I am glad to see this happen, but it could spell bad news for ALL of us if the Supreme Court gets ahold of this and rules against us."

And it could be very bad for the Rule of Law if they do.
He's way too much of a Bushbot for me.
It's more fundamental than that. He's a party line Republican 100% of the way.

If Rudy Giuliani were elected President and started putting gun owners in internment camps, he'd be singing his praises because he's a Republican.

That having been said, he sure had Clinton's number. I'm sure that life would have been a LOT sweeter in the White House for Jethro if Limbaugh hadn't been around.
Deanimator said:
He's way too much of a Bushbot for me.

It's more fundamental than that. He's a party line Republican 100% of the way.

Hmmmm. If that's true why does he criticize the repubs for what they did to get themselves kicked out last Nov.?? Why does he criticize Dubya when he disagrees with him?
I laugh when I hear people claim Rush is taking orders from the GOP or Bush. He's been plenty crtical of both -- just this past week alone.
Some people dislike ElRushbo so much they can't see the "forrest through the trees." :neener: :p :D
While it's great they ruled that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right, they also reinforced the opinion that "the
right of the people to keep and bear arms (article 2) is
not infringed by laws prohibiting the carrying of
concealed weapons; ".
They also go on to state that imposing registration is necessary because the government needs to know how many people are available for militia service (paraphrase).

This ruling is great for RKBA, but there are also problems with it that reinforce "infringements" to our RKBA. Celebrate the battle victory, but don't climb down from the watch towers yet.
Can we stick with the topic of Rush's comments on the ruling, and leave the general deriding of him for elsewhere?

Your on the money. The people who don't know this are the same ones that don't listen to him. Funny how that works.

"Hmmmm. If that's true why does he criticize the repubs for what they did to get themselves kicked out last Nov.?? Why does he criticize Dubya when he disagrees with him?
I laugh when I hear people claim Rush is taking orders from the GOP or Bush. He's been plenty crtical of both -- just this past week alone.
Some people dislike ElRushbo so much they can't see the "forrest through the trees."
Shipwreck said:
Better stop listening to Rush before your IQ drops and U are brainwashed...

That is by far the funniest quote I have read all day, thank you. Think about the irony of your post, specifically in your spelling. Using a "u" instead of "you" was cool back when I was a freshman in high school, trading "warez" and games with people on dalnet and other IRC chat servers, or downloading pornographic pictures and playing L.O.R.D. on local BBSes that could not verify your age. That was about 11 or 12 years ago. Now, it is just plain annoying. Really, really annoying. I'm not trying to lash out at you but you do this in every single post you ever create, and quite honestly it makes your credibility sink to the level of a high school freshman.

Again, I'm not trying to be a dick but think about what I said. :neener:

ETA - I don't listen to Rush but I'm glad he has his head screwed on properly on this issue.
denfoote, i.e. drug charges

Yes Rush pled no contest AFTER the the DA proved he had no case and dropped it misdemeanor. Sorry, but that was just as bad as the scooter libby no trial trial.

As for Rush's comments, few MOUTHS (I mean look at it, it's huge both literaly and figuratively) are that big! Regardless of whether you agree, Talk Radio is good for the U.S. and Rush is the tops. Sure beats Al Franken....
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