Santa Fe Police Department looking into hiring Mexican nationals

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Aug 1, 2003
By The Associated Press
Article Launched: 05/16/2007 09:56:10 AM MDT

SANTA FE (AP) — The Santa Fe Police Department is considering the possibility of recruiting Mexican nationals to fill vacant police jobs.

Sgts. Gillian Alessio and Marvin Paulk, who are in charge of the department's recruiting and training, said Tuesday they are considering alternative approaches to fill 20 vacancies on the city's 155-person police force.

But Police Chief Eric Johnson said New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy regulations prohibit non-citizens from serving as police officers.

Alessio said the Santa Fe police force, like others around the country, is vying to recruit the same 21- to 30-year-olds as the U.S. military, whose need for recruits is taking a toll on the police department.

"Every day, we get approached by young men and women from Mexico who are in the country legally but are not naturalized," Alessio said.

"There is a huge pool of people who are dedicated, hardworking and trying to become citizens of this country. They would like nothing better than to devote their time to protecting the communities that they live in," she said.

The United States speeds up naturalization for foreigners who enlist in the U.S. military, and Alessio asked, "Why can't we do that with law
Frankly, if they're in the country legally but not yet nationalized, they speak English fluently, and are capable of fully understanding the law and its application..... I can't think of anything wrong with the idea.
Beats lowering recruitment standards, hiring people with criminal histories, etc...
Kinda reminds me aof a book I wrote, set in Nuevo Mexico a little bit in the future.

the start of the end of the american republic, much like the end of imperial rome when they got foreigners to be the bulk of the legions.

Im broke, love guns, would love to have a good job, am in the 21-30 year old age group, and am american and white, hence the illegal discrimination based on race/ethnicity is keeping me out of a job withthem.

Its like the farmers here in michigan. they bitch about a lack of legal/illegal immigrants to pick their fields, but they will NOT hire a white person to do the picking, even though id like that job.
What does it have to do with firearms?

Ask that question in five years--assuming this website is still here for you to ask it.

The New World Ordure slowly but surely blurs all distinctions and boundaries. This is one more step. The American citizen is Odd Man Out.
the start of the end of the american republic, much like the end of imperial rome when they got foreigners to be the bulk of the legions.

Arguably a complete misconception about the role of 'foreigners' in Pax Romana and its decline. From the Republic onward, the Romans effectively integrated and worked with foreign merchants, workers, etc., allowing them to become citizens, spreading their language through the empire, Hellenizing the provinces and so on. It was after Caesar's conquest of Gaul heavy recruiting among the provincial peoples' for the legions began to take place: that was only 500 years before the 'fall of Rome.'

It is at the tail end of the Roman era when a kind of "true Roman" paranoia sets in that the relationships become more contentious and corrupt, in part because Rome no longer had the brand recognition (in today's parlance) to inspire loyalty from its subjects, wherever they might have been
Ask that question in five years--assuming this website is still here for you to ask it.

The New World Ordure slowly but surely blurs all distinctions and boundaries. This is one more step. The American citizen is Odd Man Out.

You've got to be joking. Just because a police department from NEW MEXICO decides to hire Mexicans from Mexico into their police force (something I am against), you expect it to result in a new world order and the shutdown of a gun web site within five years?

And people on here are calling Dr. Paul kooky.

All that will happen is a big mess for Santa Fe in the near future.

But once again, besides the fact that cops carry guns, what does this issue have to do with firearms?
We, on the other hand, have nothing but "brand loyalty."

In fact, the elites of this nation, both business and government, treat America as if it were nothing but a brand, although the current euphemism is that it is an "idea."

Last time I checked it was also a nation.

Legitimizing trespassers and squatters will be an obscenity this Government and its errand boys will never recover from. They are too swollen with hubris to realize what they are unleashing.
I don't have a problem with them "trespassing" as long as they don't commit violent crimes, steal, or cause alcohol-indused auto accidents while over here. But of course, a lot of them do.

But what does this have to do with firearms???
But what does this have to do with firearms???
OMIGOD!!! Like this is the first thread which strayed a bit off course... still it is a testament to the state of the union and how it is being slowly eroded away each and every day.
Last time I checked it was also a nation.
Were we? When?

