"Sarah Palin Makes Me Nervous", says Sarah Brady

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Nov 14, 2007
in today's Brady Bunch email:

Close Down the Gun Lobby's Office in the White House!
Support the Brady Campaign now!

Dear *****,

Sarah Palin makes me nervous. The NRA gave her its highest rating during her run for Governor. In a candidate questionnaire for Governor, she equated gun control as being as much of a threat to families as drugs and gangs!

With the Republican nomination of lifetime NRA member Sarah Palin for Vice President, the NRA has just what it's looking for to keep its White House office open.

You remember, don't you? Before the 2000 election, an NRA Vice President gloated to his members that with George W. Bush as President, "We'll have . . . a president where we work out of their office!"

The Brady Campaign needs your support to close down the gun lobby's "office" in the White House. The election is just weeks away. I need your help now to defeat those who will do the gun lobby's bidding and elect those candidates who support sensible gun laws that protect you, your family and your community.

Best regards,

Sarah Brady, Chair
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

So which Sarah you gonna side with? :)
Anyone that makes Sarah Brady makes me do the "Happy Dance"

And that being performed by a 55+ year old OBFG {Old Bald Fat Guy} is something you REALLY dont want to see.....
The dots aren't hard to fill in yourself:

""If we win, we'll have a Supreme Court that will back us to the hilt," added Robinson, a former police official in Des Moines. "If we win, we'll have a president, with at least one of the people that's running, a president where we work out of their office. Unbelievably friendly relations."

It was pretty widely reported at the time:
Which of the 20,000+ gun laws have made us safer?

Laws don't protect you. Neither are the police obligated to do so. Get off your 'for the children' government teat and actually do something productive instead of demonizing guns owners and turning citizens into criminals.
Sarah Brady is afraid of anyone not willing to instantly claim victim status, but instead chosing to take care of themselves. Thats the root of the LIBS problem with Palin, she has completely sidestepped the liberial victimized woman mindset, meanwhile showing more "grit" than most male polititions.
I simply cannot come to terms with the mindset employed by those who would seek to shift control over their well-being into the hands of others - control which would belong to both the police establishment and the criminal element itself. If you are unwilling or unable to take responsibility for your own safety, your own economic prosperity, and your own actions in general, then what good are you to yourself or to society as a whole?
anyone who can make brady AND hillary totally nuts gets my vote.
and why havent we heard from 'spoons make people fat like me' rosie?
I received the same message. It must be because I used the Brady e-mail system to send a message the opposite of their pre-written one.

I was tempted to waste my time responding to the current message, but it would do no good whatever -- so I just used the "Don't bug me" feature.
Originally Posted by Sarah Brady
elect those candidates who support sensible gun laws that protect you, your family and your community.

How about you let me protect me, my family, and my community.

All I can is....GOOD! The Brady Bunch is running scared now, because McCain is kicking Obama's ass in the polls, Wash D.C is removing their semi-auto handgun ban, because they were about to get sued again, and Congress is taking up the Second Ammendment Enforcement Act. The Brady Bunch is gasping for air right now, I like seeing them desperate.
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