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(In my best English Gentleman accent) I say Old Chap,....wasn't aware that there are other gents that share my interests in fine sporting arms. Why just the other day I was telling the members of the Polo club we should all go to the country for fresh air and a good shoot.

Jeeve's, (my butler), has loaded the Bentley with several Purdy's for the occassion. Of course one should not travel without plenty of sustanance and spirits. Perhaps some cucumber sandwiches on crumpets with cognac?

Jeeve's may be the best gun bearer I have ever employed...his ability to load and hand me firearms for the shoot is unsurpassed.

It has been difficult to find "drivers" to push the game to us in recent years....some safety issue poppycock from the legal staff. Never had problems like that in India.

Perhaps some of you nice gents would join us as we retire to the library to enjoy some fine cigars and cognac. Forget your smoking jacket?....not to worry, I have plenty back at the estate.

ROTFLMAO Rembrandt- You owe me one keyboard... (I gotta quit drinking coffee at the computer). Nice little library you have there :what: I would have to say the Stag over the fireplace DOES clash with the Elephant tusks... Frightfully bad planning there old chap :evil:
I say ol bean, how right you are....Lady Rembrandt has also brought that to my attention. I'll speak to Jeeve's and have those shabby ivory's discarded immediately.

....pardon me, do you have any "Grey Poupon"?
I like fine SxS doubles also I don't think I will ever have a really good Brit shottie though. Right now, my best is the '38 Ithaca 20ga I picked up earlier this year.
I don't mind a little elitism either. I have been known to display some from time to time myself. :)
I have no problem with them wanting play dress up, and having their own rules. CAS does it. Traditional Bowhunter Organizations do it. So on, and so forth. Different Strokes, for different folks. It's all in fun.

Besides they have on fact right. Nothing come's even close to hunting with a Quality SxS. I expect to see a few more on the SC scene, now that Poli has come out with a dang fine, and very well built SC SxS.
Seems to be a lot of dress up and make believe out there, one wonders if us Boomers will ever grow up. Oh what would are fathers say.
I think the dress-up guys insist on conformity because it helps them maintain the illusion that's it's another era, which is the whole point. I used to work at a resort hotel that hosted an annual horse-and-carriage event, and it was the same thing: period carriages, period clothes, even the accessories right down to the picnic baskets, etc. Then there are the "steam people" in England who restore all kinds of steam-driven machinery and hold summertime events that draw thousands of people. It keeps the past alive for people. I think it's great.

One historical inaccuracy that I've noticed with CAS: When you see the old photographs of cowboys, they look kind of undernourished, if you know what I mean...
Funny that you mention that. I recently saw the wedding pic of some great grand parents. My GGF was a sure enough cowboy. Under nourished by present standards indeed. Most of his descendants veer to the other end of the distribution.
Reminds me of the discussions that took place between the hardcore Southern Civil War reenactors (think thin is in) and the less-than-hardcore reenactors in the movie, Gettysburg. Something about the latter being better fed than Lee's real army.

IIRC, the book Confederates in the Attic deals with the subject matter.

Me, I just like to have a good time shooting. If I am forced to live up to someone's else costumed expectations (ie wrong vest or pouch or tweed), fuget-abot-it.
But there's an element of elitism there

I thought freedom of association was part of what America was all about. I don't believe in the false egalitarianism espoused by a lot of netheads who are all for this social crap until it comes to their neighborhood.

Other than that, I can agree with your sentiments, Dave.
Maybe a range session the other day is a good way to finish off this thread.

I used Frankenstein.

Al Clark used a Model 21 Skeet gun in 12 gauge.

Doug Kelly a Parker Double Trap with lots of engraving.

The Other Doug used a Model 12.

Joe used an 870 instead of his pet Beretta O/U.

The game was Chinese Trap, shot from Skeet stations 1,2,6,7, and back behind the 27 yard line for the last 5 shots.

While no one wore a tie, clothing varied from my Black T shirt and cutoffs to Al's color co-ordinated Orvis duds. DK wore an orange vest, TOD a camo shirt.

No one kept score. We had a blast. We applauded everyone's good shots, marvelled at how far Al's 21 could bust birds with that first barrel with less than no choke and enjoyed the company....
What do I think? I think that I strongly resent the elitism that goes hand in hand with the O/U trap & skeet shooters which I've had the displeasure of talking with - they typically are not members of NRA in my experience, and frown upon ownership of handguns and homeland defense rifles. Thus, I don't care to own a gun that symbolizes (to me) that line of thinking. I think that a pump shotgun or semi-auto in the hands of this redneck will do anything that I need it to do, and a few things they can't. I saw a video the other day of a guy -forget his name - that set the world record for shooting 10 clay birds with one throw before they hit the ground. He holds 10 birds in a stack in his left hand, throws them up and out himself, then raises his shotgun and smokes all 10 with his Benelli with extended 9+1 tube - he cracks the last one just 4 or 5 inches above the ground before it hits. Let's see an O/U shooter do that! I have zero use for O/Us - I wouldn't mind having a cheap SxS coach gun, for sentimental reasons, since they're in so many old Western movies, however. Perhaps my view is skewed by my anecdotal experiences. But give this good ol boy and my buddies pumps or semis!

As far as re-enactors, no experience there, so cannot comment.
Tom Knapp is that gentleman's name. It's quite impressive, especially after you try it yourself...heck, I can't even throw the clay birds high enough!!!!
I strongly resent the elitism that goes hand in hand with the O/U trap & skeet shooters which I've had the displeasure of talking with - they typically are not members of NRA in my experience, and frown upon ownership of handguns and homeland defense rifles. Thus, I don't care to own a gun that symbolizes (to me) that line of thinking.
To assign a personality trait to someone because of the kind of gun a he owns is no different than anti-gunners attacking the owners of assault rifles. With this narrow attitude you aren't much different than Sarah Bradey.

To not own a type of gun because you've met some people who own them and have offended you is peculiar. Are you afraid that the mere possession of an over/under will make you into something you don't want to be?
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