We've never been a nation in the traditional sense. We're a state of transplants and conflicting tribes, with little in the way of common cultural history or uniformity.

That's the blessing of a melting pot, theoretically - welcoming of all, without the barriers of 'Englishness' or the difficulties incorporating age-old ethnic nations (Basques) into a modern federated state.

After all, isn't American patriotism (or triumphalism) an invention of the post-Civil War era and particularly World War II?
OMIGOD!!! Like this is the first thread which strayed a bit off course... still it is a testament to the state of the union and how it is being slowly eroded away each and every day.

Just because it's not the first doesn't mean it's right. I said something about it because I deal with the illegal issue enough as it is already, so I just want to discuss firearms when I come on here.

More than likely I won't look at this thread again.
Santa Fe, the "City Different". :barf:

In the 1880s New Mexico needed both a penitentiary and a University. Santa Fe had the first choice over Albuquerque, and chose the Penitentiary. Very, very telling.
I didn't think myopia and firearms went together...apparently I was wrong.

We've never been a nation in the traditional sense. We're a state of transplants and conflicting tribes, with little in the way of common cultural history or uniformity.

That's the blessing of a melting pot, theoretically - welcoming of all, without the barriers of 'Englishness' or the difficulties incorporating age-old ethnic nations (Basques) into a modern federated state.

After all, isn't American patriotism (or triumphalism) an invention of the post-Civil War era and particularly World War II?

Welcome to Political Science 101, as taught by today's professoriat.

We've never been a nation so that means we have no right to resist invaders or affirm our own social, political, and cultural values. I get it. Do I get an A?
We've never been a nation so that means we have no right to resist invaders or affirm our own social, political, and cultural values. I get it. Do I get an A?
Hahahaha. This would be laughable if it weren't sad and hysterical - I responded directly and with no value comment to a very basic assertion about the US as a 'nation.'

Anything else you read into it is your own projection.
Anyone know if the SF PD does poly testing? Perhaps they could hire US citizens if they dropped scientifically rejected screening practices.
No offense, but what does this have to do with firearms?
I don't know? Maybe Mexican 5th column gun carrying cops willing to do what it takes to promote Aztlan?
What does it have to do with firearms? I love rhetorical questions.

Ask MS-13, coming to an American hamlet near you.

Ask the Reconquista crowd who prefer "bronze" to everything else and plan, when they get enough power (of whatever kind), to subjugate.

The clowns in D.C. are busy trying to figure out how to help Mexico. They don't give a fig about Americans. If we want to "solve" the immigration problem, we need to take the game straight to Mexico City. Lay it on the line. Ditto the Middle East: Riyadh. Will we do that? Obviously not. Too many people whored themselves out a long time ago. Basta.

Anyone who thinks there is no American nation or culture is a fool, and there is no fool like an "educated" fool.

You are not gonna change the opinions of the "Benevolent Ones"

It's just like trying to reason with the Antis.

I for one have not interjected into this thread cuz anything I have to say on this is definately not high road.

The fact that some of you see no prob with farming out our already much to militarized police to openly hostile foreign nationals make me want to puke. I can't wait untill the festivities start, we'll see how vocal you all are then.
The fact that some of you see no prob with farming out our already much to militarized police to openly hostile foreign nationals make me want to puke. I can't wait untill the festivities start, we'll see how vocal you all are then.

Paco, a permanent resident alien may begin the process of naturalization three years after issuance of status, and may actually receive citizenship five years after issuance.

Are you okay with them becoming law enforcement AFTER they become citizens?

If so, what exactly do you see as having happened in the interim that somehow changes them?

Or should LE be restricted solely to US born citizens?
Talk about outsourcing!:D

Fellow citizens of Rome, we need the barbarians so we do not get our hands dirty doing actual work. We need to sit around, get fat and enjoy the bounty of another man's work, that's the Roman way! The way of Empire!

The answer to the question that this book poses is "YES!"==>

Never forget when I was in Dallas last summer. I am enjoying a frosty liquid bread by my friend's pool while my friend is whining about "Mexican emmygrants" making his life complicated as a lawn crew is packing up their mowers and weed wackers talking about their families in Mexico and how they cannot wait to bring them up north.

Typical border state mentality, whine about the Mexicans, but refuse to do the work necessary to support society.:rolleyes:
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