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Red Sky

Dec 17, 2012
First, watch (if you can bear):

In this video he says that he supported concealed carry and castle doctrine when they came up but supports every single part of the Obama plan.

Here's his site, on it there's a link to email for his campaign (apparently still hasn't updated) and facebook, among other things. For those in the area you can request an in-person meeting with a form on the page as well.
"There's no reason to have guns out on the street that can kill 10 people in 2 seconds." when asked about banning "assault weapons".

Here's his Facebook page -

I tossed this up on it.
On the Andrea Mitchell show you were asked about the proposed gun prohibition plan from President Obama's press conference. When asked about banning so-called "assault weapons" you said that you were for banning assault weapons and "There's no reason to have guns out on the street that can kill 10 people in 2 seconds."

Apparently you've mistaken a Mini 14 for an M16, a machine gun. The only firearms subject to the proposed ban are semiautomatic rifles like the Mini 14 or the twenty-two caliber 10-22 that fire one shot with each pull of the trigger. Regardless of how hard you try it would be impossible to "kill 10 people in 2 seconds" with a rifle that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Do you not understand the difference between a machine gun and a semiautomatic rifle? And if not why aren't you educating yourself enough on the critical issues important to everyone enough to know that your constituents are going to have twenty-two caliber rifles used by the Scouts and Mini 14 rifles used by ranchers banned if another pointless Assault Weapons Ban is supported by our elected officials?

The violent crime rate has been dropping in America since the last AWB while more and more people are purchasing firearms for traditional sports like target shooting and hunting and as well as for self defense. Even as growing sales of semiautomatic rifles have gone up the murder rate and rate of rifles used in murders has dropped year after year. If more people are purchasing these rifles while the FBI tells us that the murder rate and rate of rifles used in murders have fallen every year then any high school math student can tell you that you can't say guns are increasing murder as murder rates fall.

Please educate yourself on these basic details of the this issue instead of regurgitating misinformation. You owe it to yourself and the people of Texas to not lie through ignorance of the facts.
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