Scent Lok

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As I understand it, the issue is this; activated carbon adsorbs molecules, some of which are "scent" molecules, and binds them. Unfortunately, this binding is for all intents and purposes permanent as it requires temperatures far higher than those attained by your dryer to release them. In other words, the Scent-Lok clothing hanging on Cabelas racks contains activated carbon which is already saturated with "scent". You buy it saturated, and it remains saturated when it comes out of your dryer. As far as I can see, based on what I have read regarding activated carbon, it is impossible for Scent-Lok to be doing anything for you except removing $ from you wallet.
I will just agree to disagree with all of you then and keep spending money. lol My money and have plenty to donate to Cabelas. :neener:
As I understand it, the issue is this; activated carbon adsorbs molecules, some of which are "scent" molecules, and binds them. Unfortunately, this binding is for all intents and purposes permanent as it requires temperatures far higher than those attained by your dryer to release them. In other words, the Scent-Lok clothing hanging on Cabelas racks contains activated carbon which is already saturated with "scent". You buy it saturated, and it remains saturated when it comes out of your dryer. As far as I can see, based on what I have read regarding activated carbon, it is impossible for Scent-Lok to be doing anything for you except removing $ from you wallet.

Spot on correct. It is quickly saturated and cannot be reactivated by a household dryer. Also, I saw a tv news report where they actually cut one of these suits open (something they know a hunter who just shelled out that kinda cash would never do) and the amount of carbon inside these suits is a joke. I've sprinkled more pepper on a plate of stewed squash. Delude yourself if you must but this stuff is a major league rip-off.
For those of you who commented as IMO I respect your opinion. All of the rest who have no factual evidence except for a random t.v. show and some with none really at all, you need to get out of your "old school' frame of mind and understand technology has advanced. If you don't have the extra money, thats understandable. Still look at all of the professionals who wear scent lok and I'm not talking on t.v. I have the privilege of knowing a couple guys that hunt professionally and they guide in their off time...they wear scent lok people and they wear it for a reason! That isn't being because they are sponsored by scent lok because they are not. It has advantages, so if you have the money it's gonna help ya simple!
You can ignore us all you want. But the biology of the game animal, the chemistry involved in the suits and even the economics involved all point to this product being a complete fraud. Just cause a couple PH use the stuff tells us nothing, these guys will just as likely carry a lucky rabbits foot if they think it'll help.

Besides rule No1 of any profession is you must dress the part. Clients wouldn't think they were getting their moneys worth from a guide wearing surplus BDU's or flannel.

you need to get out of your "old school' frame of mind and understand technology has advanced.
technology may have advanced but the laws of physics have still stubbornly remained the same

I have some scentlok and some non-scentlok hunting clothes and the only difference I've noticed is the heavier scentlok clothes make me sweatier (and stinkier!) in the fall during bow season when its still somewhat warm.

I bought into the scentlok thing as well at first (which is why I have some). Then I did some research. Now, I'm pretty convinced its fraudulent.
Scent Lok chewing gum?

Scent Lok Q- tips?

Scent Lok Baby wipes?

Scent Lok beef jerky?

Scent Lok whiskey?

Scent Lok camp fire?

Scent Lok farts?

smells funny too me!
All right, I can't take it,I have to put my opinion in. I am guessing most of you are hunting deer in highly populated states. What do those deer smell 365 days a year? human scent,diesel exhaust, etc, if they ran off every time there was some "unnatural" scent thats all they would have time for.
So then Jim, does that mean you think ScentLok actually does anything to help, either here or up there?

I have some scentlok and some non-scentlok hunting clothes and the only difference I've noticed is the heavier scentlok clothes make me sweatier (and stinkier!) in the fall during bow season when its still somewhat warm.

That would have been my guess too. The fact is (as has been pointed out) that (a) the carbon CANNOT BE REACTIVATED by drying, so the stuff is a fraud from the get-go right there, and (b) even if it could, there's so little carbon in it as to make it a joke. The laws of physics say that it just cannot work - the carbon is already bound out for good long before it ever leaves the store shelf. It is the undisputed heavyweight champ of scams. Absolutely worthless. I'm a huge believer in being scent-free, so I can see the appeal of these initially - we want to believe they work. But man, if you wrapped your entire body in that stuff during early bow season (the time you really need to control your scent the most), you will be absolutely miserably hot, and probably die of heat stroke (in many states), and you will sweat so much it defeats the purpose. And if you don't cover your face for example, then the fact that your body is protected by the magical carbon fairy dust won't matter two spits if you didn't control your body scent (showering etc.). So since you need to shower carefully, etc., anyway to effectively control scent, what does it matter whether you have scentlok or not, even assuming that the stuff works? You have to undertake the same procedures regardless, if you're not in a complete airtight suit covering your body from head to toe. You're much better off with lightweight clothing where you don't sweat as much than the heavy sweat-inducing scentlok crap. You'd be better off bowhunting the early season buck naked after a good shower than with scentlok that makes you sweat like a pig. Your clothes need to be scent-FREE, not scentlok.

Now in late cold season things may be different - you can wrap your entire body including your face and hands, to stay warm anyway. But any old clothing will do that - act as a simple barrier to escaping scent. And since the stuff is a fraud from the get go, due to the impossibility of the carbon reactivating, it makes no sense to pay more for that stuff.

Seriously, we're just trying to keep you (and others similarly believing) from throwing any more of your money away on that crap.

Scent Lok chewing gum?

