Shooting with Declining Eyesight

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I was driving to work the other day and heard a radio commercial for "Multi-Focal Implants" to repair age related eyesight issues..

I have done some internet searches related to it.. it claims that it is just like a cataract procdure, and it will prevent cataracts later in life... it is supposed to cure what ails us on this issue... can't tell much about he pricing, but there was one site that mentioned between 3500 to 5000 and eye... Pretty pricy for most all of us... however, it would really be nice not to have to wear glasses all the time again..

Here is but one of many websites that speak of it... this one is in Denver.. but it it she 1st one that I found on this search.. they seem to be all over the country..
Isn't the idea to focus on the front sight, and the target and rear sight to be
blurry when aiming?
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