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So beautiful, majesty creatures. DIE!!!!!!

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Nov 27, 2011
I dont get this. Im getting into hunting. This is my first year. I want to kill a deer/ducks for a few reason.
1) i want the meat
2) i want a stuffed duck and a set of antlers
3) to test myself to see if im capable of being a hunter.

So im watching and reading EVERYTHING i can. EVERYTHING. Im watching this show and these guys are sitting there talking about this deer they are getting ready to shoot.. It goes like this.

"we have tracked this deer all day. Its so beautiful, majestic, pretty creature. They are an amazing animal," *pause*.......... BOOOOOMMMM!!!

Next picture is them standing over it. ***!!!. Sure, the deers are pretty, but if you loved something that much, why the hell are you killing it? I just dont get this for some reason. Someone fill me in? If i truely thought that much of the pretty ducks and deers, i wouldnt kill them. Unless i was starving.

I hear that every time I watch a hunting show. And I dont really understand it either. I'm a whitetail hunter and I do believe that they are beautiful animals. But a chest freezer full of meat is also beautiful. I certainly dont talk about how beautiful a deer is before i 86 it. Like Penn and Teller say "when you put a camera in front of people they say stupid things"
All the deer family are beautiful, majestic creatures (Except the damn Moose. Them things are as ugly as sin) and that thought actually does cross my mind while watching them right before I drop them. Just because one thinks they are beautiful does not countermand ones predator instinct. Our drive to hunt is as primal as it gets. Just being out hunting and being one with nature is what does it for me. Getting a deer or whatever I happen to be hunting is just icing on an already bountiful cake.
Sure, the deers are pretty, but if you loved something that much, why the hell are you killing it?
It's deer. There is no 's' on the end of deer, antelope, elk, etc.

They never said that they loved it, just that it was an impressive animal, which you agree with.
Just because you shoot/harvest an animal, doesn't disqualify it from being beautiful or magnificent. Why would there be a dilemma?
Elk are beautiful, and there are none so beautiful as the one in the cross hairs. Seeing that an animal is beautiful and respecting it as such does not mean that I would not gladly shoot it and stuff my freezer with it's meat.
I couldn't kill a deer or elk while simultaneously appreciating it's beauty or grace. No disrespect to anyone else who does things differently, but to me, that seems pretty cold and calloused.

I would have to put up some mental barrier before taking the shot. I wouldn't be thinking of the animal as a beautiful, graceful, majestic, innocent creature. I would need to think of it as a steak, or a cheeseburger.

If I want to appreciate the beauty of an animal, I'll go out in the woods with a camera, not a rifle or bow. Two different purposes for being out, two different mindsets, two different sets of tools.

Not that it's morally wrong; I just couldn't bring myself to do mix them. It's a personal thing. Heck, maybe it's even a mental weakness. I don't know.

I'll bet that if I were out hunting and saw a truly magnificent buck, and got to thinking about how graceful and majestic he was, I wouldn't be able to kill him anymore. I would need to have that mental block in place.
I pray and tell the animal's spirit I'm sorry for killing them, but thanks for giving their life to sustain mine(and then commence to bleed them out). Just respect for the circle of life... I don't kiss them or act like a tool getting all hyped up, though.

And I agree, the ppl on those shows tend to come off as jack-@$$es. Not all, but a significant amount. The blond guy with the bowl cut in particular.. *muah* yuk yuk YEAH!!.. have I mentioned how much i despise *trophy hunters?
I pray and tell the animal's spirit I'm sorry for killing them, but thanks for giving their life to sustain mine(and then commence to bleed them out). Just respect for the circle of life... I don't kiss them or act like a tool getting all hyped up, though.

And I agree, the ppl on those shows tend to come off as jack-@$$es. Not all, but a significant amount. The blond guy with the bowl cut in particular.. *muah* yuk yuk YEAH!!.. have I mentioned how much i despise *trophy hunters?

Very close to my perspective. The animal's life is a gift. Respect it and recognize the beauty, then consume it.
There is room for all of God's creatures...right next to the mashed potatoes.

