Security Moms

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She makes many excellent points. Bravo! :)

I want a president who is of one mind, not two, about what must be done to protect our freedom and our borders.


I believe in the right to defend myself, and in America's right to defend itself against its enemies.

Welcome to the minority. :uhoh:
I sent that to my current partner in crime, and her only response was:

"Hell ya! I want to be a security mom some day."

What more could we ask for??? Women (especially mothers) and guns. If only more women would wake up and smell the coffee and act as this one does. We've all seen it in action (momma protecting her cubs) in both the human and animal world... That is the exact stance ALL AMERICAN'S should be taking right now. Screw the other agendas and let's make our country the secure place it should be.....If that requires a total lock down on immigration, our borders, our airways be it. Unfortunately there are alot of Americans who would rather sit on thier big fat keesters as the expect the government/LEO's to protect us all. It ain't gonna happen folks.....As our fore fathers did before us...we will have to take up arms and defend ourselves. It's OUR country, and our RIGHT and no one...especially some jihad ridden fanatic should be allowed to take our freedom from us....
CC permits or not....we owe it to our families, our country and ourselves to defend what is ours....against outsiders and insiders as well!.....mack
Michelle Malkin:
I'm married with two young children. I own a gun. And I vote.
That first point is a bummer. Some lucky guy got a real pearl with her.

Does she have a single sister? ;)
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