So what do you do with your gun at night?

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Tried it once many years ago. didn't work

The Speedvault did not work? They look pretty good. Quick, yet secure access.
I keep my home defense gun (G17) in here all the time along with a couple spare magazines. At night I started putting my EDC weapon (G26) inside as well. Not too much extra space in the standard size, but a second handgun will fit laying to the right side (strut is mounted on the left for opening the door).

FAS1 SAFE Video Clip

How about mounting a single-gun lock box inside the bedroom closet above the door.

Unlock it when you go to bed. Lock it up again when you leave the bedroom for any length of time (if you leave the gun in it).

If you want your gun closer to you than your bedroom closet, get a headboard with cubbyholes that cannot be opened without whacking you on the head.

Lost Sheep
I have a GunVault next to the bed - the kind with a hand shape imprinted into the metal top with buttons you push. I can open it in about 2 seconds.

I'm about to get married and the new Ball & Chain may not like the vault as a furniture-topper. I just today ordered one of those holsters that hangs on the side of the mattress. Oh yeah, no kids or else this might not be a wise option.
I have a GunVault next to the bed - the kind with a hand shape imprinted into the metal top with buttons you push. I can open it in about 2 seconds.
I have one of those as well, for those unexpected visits from kids. I would recommend that to anybody. I don't have kids though, so my EDC comes out of the holster and simply goes on the bed stand next to me.
I have a GunVault next to the bed - the kind with a hand shape imprinted into the metal top with buttons you push. I can open it in about 2 seconds.
I have one of those as well, for those unexpected visits from kids. I would recommend that to anybody. I don't have kids though, so my EDC comes out of the holster and simply goes on the bed stand next to me.

Another gun vault owner here. I keep it on the floor next to my bed so I can just swing an arm over, hit the button combo and presto, armed and ready to go.

Also keep the bedroom door locked. Kids of 6 and 8 can wait for us to wake up, and they are not allowed much in the bedroom anyway. Also, as someone else mentioned. Why make it easy for someone to get into your room?
Mine sits on my nightstand, one in the chamber, safety on, snapped in its holster.

I also have young children, but they are old enough to know not to touch it without permission. Educate your kids as a starter. A quick access biometric pistol safe on the nightstand might be easier to handle than fumbling around with keys at 3am, half asleep, in the dark.
Raised 3 boys with guns in the home....had them out huntin' and shootin' at 10 yrs. old...never had any problems because they were raised to always respect they're in there 30's and on their you raise them is what's important.
One of those bedside pistol vaults ought to do the trick... that is, if you're talking about a handgun.

But every bit as important, you NEED to teach your kids STOP! DON'T TOUCH without an adult to help.

I taught my kids from age 0 exactly that. Then, I took each of my kids out at age 5 and shot a cantaloupe with a face drawn on it from 10 feet with a 9mm hollowpoint. I said "see, this is why you must not play with this!" Then I proceed to teach safe shooting with a BB gun and .22.

They both RESPECT, but don't fear guns. My younger girl hunts with me. The elder doesn't like shooting because the ear muffs hurt her head.
I don't like being on the other side of a lock. The shotgun and the semi-auto pistol are both loaded, but with an empty chamber. My kids are way too young to cycle them so I feel safe, along with the constant training and de-mystifying we do with them.
In case you didn't read the earlier posts, my kids DO know not to touch the firearms. That is not the issue. But it is a concern. Anyone with kids knows that they are unpredictable and sometimes make stupid choices for no apparent reason. I'd rather sleep well with the firearms locked up in a secure, yet quick access location.

As for locking the door, not going to happen in this house. It's a 90 year old house with original doors and latches. No locks on the bedroom doors and we don't want to modify them. Older kids stay out, toddler doesn't.

She won't let you have a dog? I am so sad for you.

Makes me sad too. I like dogs.

Looks like the general consensus is to get a gunvault.
Thanks everyone.
Nightstand always has 2 to 3 loaded pistols on it at night (at least one with a tac light) and spare mags about for those. My fiancé is a good shot so I'll pass her one and get one for myself.

I have no kids, and no dog but I do have my main safe within 4 feet of the bed so the 12 gauge is in there along with a whole host of other things which virtually guarantee a win on our part.

Unfortunately for us the locked bedroom door doesn't really work as our bedroom has a door directly to the outside (and one into our main hall). Speed is the name of the game if something happened around here, plus we live in an area already renowned for it's home invasion robberies.

We also have a cat which is CRAZY, she doesn't miss much and her perking up at night is good enough for me to check out a noise. Hopefully a burglar would at least trip over her on the way in and make some noise.
House is alarmed.

Ruger SR9 with a rail light on the nightstand with a 380 lumen flashlight along side it. Also have a AR-15 carbine (at arms reach)with a AimPoint and a PVS-14 just in case I don't want to turn on the lights.

I also have two shep/lab dogs who don't miss a trick. If I'm in the house they come to me and alert me without barking. They both have IR reflective collars to identify them in the dark.
A SXS 12ga 18" with a shortened stock is available if needed.

Some say I'm paranoid ,but I sleep well at night.
Lock your door and get a baby monitor thats what we do at night. I keep both of my pistols in my night stand during the day they go in the closet that has a lock. I keep a acn of bear spray around in case I cant get to them in a hurry during the day. I keep it on top of the fridge. And i have a big dog helps alot to keep ppl away with ill intentions. And he is very protective of the kids.
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