I get too much pleasure out of watching squirrel antics to want to hunt the little buggers. Anyway they're not much to eat. Ducks I'm more likely to shoot with a camera than a 12-gauge. Deer are tasty, and I'd as soon kill a hog as look at it.

As a practical matter, hunting is an important part of managing the populations of certain species - deer in particular.
You know....I dont think I could eat anything i thought was ugly...call me prissy, but i LIKE pretty food :p
I've had someone tell me once that 'cute animals are not meant for food because all cute animals taste horrible... but ugly animals are meant for eating because they taste great.... cows, pigs, and chickens are ugly and taste awesome, but deer and bunnies are cute and taste like crap'

So of course I had to explain to her that cows, pigs and chickens are farm raised on corn and oats, which has a lot to do with the end product. Besides properly bleeding out the animals because burnt blood will ruin meat.. whoever produced your wild game obviously didn't know what they were doing if it was nasty.

So she asked how I do it. Well, after the bleeding process, I soak the meat in mild oil&vinegar solution for a about a half hour before adding seasonings and let marinade at least over-night. And be sure the heat isn't too high. I left out the part about soaking my wild game in water/washing(to ensure as much blood is removed as is possible) before I marinade though. That last part is especially neccesary if you can't/don't hang-bleed the animal during slaughter.
I think the hunting shows are trying to vocalize their thoughts to give the viewer more of the experience of hunting that can't necessarily be watched. People don't usually see deer on a daily basis like you do your pet dog. So naturally when you initially see a deer that you are hunting, you are momentarily awestruck. If it's good one, that feeling is bigger. You're thinking about the size of the animal or the quality of it's rack. Essentially you're mentally judging the animal and adding to the list of reasons to take it. If you don't have enough reasons, you wait for another animal that gives them to you. I think they're doing this aloud so you know what's going on mentally for the hunter.
^^^ Yes, but many of them play it up waaay too much and comment way too much on the deer's antlers and not nearly enough on the animals' size or how much meat they harvested or how good it tastes, or how much more lean/nutritious it is than a big-mac or quadripple bacona nd cheese whopper... The shows focus too much on the trophy, and not enough on the hunt or the meat harvest. Honor is almost completely removed from the equation IMO. ESPECIALLY when they skip scenes to cut out the 'boring' parts of the stalk. Get maybe a couplle minutes of stalking, contemplating which one to harvest, following a blood-trail... and then "OMG look at these antlers. this is what it's all about" They mention the HUNT, but not enough to count for much.

Not in ALL cases, but in most.
Zombiphobia, they only have 30 minutes (actually only 21 minutes after commercials) to get in. So really, after taking time to make sure they plug the 300 sponsors they have, and talking about the "rack" there just isn't enough time to talk about the actual important things such as what you mentioned.
I agree Zombie. Most of those sponsored guys don't even eat the meat. They donate it and they have people who take care of it for them. After they pose with the animal after the kill they part ways with it only to see the head mounted at a later date. Yes, most of the honor has been perverted. I agree with you.
I wouldn't want to hunt something that wasn't awesome to observe. Call me a deer hugger but I am gonna give that sucker a thank you hug and thank the powers that be for allowing me the harvest. Sure there have been a few times when I was so caught up in watching some bull elk fight that I almost waited too long for my shot. I still shot even though I could have otherwise been very satified making a video of their majestic nature. Well that is until I had to go to the grocerie store and buy hormone and antibiotic infested meat to feed the family. No thanks on the farm raised anything. If it were up to me I'd eat those beautiful grouse's, pheasant's, chukar's, deer's, elk's, moose's....lol Point being I respect the animals I hunt for food and wish them a quick painless exit from their beautiful life. I also really appreciate the beauty of the ones that are on my wall. CD
Y'know, there are some things about which I just don't worry. So Bambi is a beauteous creature. So what? The hunt is fun and the thought of yummy-tasty after the butcher's work is done sustains one's soul.
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