Shooting a replica Japanese ‘Tanegashima’ snap matchlock


Jun 2, 2023
Luckily we still have some youths interested in MZL'ding and this young man in particular is enamored with these Japanese fire locks! Yes, they were fired from the cheek, as they derived from the Portuguese 'Goa', circa 1500s. Recall that in many places troops were still wearing an armored chest plate and it is impossible to shoulder one like we do nowadays ... so that is why many early fire locks were fired from the cheek as 'cheek stocked' arms or were held out in front of you as you shot, e.g., Petronels.

In use, the recoil is no worse on your cheek that what you'd experience shootin' a full stocked arms, but yes ... 'tis felt a bit more with FULL service loads, lol!

Tang1.jpeg Tang2.jpeg Tang3.jpeg
Matchlock is an experience to shoot. Handling the match, especially on the range, is tricky - but coping with a failure to fire is the real headache.
No shooting glasses ?!! If ever there was a time when shooting glasses should be worn. . .
Yes sir @Starter52, you are most correct! I was with him to make sure he practiced safe match management ... what with a lit matchcord and black powdah around. So yeah ... that got by me too ... oops! I sent the photos to his Mother and she flipped when she noticed that, haha!