S.649 Live Debate Thread - CSPAN2

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Senate stands in recess until 2:15 Eastern for weekly party caucuses. Sounds like the votes are still not there.

Senate back up again. CT Senator blood dancing. Still no votes scheduled which suggests that STM still doesn't have 60 votes.

Sen. Murphy still blood dancing. Several people who are contacting their Senators are being told the STM amendment will not be voted on until Thursday now; but no official word on that yet

Murphy finally relents. Quorum call.

5:01 - Boxer's turn to blood dance. Talking about AWB. Talking about School Safety act to harden schools now.

Boxer will support Toomey-Manchin, AWB, magazine ban and school safety act. No shockers. Senate Majority Leader up at 6pm Eastern.

Right now we are still stuck on the first amendment because Reid wants STM to go first and the votes aren't there for it. One newspaper says they are 3 short and Biden tweeted they were 2 votes short.

We won't have any idea what the entire bill looks like until all of the amendments are voted on.

Sen. Cardin (D-MD) up for mag bans, AWB, UBC, etc.

Still nothing of substance.
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Vote on Toomey-Manchin, AWB, and Magazine Bans scheduled for 4pm Eastern tomorrow. I am hoping that the late in the day vote indicates the Dems are still searching for enough votes to pass Toomey-Manchin. And they may end up delaying the vote yet again at this rate.

Borrowed from Barry Lee at TFL:

Ok, according to the Atlanta Journal Washington Correspondent they will be voting later today (Wednesday 4/17) on the following amendments.

Here are all nine of the amendments to be voted on Wednesday:

Manchin-Toomey amendment #715

Grassley substitute amendment consistent with the summary which is at the desk;

Leahy-Collins amendment #713 (trafficking)

Cornyn amendment #719 (conceal carry)

Feinstein amendment #711 (assault weapons/clip bans)

Burr amendment #720 (veterans/guns)

Lautenberg-Blumenthal amendment #714 (high capacity clip ban)

Barrasso amendment #717 (privacy)

Harkin-Alexander amendment relative to mental health, the text of which is at the desk.

Source: http://m.ajc.com/weblogs/jamie-dupree/2013/apr/16/senate-sets-showdown-votes-gun-bill/

Here is a discussion of the Grassley Alternative to Toomey-Manchin. It is co-sponsored by Ted Cruz so I remain cautiously optimistic.
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Manchin walking it back now...

About 40 minutes later, Manchin’s office issued a clarification, saying he will continue to push for the Manchin-Toomey amendment.

"Sen. Manchin remains optimistic and hopeful that if Senators and the American people read the bill, they will support his commonsense approach to require criminal and mental background checks for advertised sales, including purchases at gun shows and online sales, without infringing on Americans' Second Amendment rights," Manchin spokesman Jonathan Kott said, adding: “He will continue to explain his bill to his colleagues and anyone with concerns until the minute they vote."

As we’ve noted before, the math remains very tough for the gun bill, with basically all remaining undecided senators needing to vote for it, in addition to getting Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has been ill in recent weeks and unable to travel, to the Senate chamber.

Amendments to the gun bill require 60 votes, meaning Democrats needed to pick off a number of Republicans in order to pass it. So far, only three — including Toomey — have signed on, and several Democrats have wavered as well.
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has been ill in recent weeks

Not that I'd wish anything bad to him...

It seems that when senators actually READ the text of the bill, it doesn't seem as glorious as when they were parading around their 'compromise'
I turned it off for a while because I could feel my IQ dropping watching the Old Hag.

Turned it back on and Sen Cruz is on the tube saying that he has a SUBSTITUTE GUN BILL.


This should be good!

In other news I'm drinking coffee for the first time and its gross.
Sen. Cornyn up talking about National CCW recip.

I'm still... ehhhhhhhhh... it sounds good now but its just a stepping stone for 'national standards' etc... :\
Bloomberg is reporting this morning that Sen. Reed will reverse his previous position and vote in favor of an AWB/Magazine limit ban. Quotes him as saying:

Assault weapons have one purpose and one purpose only, to kill a large number of people really quick,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “This goes well beyond the purpose of self- defense.
Bloomberg is reporting this morning that Sen. Reed will reverse his previous position and vote in favor of an AWB/Magazine limit ban. Quotes him as saying:
Assault weapons have one purpose and one purpose only, to kill a large number of people really quick,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “This goes well beyond the purpose of self- defense.


"Killing large numbers of people really quick" makes is sound perfect for self defense. Home invasion robbery anyone?

Sen. Barrasso is arguing for the Concealment of Concealed Carry data. Much similar to the law we passed here in VA. Brings up recent NY newspaper that published the map.

Domestic violence victim was so concerned.

Sen. Manchin up to speak, asks for 45 minutes. Oh joy.

Says NRA-Alerts are misinformed.

Manchin is saying that "If you dont like my bill, tell me and we'll work with you to make it so everyone likes it"

Sucking up to female congresswomen.

Talking about Al Queda for some reason. Quoted the guy saying "you can buy a fully automatic assault rifle w/ no background check and no ID" did NOT CORRECT HIM. TOOK IT AS FACT.
This guy is an idiot!!!!
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Yeah, but Manchin says this bill will stop him in his tracks!!!! Dont you know all you have to do to stop terrorist, is to make a law they arent allowed to break? Terrorist wont obtain guns illegially if we pass this bill! :rolleyes:
Sen. Cruz proposing his alt. bill during the Quorum call.

Sen. Gillibrand starts up after the call with a VERY emotional appeal. Hand moving, intonation, the full shabam.

Sen. Blumenthal up.. I have it muted since the DNY Sen. I can only imagine what he's saying :rolleyes:

Sen. Menendez is speaking against National Reciprocity
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Menendez up, not understanding what concealed carry is all about. :rolleyes:

'if we have national reciprocity we'll have more gun violence!'
Menendez says 2a is only for hunting.

Complains bump fire is 13rds per second.

Talking about we dont 'NEED' this.

We dont NEED import cars either. Nor does NJ NEED him as senator.
Sen. Coburn up.

Says NICS isnt background check, its a 'DO NOT BUY' list. Like the Do not fly list of DHS.

Talks about list-checking portal. Not going through FFL, open NICS to everyone.

Havent heard if mandatory yet :\
Coburn up. Says everyone is getting emotional and irrational. Advocates private gun owners to do a check on their buyer before selling with a nics "PIN number."
Burr now up promoting his bill to remove veterans put on NICS by VA without adjudication or being found a danger to themselves or others.

Murphy up now. SSDD. Claims firearms have become remarkably more powerful in the last few decades :confused: suggests a good school shooter strategy is to have children shot with smaller firearms (not making that up by the way)

Just looked up and noticed Murphy has a picture chart of "assault weapons" that contains several NFA weapons, including the already banned Striker shotgun.
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CCRKBA pulls support for Toomey-Manchin: http://www.examiner.com/article/ccrkba-pulls-support-for-manchin-toomey

Grassley up proposing his amendment. Sounds too good for us to pass IMO. Grassley does point by point takedown of Toomey-Manchin problems.

Enzi up to point out problems withthe "instant" parts of NICS

Reed, Senator from some NE banana republic, argues for AWB.

Sen. Richard Shelby comes out swinging hard with a speech that would make THR members think "Man, that guy is a little too gun crazy.". Very pro-2nd :D
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Sen. Warren from MA talking about Boston bombings for some reason?

If you were trying to find out if they would tie that event into supporting gun control, pay attention. This is probably it.

EDIT: Nvm, its just something that isn't related at all.
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