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S.649 Live Debate Thread - CSPAN2

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Some retard says "high capacity" magazines used in half of crimes since 1982... Maybe because what you are calling "high capacity" is the magazine the firearm was originally designed to use?
46 YEA - 54 NAY. Lautenberg-Blumenthal amendment (high capacity magazine ban) fails.
Current status as of 4/18/2013 1:40 Eastern: All amendments required 60 votes to pass. The amendments to protect gun owner privacy and improve the mental health system oassed by solid majorities. The AWB and mag bans failed to achieve even 50 votes. The underlying S.649 bill is still horrible and not something we would want to pass; however it is also unlikely to pass and needs 60 votes. The Senate is going to take up judicial nominations when they return. There is still a rumor that Reid may pull the bill from the floor rather than see it die in a final vote and put it on the legislative calendar for later.

Manchin-Toomey amendment #715. Failed 54-46

Grassley substitute amendment consistent with the summary which is at the desk; Failed 52-48

Leahy-Collins amendment #713 (trafficking) Failed 58-42

Cornyn amendment #719 (conceal carry) Failed 57-43

Feinstein amendment #711 (assault weapons/clip bans) Failed 40-60

Burr amendment #720 (veterans/guns) Failed 56-44

Lautenberg-Blumenthal amendment #714 (high capacity clip ban) Failed 46-54

Barrasso amendment #717 (privacy) Passed 67-30

Harkin-Alexander amendment relative to mental health Passed 95-2
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Time to call/write our senators and either thank them for the way they voted or ask them what they were thinking. Durbin and Kirk will get the "what were you thinking" letter from me.

Posted from Thehighroad.org App for Android
Christ, 39 other Sentors voted for the AWB? Not to mention that most of the amendments actually got majorities. Far from a victory, this is only a rebuff--This monster's far from put to bed. All this has shown them is they'll have to act faster next time an attacker goes off the deep end, or play around with the filibuster rules. If the Dems truly ever think they a lock on long-term power (the glorious One-Party system they've been pining after for years) don't think for a second they wouldn't muzzle filibusters.

I'd feel much better if I believed that everyone with their name on one of these bills was getting bum-rushed out of town next year. If we actually wish to make something out of this mess, we need to keep on our reps, perhaps more than before, about the need to disband old worthless laws. Repealing Hughes probably can't happen, but de-regulating suppressors and mandating reciprocity (without Gubmint "encouragement" coercing states into setting their bar higher) of carry should be rammed right back down their throats. Just because the Prez and senate probably won't go for it is no excuse--look how long DF's been pushing her bill, and she actually got scarily close to success through shear persistence.

Remember that only 4% of people even think this is a very important issue right now (Gallup) so any claim of victory is pure hubris.

I am rather pleased with the way Sen. Warner voted on the AWB and Mag Cap amendments.

I sent him a little congratulatory email. If he voted NAY on the big bill S649... I might just vote for him come next year. We'll see how he voes though.

Sen Kaine... Ohhh I'm a bit cross with him.

Contact your Senators and thank them for voting NAY on any bad amendments
If they voted AYE on any bad amendments... give them the 3rd degree.

If they're up for reelection... let them know you're not happy.
I'll probably get fired for watch CSPAN all day at work.

I have school tomorrow from 12-4, right when debates start, so you guys are on your own when it comes to live thread updates.
They are still debating this morning; but nothing substantive happening. Just the usual mix of blood dancing, shame on you, cold dead hands, etc.
Voting resumes. Barrasco amendment on privacy for private gun owner info now. Passed 67-30

Voting on bipartisan amendment (Harkins-Alexander) to improve mental health. Haven't seen the text. Mike Lee and Rand Paul just voted against it though.
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Barrasso admendment #717 passed 67-30...Harkin admendment mental health #630 passed 95-2...

7 admendments down..two passed. Recess now till 2:30
Saw this posted at keepandbeararms.com today. That didn't take long.


Lautenberg is planning to introduce background checks for black powder / gunpowder, as an amendment to S.649, which is pretty much DOA, and possible as a standalone bill.

I guess he didn't bother to research the fact that black powder is easily made from readily available chemicals.
Reid up. Lecturing on guns again. Says they will come back to bill.

Stabenow - mental health
Coburn - UBC
Veterans issues

Reid pulled S.649. Promises it will be back. Senate moving on to S.743 for now.
Now that the pressure is off, the Coburn so-called "UBC" plan is something that gun owners could support. After all, it's practically voluntary in its actual application. On the other hand, the gun-control crowd, after suitable reflection, could come to support it when they realize that it's either that, or nothing at all. (At least some of them could reach that conclusion.) Couple the Coburn plan with national reciprocity (which, btw, got 57 votes yesterday) and repeal of the Hughes Amendment, and this whole thing could be a net gain for gun owners.
AlexanderA said:
Now that the pressure is off, the Coburn so-called "UBC" plan is something that gun owners could support.

Coburn's plan will never see a vote in the Senate. The last thing gun control advocates want is relatively comprehensive background check coverage without recordkeeping requirements.
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