sheriff revokes soccer mom's gun permit

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Jul 18, 2008

by The Associated Press Wednesday September 24, 2008, 2:23 PM
LEBANON -- Officials in Pennsylvania have revoked a woman's concealed-weapons permit because other parents complained that she was carrying her loaded handgun at her daughter's soccer games.

Meleanie Hain says she's fighting the revocation by the Lebanon County sheriff.

Hain lost the permit and got a warning from local soccer officials after a game on Sept. 11.

Sheriff Michael DeLeo says openly carrying a weapon to a youth soccer match shows a lack of judgment.

Hain said she has always openly carried a firearm without any problems in the past.

And her lawyer -- Robert Magee -- says that while Pennsylvania requires a permit for a concealed firearm, it doesn't require a license to carry one openly except in Philadelphia.

Good for her. I'm glad she used the law to her advantage. She says in the article that she carries her Glock 26 everywhere for personal protection of her and her children. We need the NRA in on this one. If you want to see more of this go to Personally I would want someone like this at my sons after school activeties.
Sounds like the sheriff needs his "priviledge to hold that office" revoked.

as in "Recall Ballot"
Wow wish OC without a license was legal here lol, I think it's great that women exercise their rights I mean if they know how to use the firearm properly and they use good judgment on when to use it I don't see a problem. Hopefully she gets her CC back.
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