singer sewing machine oil

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While I generally buy oils labeled “gun oil”, I’d use sewing machine oil in a heart beat.

These days, synthetic motor oils are probably a good option. I guess the only question would be if the additives in motor oil would be detrimental to firearms in the long one.

For long term storage, grease is an issue as the lubricant evaporates over time leaving the clay carrier. Guns that I do not shoot often but require grease lubrication, I store coated with oil then grease the firearm just before shooting.

Products likke Break Free seem to last well.

WD-40’is not designed to be a lubricant but a moisture displacer.
I long term (over 5 yrs) I coat the metal with Rigg gun grease, than clean it off before using
For the past sixty years or so I've used a 50/50 mix of automotive motor oil and Three-In-One machine oil. Works for me as a lube and rust preventative. Never seen any need to change, stubborn cuss that I am!

This Vaquero stays in a shop towel-lined cigar box in my workshop. Temperatures vary from 105* to 20*, humidity usually just below 100% (no drowning deaths have occurred yet) and its done quite well.


Bob Wright

I had also read that the Singer 1911 was fine, but they did not take full potential of the high tolerances and precision that Singer was capable of. They ended up having them make bomb sights which was a lot more of a precision instrument than a 1911 singer-1911 a-really-well-made-special-gun
I didn’t read the entire thread but I did see mention of bicycle chains...I’ve rebuilt a few bicycles in my life as a hobby and I can unequivocally say I avoid any sort of cleaning style oil. If you want a squeaky chain that’s the fastest way to it and the protection won’t last. I imagine many other applications are similar.

WD-40 has one use on bicycles: de-gumming shifters. Apart from that, Tri-Flow for cables, same with chain or try some White Lightning with wax. These can suspend grime between wipe downs and reapplication.

Some of these bikes, both steel and aluminum rolled out in the ‘80s and are still going strong because the apocalypse won’t be gasoline powered.










After all the shouting and arm waving is over ... Singer Sewing Machine Oil and good old 3 in 1 Oil (still being made) are fine light oils ... in fact 3-In -One stands for ...Cleans , Lubricates and Protects ... it's over 125 years old and you thought CLP was something new ! Nope ...CLP just a rip off of 3-in-one oil ... ain't nothing new with lubes but the advertising hype .
Singer Sewing Machine Oil is a similar oil ... both are great for use on firearms !
Yes, his cat has a dip stick.
He can pull it out ok but has a heck of a time getting it back in.
On point, I actually have used singer sewing machine oil, and it works just like 3in1 or hoppes gun oil. I like those as opposed to a "super" oil.
I use simple green too clean up the bicycle drive train. Once the parts are dry, apply wax lube (white lightning) on the chain and multipurpose light oil lube on the derailleur pivot points. This has worked for me for over 20 years.
For firearms, 3in1 (or other light oil I have available) and CLP. I like the idea of mixing the light oil with motor oil. Never used sewing machine oil.
just for testing i once used liqui moly and it worked great

I bought a ring gun and I was surprised by its usefulness
For years all I used and still do is WD40, 3 in1 oil and Hoppe's #9.............Cleaned with the Hoppes and WD40 and lubed with 3 in 1.......And I'll BET my guns are still as nice as yours.
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