Santa Barbara ammo

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The Kidd

Mar 21, 2003

I have a question about some ammo I bought from Sportsmans Guide. It is Spanish, made 12 Nov., '91 according to the stamp on the box. It was supposed to be 124 gr. jacketed soft point. The box is printed "con bala mablan". The bullets are gold (copper jacket/washed?) and are shaped like a lead gas-check would be. The thing is... if you scrape that coating off with a knife if seems to be plastic not lead underneath. I can not remove this coating with just a thumbnail but I wonder if any body knows anything about these or if the writing on the box solves the riddle.

The co. offered to take them back without any prob but I can not help but wonder... I have not taken any apart in case I decide to return them I don't want to be short.

Thanks to any and all who know anything about these.

Sorry, it is 9mm. I bought some .380 at the same time and it is indeed copper over lead soft points. The .380s shoot great. I just want to find out *** is with these 9mms.
My Spanish is more than a little rusty... for the life of me I can't figure out what "mablan" means. Con bala = With bullet.
Maybe I still have one of my Spanish/English dictionaries around, I'll look for it.

I know what ammo you're talking about. I was thinking about buying some of the .380acp fodder they offered by this manufacturer.

Thanks for the help. I can heartily recommend the.380. It has a green laquer around the primer but the stuff I got has no oxidation or corrosion. The box also says 'no corrosivo' I was guessing non-corrosive. OK thanks again.
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