SF lady with Brit accent wants her guns

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The couple say they'll abide by the law and will ask a friend in another city to watch over their handguns.


I think it's just public speak for "I'm not giving up my guns to the cops".
Real Estate Prices in SF

Standing Wolf said:
If she had any sense, she'd let go of her city.

Especially if she owns. Real estate is only comparable in NYC Manhattan. I lived in the SF area for 6 years. People expect to pay $500,000.00 for a 2 bedroom in a not too great neighborhood. Not uncommon to pay $750,000.00 to $1,000,000.00

She could sell and buy a mansion here in PA for that money and have money left over.
"There are other ways that people can defend themselves in their homes," said Bill Barnes, a spokesman for the Prop. H campaign. "Let's say someone breaks into this woman's house and steals her gun and gets in a gunfight. The proliferation of handguns has made the city less safe."

Let's say someone breaks into this woman's house and she SHOOTS HIM DEAD and he never commits crime again. The proliferation of handguns has made the city more safe.

I found it to be a good article, and surprisingly balanced for a left-wing rag like the Chronicle! Hmm, wasn't the Chronicle one of the papers OPPOSED to the spreading of Preparation H? :p

Circumventing state law isn't anything new for San Francisco. Remember the mayor, Newsom, making gay marriage 'legal' with a stroke of his pen? Sadly, I don't know if the state will overturn prop H as they did the Gavin Newsom Decision since the people actually voted for this one :rolleyes:

In the long run, this could help RKBA in California... after the blood of a few thousand defenseless innocents is shed, that is. :fire: Interesting that we may already have at least one newspaper on our side for this one...
Steamship Trooper said:
Is there a Pink Pistols in SF? Wonder why no one heard from them on this issue.

Or maybe they did. I figured a long time ago SF should just declare it's secession from the Union, and take the I-5 corridor with it :evil:

Yes, there was mention that they were VERY opposed. I'd seen one of their posters in the city once, and very un-PC for SF...which is good!

Had a normal-looking guy with a serious expression and what looked like a .357 S&W held properly (I don't know revolvers as well, and it was seen out of a car), and a small statement of "Armed gays don't get bashed."

Hey, good for them.
They pride themselves on being responsible gun owners -- they take regular trips to the range to practice and always keep the bullets separate from the guns.
This is "responsible gun owner" by keeping the bullets seperate from the guns? To me, that is dumb gun owner, if they want to use them for self protection. To me, a long club would be of more use than an unloaded gun.
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