Saudis get scholarships to study aviation in U.S.

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As long as our public purse is not paying for it, and they are not taught and do not have access to our cutting edge material, I am all for this. This is what the extent of our legal immigration should be; educational visas for second rate or third world nationals.

They can come here, learn ... and then return to their own homeland and add to the progress of their own nations.

<quote> ..will not get to enroll because of these foreigners taking up space in the class rooms? <quote>

Hmmm, probably none as in a capitalist society, if there is a need, someone will be along to fill it. I wouldn't worry that poor Uncle Joe won't get flight training cuz Hassan Abib has a seat.

<quote>The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them. </quote>

Yeaaahhh.... That didn't go as planned for the communists. Last I heard it was USSR 0, US 1
"USSR 0 US 1"

Was that due to good management or good luck? Our jihadist enemies, backed to varying degrees by communists in several countries, openly plot world domination and our demise. They're working on nukes in Tehran and missiles in Pyongyang, but we're supposed to be all multicultural and tolerant right up until the heat, blast and radiation remove our bigger open-society cities.

The situation is something like the the people of Laish, mentioned in Judges chapter 18. The tribe of Dan sent spies to the city of Laish who reported back that these folks were "careless...quiet and secure". So 600 Danite warriors "smote them with the edge of the sword, and burnt the city with fire."
Nothing new here.
After getting out of the military in the early 70's I had to go to civilian aviation school to get my FAA ticket even though I had been doing much more advanced stuff in the military.

The class was half Saudis with a few Iraqi's thrown in all driving brand new cars, fat checking accounts and most spoke no english and showed up for class once a week which was a good thing because these folks knew nothing about personal hygene.
I don't see how any of them passed. But I guess it was good enough for their own countries governments and I'm sure a money windfall for the school back then.
The USSR didn't die, it just moved West.
To the Enviormental, Global Warming, Don't Drill For Oil, Save the Animals and various other Screw America organizations.

To make it even worse is the fact that they have the Government funding them.:cuss:
Alright, look.

The next time somebody decides that based on the fact that they don't like you or your people and decides to bar you from doing whatever it is you want to do, make snide comments about making you "stand 100 yards downrange," or decides to infringe on one of your rights for something that some people who look kinda sorta like you may have done a while back but we're really not sure (but hell, let's burn all the ragheads anyway) I'm going to be sitting right here, in this chair, laughing at you.

Some of the sentiments expressed in this thread are simply appalling. I'll leave it at that.
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