Scents of the season

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Aug 4, 2004
Funny how, when that "Fresh Earth" cover scent hits me from the wafers, it brings back a flood of memories of fall/hunting/camping/etc. I've grown to love that smell - mmmm, dirt - lol. What smells immediately conjure up the fall/winter hunting seasons for you?

Filson Tin-Cloth. The wax has a distinctive smell.

Wet dog.

Stew simmering on the stove. I love homemade stew (have some going right now), and in the Fall, I make it at least once a week. The critter additive changes based on what's in season, but the rest of the recipe is pretty much the same.
Rotting leaves, definitely. The scent of a buck when you open him up. Try to avoid ever smelling a deer with its stomach cut open. That's a mistake you tend to only make once(knock on wood).


I can't smell much since fall means my allergy season is back! If Im pluged up... Then its fall.... :scrutiny:
ya know, I don't mind the smell of deer guts for some reason - it's strong and not pleasant per se, but it's natural and not unpleasant - UNLESS it's been gutshot or you have accidentally cut open the stomach/intestines.
Rain and cold - you know when you can smell the cold coming in the air? Once that smell hits, I know I've got only another month or so to wait and find myself puttering around, stocking and restocking the vest, cleaning guns, checking ammo.
Cookin' up the last of the venison from last year. Make enough stew to fill a 5 gallon ice cream bucket to freeze and take to deer camp.

The faint musty smell of the "Huntin' Clothes", being pulled out of the storage bags and made ready for another year. (I put the Fresh Earth wafers in the storage bags.)

GGB, the only time I've ever done the big spit (other then having been overserved adult beverages), is when my cousin cut open a deer that he had shot from the rear quarter. It wasn't so much the mess that he made of the intestines and stomach as it was the SMELL. :barf: Paging The Discovery Channel's Mike Rowe, as we needed him to field dress the deer because that was truly a Dirty Job.

That deer got donated to the food bank. :uhoh:
The touch of cooler weather we've had down here has made my neck swell slightly, but mostly it's the "fresh earth" scent and the smell of the cabin when I walk thru it for the first time in a few months. Something about that musty smell gets me going.
OK, couldn't help telling this one. If you want to smell something REALLY nasty, try a gut shot antelope. There's something about that sagebrush hint to the stench that is spectacularly horrible. Don't get me wrong, I have never gut shot one myself but had to gut one for a guy who had tried twice and blew his biscuits both times in the process. (I was laughing my butt off until I realized I had to finish the job) It didn't help that he was shooting 180 grainers out of a 30-06 at 50 yards either. Never did take him hunting again.
AHA!! I'm not the only one.My wife says I'm crazy when I tell her fall is on the way because I can smell it.
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