Shocking New Jacket Hits Street

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Dec 25, 2002
the city
the jacket is intended to be an alternative to handguns, pepper sprays and rape whistles.

Go to the website to see "shocking" video of the jacket in action!

Shocking New Jacket Hits Street

By Leander Kahney | Also by this reporter Page 1 of 2 next »

02:00 AM May. 22, 2003 PT

A new anti-assault device for women wards off potential assailants with an 80,000-volt electric shock.

Dubbed "exo-electric armor," the No-Contact Jacket looks like an ordinary fashionable women's coat. But an inner layer of conductive fiber carries a low-amp charge that delivers a nasty but non-lethal shock to anyone who messes with its wearer.

"It's kind of like sticking your finger in a wall socket," said Adam Whiton, one of its designers. "It hurts. If someone tries to grab you from behind, they get the full, hefty shock out of it. That's really painful."

Designed by Whiton, an industrial designer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Yolita Nugent, head designer at Advanced Research Apparel, the jacket is intended to be an alternative to handguns, pepper sprays and rape whistles.

A flip of a switch repels would-be attackers.

Unlike weapons and sprays, the jacket can't be grabbed from a woman and used against her. And it's not as lethal as a gun.

"We initially thought the idea was a little extreme," said Whiton. "But we got a lot of positive feedback. It defends, it protects and it gives confidence to women. By encasing the whole body in this electric fence, it forms a barrier that people just shouldn't enter into."

The jacket is made from Aracon, a conductive fiber developed by DuPont, which is sandwiched between an inner rubber lining which protects the wearer from shocks and an outer layer of waterproof nylon.

Powered by a regular 9-volt battery, which builds a high-voltage but low-amp charge through a series of step-up circuits, the jacket uses technology similar to the circuitry in stun guns and bark-deterring dog collars. While the charge is enough to deliver a jolt, it won't kill anyone, Whiton said.

To prevent accidental discharges, the wearer must arm the jacket before it can deliver a shock. A lock on the sleeve must first be opened with a key, and then the charge is built up by holding down a button inside one of the sleeves.

The idea is to charge it only in threatening situations or when the wearer feels vulnerable, Whiton said. A woman might arm it when she's walking to her car at night, for instance.

When charged, the jacket crackles audibly. A pair of slits in the outer lining shows the electric arcs that course across the entire middle layer. It's an impressive display of the jacket's power.

When charged, the jacket sparks and emits an "evil" crackling sound.
Whiton said the "really evil crackling sound" makes him flinch involuntarily: The shocks he received testing the jacket conditioned him to associate the sound with pain.

The jacket is designed for women only. Its small size and narrow armholes are intended to prevent men from using it as an offensive weapon. Whiton conceded that women could use it offensively, and that it would be hard for police to arrest anyone wearing one.

Three female volunteers currently are testing prototypes in the field. The designers plan to put it into limited production by the end of the year. It should cost around $1,000. They are approaching apparel manufacturers who might mass-produce it and thereby lower the cost.

Whiton said he has consulted with lawyers about potential liability issues, and has been given the green light. As long as the jacket is not used to commit a crime, there shouldn't be any problems, he said.

Steve Tuttle, a spokesman for stun-gun manufacturer Taser International, concurred that Whiton and Nugent were unlikely to face lawsuits as long as the jacket is used for self-defense.

"We've never been sued for civilian usage or product liability claims, and we've been in business for nine years," he said.

However, attorney Margot Barg, a product liability specialist based in the San Francisco Bay Area, said claims may arise if the wearer is shocked.

"You might run into some problems if it shocked the person wearing it," she said.

Although the jacket is designed for women, there might be a market for a men's version. Tuttle said Tasers originally were marketed as self-defense devices for women, but the company sells as many to men as to women.

In fact, statistics from the Department of Justice show men are more likely to be victims of violent crime than women.

In addition, most violent crime against women is committed not by strangers, but by people they know.

According to the Department of Justice, 5.7 million violent personal crimes -- rapes, robberies, assaults -- were reported in 2001, the most recent year for which figures are available. Men accounted for 3.1 million victims and women for 2.6 million. Of the crimes against women, 32 percent were committed by strangers, while the remaining 68 percent were committed by family members, friends or acquaintances.

One of the jacket's testers, geologist Elizabeth Zbinden, said she wears the jacket frequently -- not for protection, but because it looks good.

