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Safe Question

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Nov 9, 2005
im looking at getting a gunsafe for my house and i live in North FLorida Jville to be exact. and humidity is pretty high around here. Now i measured all my doors and stuff so im pretty sure i can fit the thing in my house but i was wondering if i could just keep it in my garage. (its attached) the only bad part is its not insulated or climate controlled. now my question is would one of those electric dehumidfiers(that go inside the safe) work well in the High Humidity envorment that im in? or would it just be a waste of time trying to keep it in the garage and trying to keep my guns from rusting

im just trying to save a few hundred bucks of having a profesional come and drag it from my curb to my bedroom closet.
I'd spend the couple of hundred bucks to get the safe into your bedroom for the well-being of your guns. You'd end up loosing alot more in rusty guns. :cuss: :banghead: You'd also be able to access your guns much quicker if the safe was in your room and it would be much harder for some crum to steal your safe.
oh i would have it bolted down defently if it was in the garage. we just had the house built in october and i havent really been in there during the real humid times of the spring/summer i know when it gets hot out it feels like an oven in there. a real dry heat.

the bedroom closet would be the ideal place though. the wife isnt to keen on keeping it in the living room lol i guess ill call around or talk to the local gun store and see who moves there safes for them. i dont want some idiot dropping my safe on my tile floor and cracking tiles lol
Try it out

Put it in the garage for a trial run. Leave it empty except for one of these silica thingies. Make sure you match the size to your safe.


See how long it takes for the indicator to change colors. That's how often you will need to recharge it. It will still change colors if the safe is in the house, but not as fast. I live in Wisconsin, where we have pretty humid summers. I've noticed that I have to recharge about twice as often then. If you don't like the results of your test, lure some friends to your house with a case of barley pop and have them help you. Good luck. -Magnum
oh i can get those humidity indicator papers from work and i have access to barrels of the BIG sicilica gel bags. i was wondering about the electric safe dehumidifiers.
I have my safe in the garage in FL. Just put in on top of a piece of plywood, bolt it down, and get a golden rod and some of the big dessicant bags. As long as the temperature inside of safe is warmer than the air outside of it, you won't get condensation on your firearms.
We have done some installations in very wet basement in Missouri.

The dry rods and dessicants are only going to do so much. If the humidity is high, you may want to consider a stand alone dehumidifier.

You can build a small "closet" around the safe. This will keep your dehumidifier from working the whole garage, and limit it to the area the safe is in. It will also hide your safe from view. These dehumidifiers can be set up to constantly drain out of a small tube. Just run the tube to the nearest drain, and you're set.

Placing the safe in the house is still the best option.

As has been stated earlier, all a goldenrod does is keep the interior of your container above dewpoint. That would not seem to be a big problem in Florida to me, but then I'm in Montana & reasonably ignorant of the enviroment down there.

I do know that you are entirely correct in being concerned with the high humidity & it's effects upon your guns. I have to wonder if the suggestion to either get it into the house or build a cabinet with a de-humidifier isn't in the 10-ring.

If your container is an RSC, you should be able to move it yourself. That's being careful, thinking it through, and not getting in too big a hurry. It should be doable with an appliance cart rated to 800 lbs and some help. For carpet, buy a sheet of plywood, cut it into 2' X 4' strips & roll the cart on that, it's easier. If your container is a true safe, bite the bullet & hire a SAVTA professional, it's a lot SAFER. No pun intended.

IMHO, the Golden Rod or similar devices wouldn't stand a chance against the humidity in FL.

If you have a problem getting a safe into where you want it, check out www.zanottiarmor.com; they have modular safes that can be assembled where they are wanted. The drawback is lack of fire protection.

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