That one is reality:
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Gum-O-Flage, hahahaha! Got me DR. THW! I will stick to a pinch of chew, hang over breath, chewing pine or just plain gum. This scent hiding thing has really taken off to the point its funny.
So lets say this stuf can only collect 23% of scent on the day it was manufactured (according to scientists testimony). Your dryer does not get hot enough to reactivate the carbon, well what about a heat gun? Do you think it would get hot enough? If it did wouldn't 23% be better than nothing? The only scent lok I have is the savana shirt and head cap. Itr pretty light wieght compared to the stuff you describe. I have a couple of scent IQ garments also they were on sale. All in all in the "scent free clothing" department I have less than $100. The main reason I have any of this stuff is, I want it to work, is it was light wieght and the material that they use seems impervious to fading. So the same shirt that I bought 4 years ago is still as crisp as the day I bought it.
So then Jim, does that mean you think ScentLok actually does anything to help, either here or up there
I don't know, because I never used it. I would think in the case of wilderness animals,unaccustomed to man scent, it would be helpful if it worked, but as you pointed out it probably doesn't.
One time in open country in Western Alaska I saw a beautiful Blond grizzly grazing on tundra Berry's 400 yards away, on all fours, not a care in the world. The wind shifted from me to him and he immediately got up on his hind legs,smelled the air and took off like a rocket.
I never saw a eastern whitetail react like that,and I was 90% bow hunting so sometimes would watch them for hours
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This is getting funny. I'm sure you all have some truth to your comments. I'm going to go ahead and listen to the Pros guys. I have the money and I'm buying it...simple.
As hunting guide for trophy elk and deer in New Mexico I get to be in the mountains hunting and observing wildllife alot. Sometimes I'm out 30 to 45 hunting days glassing and stalking, not counting other times working cattle or calling coyotes. I also get to meet folks using some of the latest stuff. I think scent lock suits are a waist of your money. No matter what you are still breathing, exhaling, and some part of your body is exposed to the air. So your scent is in the air. Concern should be more about the wind, using the wind, time of day, using terrain/obstacles to your advantage. Those puffer bottles are one of your best friends. I think it's unscented talcum powder that's in them. Use that stuff up checking breezes. updrafts, downdrafts, and even zero breeze or drafts at times.
I will just agree to disagree with all of you then and keep spending money. lol My money and have plenty to donate to Cabelas

P.T. Barnum loved people like that.

Still look at all of the professionals who wear scent lok and I'm not talking on t.v. ...they wear scent lok people and they wear it for a reason! ..., It has advantages, so if you have the money it's gonna help ya simple!

Sure, it convinces the customer that the guide knows what he/she is doing, and that the guide's scent isn't the reason the elk/deer/moose/antelope was spooked. It's a deterrent to complaints, and gives a good impression to create repeat customers, and word-of-mouth advertisement. People expect guides to have the best stuff when they are shelling out $$$ for that hunt.

Does anybody check the age of the scent lok stuff the guide is wearing? The stuff can only absorb so much.

I was taught to gather materials from the site where you hunt (You are there prior to openning day right?), put them in a trash back and put your clothes in the trashbag.

You smell a little earthy, but I think that is the point.

This is getting funny. I'm sure you all have some truth to your comments. I'm going to go ahead and listen to the Pros guys. I have the money and I'm buying it...simple.

Well I say, go for it. It's all just a matter of priorities, and how much disposable income ya got. If hunting was my only hobby, I might buy them too (well no I wouldn't but I'd be more tempted). But I have about 3 expensive hobbies, and a couple more less expensive ones. Gotta stretch those dollars.

But BTW, the people who called themselves "Pro" hunters (and are also called that by their sponsors and teevee show producers), are for the most part, jokes, at least the TV ones. It takes much much LESS skill to hunt private ranches with no hunting pressure like they do on the TV shows. A PROFESSIONAL is someone who has MORE skill and determination than you and me (Derek Jeter and Sydney Crosby), not less.

Those guys are just TV personalities/celebrities - nothing more or less. A professional hunter is someone who could go into a heavily hunted public land in a populous state, during hunting season, without a guide, where most guys are getting skunked, and come out with the trophy. Do you ever see that on TV? Idonthinkso. Sure, there may be some guides who are indeed "Pros", but I just hope you're not calling the TV hunters "Pros", because they're most certainly not, even though they call themselves that.
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An old trick is to drape your clothes over a cedar bush and let the sun and air do their work. Turn them over after awhile. I do this when taking a break to dry them from sweat and air them out. Also after washing.
I don't think it matters if you smell like apples or a skunk, the human scent is still going to be in there. Wildlife can seperate the smells and detect something is wrong. But I'd rather smell like an apple, easier on me.
Still look at all of the professionals who wear scent lok and I'm not talking on t.v. ...they wear scent lok people and they wear it for a reason! ..., It has advantages, so if you have the money it's gonna help ya simple!

Blackops, are you a "woods ninja"? Seriously, why did you ask for other opinions? It sounds like you already made your mind up.

Oh, for the record, in case no one has ever coined the phrase "woods ninja" I'm claiming it as mine.
This dog says save your money for doggie treats....

This site indicates there are a lot of lawsuits against this company because it does not work, and they lost thier patent too.

I say, people piss thier money away on fancy gadgets that just make them look cool all of the time, so why not. If you got the money, spend it.

I think a good masking scent is cigarettes and a skidder. Loggers see deer all day.
Oh, for the record, in case no one has ever coined the phrase "woods ninja" I'm claiming it as mine.
Oh, that word will appear in the "anti" paperwork quickly then a fox running away with a chicken......:evil:
Blackops, is an elite member of a 3 man tactical deer hunting squad consisting of himself, Gecko45, and an un-named masked companion. Beware their wrath and cunning as you will definitely not be able to smell them, however, you will be able to spot the various logos on their camo.....
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