"It's an attractive jacket," she said. "It's the highest fashion, (the) most haute couture thing I own."

Zbinden said she charges up the jacket only to show it off to friends, who are "suitably awed." The only person she's shocked has been her test subject -- her husband.

"I've never had an occasion to use it," she said. "I guess I don't lead a very hazardous or frightened life. I'm not the kind of person who carries pepper spray in my purse.... My life is such that I don't need to be afraid.",1282,58914,00.html
Beats me- but let's hope little Johnny doesn't come running up to give Auntie Mae a big hug at the wrong time.:rolleyes:
Way cool. I like the part about it snapping and sparking

Wow, picture ALL the ladies "snapping and sparking" down the street. :D

What would happen if two charged gals accidently bumped into each other?
As long as the jacket is not used to commit a crime, there shouldn't be any problems, he said.

Right, so what kind of special actions are the manufacturers/sellers going to take to prevent these jackets from being sold to criminals in Chicago, New York, etc ....?
</devils advocate> :neener:

Besides, wouldn't it be simpler to make porcupine fur coats? :)

I could start a new career as a porcupine hunter :D

To prevent accidental discharges, the wearer must arm the jacket before it can deliver a shock. A lock on the sleeve must first be opened with a key, and then the charge is built up by holding down a button inside one of the sleeves.

If you have children, they'll make you keep the coat in a safe. You can get coat locks from any fire deaprtment, and there will be billboards all over your city warning of the dangers of unlocked coats.

I'd like to see an Assault Jacket Ban, myself.

"Husband Hugs Wife, Dies Of Heart Attack"

"D.A. not sure whether to charge (get it, charge :neener: ) woman with crime. The shocking story at 11.":evil:
By the time you figure out there is as threat, do you have enough time to 'charge up'?

How long does it take to recharge?

OK in theory, but how does it work in practice ? ? ?

If it takes 30 seconds to charge/recharge, doesn't seem worthwhile to me. I rank this one right up there with the "wire brush DNA sample gatherer" that was being promoted some time last year.
So, this would likely be very dangerous to any with pacemakers, implanted hearing devices, time-release subdermal medication, and possibly even wearers of contacts. . .

Idiotic. Toss a water balloon on one wearing it. EMS providers would not risk cutting the garment away. Activating the garment could be considered "menacing." The garment could ignite pepper spray (as the common propellant is propane), not to mention cigarette lighters, perfumes, hair spray, and so on.
The jacket is designed for women only. Its small size and narrow armholes are intended to prevent men from using it ...

"Fat chicks need not apply, we don't give a damn about YOUR safety!"

Bad enough the fashion industry believes only women who are small are the only ones deserving of nice clothes, now someone who is trying to sell safety is doing the same thing. This guy must live in his parents basement and doesn't realize that women come in all shapes and sizes.

Now, he must also not believe men come in all sizes either, I know a lot of guys who can fit nicely into women's jackets as they are all of slight build.

That reaction aside, from a woman's point of view, WHAT A JOKE! This is right up there with the bra that had the safety shrieker built. Give me my pepperspray and a nice .357 and I'll be happy thank you very much :D
"As I understand it", the black jackets deliver MORE of a shock than the red jackets. Therefore they are MORE dangerous and should be banned. These jackets have only one purpose, to injure HUMANS!
It's for the children, you know.
I find this a shocking concept, especially if worn in DC. Watt are we to make of this electrifyingly stupid concept, sure to get woman all amped up to meet resistance only to find it is inadequate to a charge by a powerful, wired adversary.

By the time you figure out there is as threat, do you have enough time to 'charge up'?
How long does it take to recharge?
OK in theory, but how does it work in practice ? ? ?

One presumes that it is essentially a large stun-gun, so "charging it up" would amount to the time it takes to charge the self-inducing coil - about 1/4-1/2 of a sec. for a stun gun.

It appears from the video on the site that the woman testing it powers it up when grabbed.

To defeat the jacket:
Hit the wearer in the head with an Ax handle or base ball bat before grabbing them.
I'm sure this will take the crimminals 10 seconds to figure out.

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's wearing electric clothing! [insert picture of a crowd]


There - I just sent off am email accusing them of discrimination against gays - that should confuse their little PC world.

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One part in the rage against self-defense is that self-defense may seem like individualism, self-reliance . . . . while a good idea, not the "right kind of thinking".

Hence, "Don't get the jacket, the rapist will just turn it inside out and wrap you in it to shut you up".

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