Silicone gun socks

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May 27, 2012
I got some silicone impregnated gun socks, but I've never used one, I've read great things about them though. How reusable are they? How long do they last?
I keep all of my uncased rifles in them and have never had a corrosion problem. However I live in a very dry climate [less than 20% humidity most of the time].
I've had one on a Marlin 795 for nearly a year(since the last time I shot it) and have only taken it out of the sock once since then.....overall it's the best $6 I spent. The fabric is not being stretched out, the oil hasn't dried out, and the gun looks like new. And I live in an area of wild temperature fluctuations from high humidity and 90's in the summer to 20's in the winter.

As for being re-usable what do you mean? You can use it on any gun as long as it fits in the sock.
All of them I have been around take on a strong foul smell after awhile. Hard to get rid of. I'll never have another.
I like em. I moved from AZ to oregon about a year ago, not a spec of rust on my guns. I'm moving to Indiana in a month and will continue to use them. Keeps em rust free, and helps keep em from getting marred up. I bought a bunch of pistol ones which I feel stupid over. Just get the rifle one for pistol, cut and sew in a string to pull closed, I paid the sale amount per gun sock as rifle, coulda saved myself some money. Oh well, live and learn, good products.
I don't know, never worn one out and I imagine you could use some spray silicone waterproofer used for tents and such to refresh the protection. Or just buy a new one, they are pretty cheap insurance.
I wipe my guns down with a bit of CLP or the Rem Oil patches (wearing nitril gloves) and store them in the yellow Winchester branded silicone gun cleaning cloths. Never had any rust issues.
Can I extend the question. Is ok to leave a weapon in a Silicon Sock and store it in a fire safe with a dri-rod?
I have a silicone sock for each of my long guns. They are great way to keep rust off your rifle if you don't have a climate controlled safe, or you are storing a weapon for a long time. I used them as a temporary solution until I got my safe back. Now I use them to transport long guns to and from the range on rainy or muggy days. The rest I will use for heirloom rifles. As to how long they last I am not sure. I used mine for about a year with regular checks for rust (never found any.) They are great for protecting scopes if you get the right width.

My only complaint with them is minor. They take a few minutes to put on and take off if they are like the ones I got from Cabelas. Not a big deal if it is a rifle you don't plan on shooting often. So don't stick your loaded HD shotgun in one for quick access.
They sound great. I wish I'd known about them before. I'm admittedly terrible at removing rust. I've heard people here say to use 0000 steel wool, but it doesn't really seem to do anything. I guess I'm not doing it right.
Sorry to dredge up an old topic, but I thought this would be better than creating a new string on a topic I had a question on.

Can someone tell me how often to refresh the silicone on the socks? I'm in a dry climate, but I like to use "belt & suspenders" approach to rust protection. Dry climate and I use dessicant containers - but I keep all my long guns in silicone socks as well. In addition to the rust prevention, I like the fact that I can fit more long guns in my safe and still avoid dings. But, how often do you refresh the silicone on the socks?
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