San Francisco Police Chief tells it like it is

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The current chief is Heather Fong

A petite asian woman. Whoever that was isn't the chief and I doubt she was aware of him going off like that. Being the craven type of career bureaucrat I doubt she was happy that rank and file would be so straight forward.
good god that was brilliant. he said it all. what a blistering, scathing commentary on the justice system and the media. how great would it be if more chiefs spoke like that?
That was SFPD union president Gary Delagnes commenting on the death of Officer Nick Tomasito-Birco.
Who says we vote that guy into the next presidency? Anyone who isn't afraid to call it like it is, and go against the "Anti-US" media deserves some high-ranking office. At least so long as he's pro-2A.
I like how he stated the the Judges of our Justice system are the only people that are never held accountable for any of their actions. shameful:banghead:
I still haven't forgiven the San Francisco PD for dumping Jordan's .41 Magnum.

But I suppose that's neither here nor there, hmm? :p
Excellent comments and I cannot agree with him more.

It would be nice to see the same level of outrage when a regular citizen is attacked or killed by a repeat offender.

What led to the officers death is repeated every day in every big city.
GoRon said:
Excellent comments and I cannot agree with him more.

It would be nice to see the same level of outrage when a regular citizen is attacked or killed by a repeat offender.

What led to the officers death is repeated every day in every big city.


That is the Chief of Police in San Fran.
Heather Fong.
Could someone please post a direct link? The TinyURL only gets me an error message:

The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection.
When did this occur? Having a son who is an LEO makes me even more sensitive to these issues. Doesn't it seem that the same cities that have the reputation for being easy on criminals are the ones hardest on ordinary citizens who want to provide for their self defense? SF has long been on my list of places where I would never live. So is all of CA, Chicago, all of MA, and a few other places.
Its nice to hear someone say it. But I have to wonder if he would be so angry if the cop was not killed but a civilian who could not defend themself.

Well what it seemed to me is not that he's just angry because one of his officers is killed, but because the media turned it into a circus and blamed the officer for doing his job.

And he is right about judges too, on every level. The Judicial system of this country is way out of control. From the prosecution of criminals at the local level, to the activist judges making law and national policy from the bench and usurping the elected Representatives of the People, the Legislature. We have given too much trust and too much leeway to judges, under some false feeling that because they are judges they somehow are above us, infallible, and make better decisions. Judges are human beings. And human beings in power abuse that power. Always. It happened when the murderer of Officer Burcko(sp) got off over and over for no reason and it happens when the SCOTUS makes laws for the nation. It needs to stop.
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