Sen has poss stroke. May change Senate.

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Oct 5, 2003
When you find out, let me know..
Sen. Johnson of SD appears to of had a stroke. Regardless
of what parties, etc, I don't wish this on anyone. I have
a last parent who has suffered this terrible illness. Just the
same and I suppose a bit cold hearted, this may change
the way the Senate is controlled which could affect our
gun rights or lack of them in the near future.

WASHINGTON - Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota suffered a possible stroke Wednesday and was taken to a Washington hospital, his office said. If he should be unable to continue to serve, it could halt the scheduled Democratic takeover of the Senate.

Democrats won a 51-49 majority in the November election. South Dakota's governor, who would appoint any temporary replacement, is a Republican.
I don't know the Senator's record on gun rights, but I know
the majority of the Democratic party see em as gun
Poor guy. I don't know anything about him politically and I may very well have disagreed with the guy from here to eternity but I certainly don't wish ill of him. Hope he pulls through with as few issues as possible.
This is sad but would he not be replaced by another Dem?

Will say a prayer for Senator Johnson.

Also it's sad the way the media is making more a deal over Senate control than Mr Johnson's well being and health.
LAR-15, that's because his health (or lack of it) isn't news but the balance of the Senate is VERY MUCH news.

I hope he gets better, but more importantly I hope we have someone in office who is fit to serve the people.
This is sad but would he not be replaced by another Dem?

The governor is a Republican and gets to make appointments. So he will almost certainly pick a Republican. This means we will have a 50/50 split in the Senate. Cheney would have the deciding vote in case of a tie.

I was really hoping the Dems would keep control til Bush goes out of office.
Senate Replacement

South Dakota's governor, who would appoint any temporary replacement . . .

Well . . . senators were ORIGINALLY chosen by the STATE governments.

Who was it said "all politics are local?"
He was our enemy. While I wish he had left office say, under a cloud of scandal, or defeated and humiliated by voters, this will do.

The big question I have, is does the new appointment turn out to be a good guy, or a liberal establishment republican who votes against us like the current windbag? An even bigger question, does this HELP the Democrats? (Come 08, they will be able to use what Republicans used in 2002, that the other side blocked all their reforms in the Senate.)
With a 50-50 Senate, we could see Cheney attending on a regular basis. The Dems would also be extra nice to Leiberman, who is an independent choosing to caucus with the Democrats. What I have a hard time picturing is co-chairmanships of every committee. Since partisanship is the essence of how they operate, nullifying a majority boggles the mind.

It was, but it was also inaccurate. According to FoxNews, he did not have a stroke, he was merely hospitalized. Sadly, he will likely return to attacking our liberties soon. HOPEFULLY, this will weaken him enough that in 08 he cannot run a successful campaign, and a John Thune clone can knock him off. Sadly, I sense a pity vote coming forward and helping keep the vermin in power.
The latest news is that it doesn't appear to be a stroke. He would not be the first Senator to have a CVA and go on to finish his term.
And to continue in the "not very high road" the best thing that could happen for American freedom would be for The Torturer in Chief to have a fatal heart attack while the Minimus "choked on a pretzel" or whatever they're calling an overdose of booze and Bolivian Marching Powder this week. Dodson might support policies you don't like. The cabal of evil men at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have single-handedly shredded the Constitution and used the Bill of Rights for bathroom tissue.
He was our enemy.
Maybe he was yours. I don't consider everyone who disagrees with me to be an enemy.
wooderson, I'm with Somekid on this one.

I don't consider everyone who disagrees with me to be an enemy either.

But those who seek to undermine the Right to Keep and Bear Arms - they are enemies. Make no mistake about that.
Senator Johnson is the guy that Thune almost beat (save for some Reservation-area vote fraud) back in 2002. Thune gamely went up against Daschle, the then Top Democrat in the Senate and whomped him.

It will be tough to find another GOPer to do what Thune to Daschle.

Despite not being pro-2A, I don't wish ill will upon him. That's not High Road and it is Bad Kharma.
I certainly do not wish ill things upon anyone, at least not in this fashion. However, for those folks out there who have never lived in South Dakota, let me make a point. Johnson has NEVER been Pro-second Amendment. In fact, I do not recall a single vote of ANY significance that found him on the side of Second Amendment freedom. Also, big government, tax and spend, keep 'em fed (but not fat), and they won't care what I do two thousand miles away seemed to be an unspoken mantra as well! There were many election years of nuckle busting attempts to dethrone both he and Daschle from there ivory towers. Much to the disbelief of the masses, every election there was a certain stinch of corruption to the elections that kept them in power. I lived there, I called it home, and I fought to send them both packing and unemployed, on many occasions. I failed in my endeavors, but the people of South Dakota finally saw fit to send Daschle on his way. It is sad that they did not do the same for Johnson, but hopefully his time of power feeding at the trough is over. Even if it is a sincerely sad way to go. I do wish him well in recovery, but I also wish him GONE from the pulpit at DC!!!! You don't hear a lot about the "farm and ranch folks" up in South Dakota, they don't have a lot of crime, a lot of lunatics, or a whole lot of people either. Kind of like here in Wyoming, just the way I like it :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, they've still got their problems, just like everywhere else.
I certainly do not wish ill things upon anyone, at least not in this fashion. However, for those folks out there who have never lived in South Dakota, let me make a point. Johnson has NEVER been Pro-second Amendment. In fact, I do not recall a single vote of ANY significance that found him on the side of Second Amendment freedom. Also, big government, tax and spend, keep 'em fed (but not fat), and they won't care what I do two thousand miles away seemed to be an unspoken mantra as well! There were many election years of nuckle busting attempts to dethrone both he and Daschle from there ivory towers. Much to the disbelief of the masses, each election had a certain stinch of corruption that kept them in power. I lived there, I called it home, and I fought to send them both packing and unemployed, on many occasions. I failed in my endeavors, but the people of South Dakota finally saw fit to send Daschle on his way. It is sad that they did not do the same for Johnson, but hopefully his time of power feeding at the trough is over. Even if it is a sincerely sad way to go. I do wish him well in recovery, but I also wish him GONE from the pulpit at DC!!!! You don't hear a lot about the "farm and ranch folks" up in South Dakota, they don't have a lot of crime, a lot of lunatics, or a whole lot of people either. Kind of like here in Wyoming, just the way I like it :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, they've still got their problems, just like everywhere else.
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